Below are user reviews of Myst Masterpiece Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 55)
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a game of challenge
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User
When I first started on Myst, I loved the music, especially when I got to certain points. You must have an eye for detail or you will miss the important clues. At times, I felt as if I was really there. I really loved it when I found a blue or red page, that meant I was closer to solving the mysteries. At times I got frustrated, but that's all part of the fun. The best island I think was the one in the book hidden in the ship. I am really looking forward to Riven!!!
A great experience
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I really enjoyed a lot playing this game. The graphics, the music, the sound, everything takes you to a whole new world with a whole new set of rules. It would have been nicer to interact with other characters (AI). That would have added the fifth star.
Anyways, great game!!!
Can't Play anymore
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I loved this game and use to play it all the time but I can't anymore. I upgraded my computer to Windows 2000 NT. this game dosen't work for that. I think they should make the game upgradeable to. I couldn't find any for the old game. If anyone reads this and knows, please email me.
Cool game but needs more to it
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 19, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I think the Myst Masterpiece Edition is a pretty cool game, but it needs better graphics. RealMyst is much better. I just find the Myst Masterpiece Edition not realistic enough.
Vibrant, creative and original
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 28, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I originally picked this game up when it first came out. I remember how many people raved about its originality and its amazing game play. Compared to other games I've played in that era I definitely have to agree that it was very original. I must've been about eleven or twelve when it was first released. I will admit that while playing this game as a kid I couldn't figure anything out and I played it for many hours scratching my head trying to figure it out. Eventually I got to the point where I gave up and had to use the walkthrough guide. This game was really quite enthralling with very interesting and complex worlds regardless of my first experience.
I recently replayed the game and even over a decade later I still have the same thoughts. However, some of the games limitations became much more apparent to me. Basically you're thrust into a world and have to use the discovery method to figure things out. You go around click a few switches here, turn a tower there, very elementary and obvious stuff right? Not really, but I will say that I think I was playing the game at the wrong age. I think I was a bit too young to see the obviousness of the puzzles. What took me months to work out at age eleven, took me a few minutes at my current age. I was seriously able to blow through this game in a few hours and this was actually the first time I've played since the last time that many years ago. I remember a few of the basic things, but I couldn't remember much of anything about the other worlds you link to.
The general story premise is that you somehow end up on Myst Island, presumably you linked there from some other book on your home plane of existence and you teleported to this one. Anyway, you find the island uninhabited, but it's obvious that people were once here. There's a little building with a library in it, but most of the books are burnt. Clearly something is amiss. There are two other books on pedestals to the right and left, when you open them you find people trapped inside. I would later learn these are called prison Ages. Both prisoners, naturally, want to be released and ask you to help them. The object of the game is to find all the missing pages of their books so you can release them. The basic setup of the world is that the books are more than just books; they are gateways to other worlds. The worlds in the Myst universe are called Ages and you get back to your original location by using a linking book. It's actually a really creative concept! The world is vastly different and they actually used live actors for the scenes in the game. You have to realize that this was practically revolutionary when it was first coming out. It wasn't the same kind of live actor design Mortal Kombat was using, they were actually having people act in a blue screen environment then transporting them into the Myst world.
Myst was really a ground breaking game when it was first released. It's partially a puzzle game and part mystery. The way people could interact with small portions of the environment and see their effects was really interesting as well. Basically you have to find out why the two brothers are so accusatory of each other and why they were imprisoned. You find out more as you find more pages on different Ages, which is where the puzzle part comes in. You get clues on Myst Island in order to find ways to get access to the other ages. Then once you're on that Age you have to figure out how to get back!
It's actually a really fun game except for the fact that after you solve an island you can only bring a page back with you. But then you have to do that a second time if you want to bring the other page back. Now it's not nearly that bad, all your solutions are still done and it's much quicker to run through the age the second time, but it's the fact you HAVE to do it a second time. For example, if I find the blue page on the other age and then I find the red page, I can't carry them both back with me. That's kind of annoying that you can't carry two, you really see the games limitation at this point. So I bring the blue page back and listen to that guys new message, then I have to go back to the Age and get the red page then come back and listen to his message. You have to do this every time, and that's what lost a star for this game. It's rather inconvenient.
Overall this is one of the more creative games developed in recent times. The story line is vibrant and it has a shock ending that you don't really guess until you get there. There are actually three different possible endings for this, which is pretty cool. So save your game before you're about to beat it, then you can reload it and watch another separate one!
Don't waste your money
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 6
Date: June 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This is an interactive slide-show not a game. There are much better adventure/puzzle games available such as The Longest Journey and Grim Fandango. Enough said.
Not a game I'd spend HOURS on
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: June 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User
At first when I played the game it was fun, solving puzzles, walking around the island but otherwise overall the game was boring. this may seem funny but i only played the game for three days and my brothers are already sick of it! The Puzzles are basicly impossible and you can barely run it on a Pentium 90. I wouldnt get the game if i were you. Its a waste of money. Save it to buy something more important. "New Features" my foot. New things just to slow you down. And you cant even tell weather you've beaten a puzzle or not! DONT GET THIS GAME!
really Boring!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 17
Date: July 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I could not stand the limited action and slow graphics of Myst. It reminds me of my brothers I.Q. You should learn from the real gamesb such as: Pac Man and my all time favorite pong. I hope you come out with a game that I can make a profit from in the near feture
I must have "Myst" something.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: April 04, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I just don't get the whole thing. Kind of boring if you ask me. I would have given it one star but it did come with a good free "Chess Master" game. Oh well!
okay game
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: December 25, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game was okay. but if you havent played many stratagy games then this one isnt for you! i dont game that much and i had to go online to look for cheats, its confusing and frustrating.
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