Below are user reviews of ToeJam & Earl and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for ToeJam & Earl.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 17)
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FudgeCake from the Chocolate City
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 10
Date: June 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Quit exposing the pitifullness of yourself for the lack analytcal prowess within the concept of "groove and move." Grow your Weiner through the ranks to Lord of Funk, and layout trademark skidmarks of your powerful knowledge upon the green grass of planet Earth. Wit funk so sweetly stank it will make your boogers run South for the winter and drive the maggots from your brain. Try to play the basslines yourself and your fingers will hurt and smell like a long night of love. This training becomes necessary, however, because wiffout proper education, the boogieman will rip your face off, moles will shake you down for your SantaClaus bestowals, mailboxes will rise up to feast upon your third leg, or perhaps your pants will fall down in front of a Hula-Girl. Such ricoculosity will demand shouts of "what you means" at your poor television set, unless you pay the solid wisdom of the Galatic repository to identify boom-boxes and slingshots for a mere $2 a pop. Whence this fortune originates lies deeply concealed in the fruit of the carrot, and is not made for even a Rapmaster to contemplate... however, with this knowledge you may go forth and bludgeon Dental Malpracticionators, Geekus Dorkia, and hordes of Satanic fatbodies whilst they slither and slather helplessly to the beautiful funky -all about the ol' style- beats.
Don't go back to Funkotron. This is a word of warning: Funkotron is full of a Panic, and is not worth your troubles once you commandeer Earf. Instead, fly your ship down to level 0 and live out your lives in the hot tub with Hula Babies, drinking lemonade and eating imported foods. Word to the (extremely wise): any earthling opened at the bottom of the world is a chaste polynesian long black haired booty shakin lover of Dufusses, Homies and the alien like.
Toejam and Earl III is all about love, so go for it by all means. Just remember to ground you self firmly in the Relaxed Atmosphere of this Genesistical Perfection.
If this review wasn't helpful to you, you never knew -and you'll probably end up as undignified roadkill of a phantom Ice Cream Truck.
unrecognized classic
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: June 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Though it rarely gets the attention it deserves, Toejam and Earl is positively the best game I've played for Genises. The graphics, though of course nothing like modern graphics, still hold up well. but the game play and the characters are what make it great. the two are aliens from funkotron, a very funky planet far away. however, earl crashes into an asteroid, and as fate would have it, they crash land on the most insane planet in the universe- earth. your job is to navigate them through different levels with roads, ponds, and islands in the middle of space picking up presents (power-ups) in order to find pieces of your spaceship and then the elevater up to the next level. the game is best played with two players, which is what the creators had in mind when making the game (go to their site, to read up on them). anyway, the two-player mode is even more fun, and the split screen works surprisingly well. also, as i mentioned, the characters are hilariously, from the chickens with mortars to the herd of nerds to the wiseman in the carrot suit. if you have a genises, buy this game. best of all, everything is randomly generated, so it never gets old!
WITHOUT A DOUBT the best game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: September 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I've played a lot of games in my time, but all have paled in comparisson to the genious of a game! Me and my brother have spent countless hours wasting away in front of the telly playing this game and enjoying every minute. It's basically about two aliens that get stuck on earth and have to find pieces of their spaceship to get back to their planet. If you're one for the quality of the graphics and the latest technology, you may not like this game at first, but if you start to play it I assure that you'll like it. This game is definatly funner if you play it with a partner, and this is one of the only game that a split screen dosn't subtract from the enjoyment of the game. I highly HIGHLY recommed this game to anyone! It's sure to make you have a fun time!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: September 22, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I've looked for this game for so long. When I was little my older neighbor Jeff would bring it over and we'd play and play. It was always so fun. I have so many memories with that game. I have never played a game better or more beautiful that this one.
One of the Best games for Sega Genesis
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Toejam and Earl is a classic game that is unlike any other. You are aliens from the planet Funk-o-tron, and as you are getting down to funky beats, your ship crashes and you must collect the pieces to re-assemble your ship while avoiding enemies like Ice Cream Trucks, Lawn-mower men, and Nerds.
This game provides hours and hours of fun, the only bad thing about it is you can't save it. Other than that, this game is a blast, and I am very surprised that they haven't come out with something like this again. This game DOES have sequels, but they are nothing like this game and really aren't any good at all. If you own a Sega Genesis and you're looking for a good 1- or 2-player game, this is it!
Stands the test of time
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 21, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Many people lavish their favorite games with phrases like "best game ever" and "truly a classic".
ToeJam&Earl is one of the rare games that absolutely deserves it. TJ&E is not simply a piece of nostalgia that has lost it's shine over the years. Returning to old games that you have fond memories of is sometimes a disappointment -- as you grow older, they're not quite what you remembered.
But TJ&E does not suffer from such depreciation. After dusting off the old Genesis and trying a few games, I was getting ready to put the system back into the closet. I found TJ&E near the back wall, and set the Genesis back up again to try it out.
While the other games were moderately interesting, and some for sheer nostalgia factor alone, TJ&E blew me away again. It was actually BETTER than I'd remembered! Incredibly enough, the graphics still appear great, even compared to the next-gen systems that we have today. Their vibrant colors and absolutely hilarious animation make up for the fact that this is a 16bit system. TJ&E actually looks good. Don't believe me? Type "ToeJam & Earl Genesis" into google-images, and see for yourself. (Note: it's the top-down, isometric view, not the side-scroller. The side-scroller is the sequel, which was nowhere near as good as the original).
The best part of ToeJam&Earl, however, is not it's graphics. The sheer fun factor is what has always, and what continues, to drive this game. TJ&E is best experienced as a two player game. When being chased down by a phantom ice cream truck, and then your buddy walks onto the screen and opens a rocket skates present to blast the two of you to safety (or off the edge of a cliff!), I guarantee you will shout and laugh. It's that fun.
If you have a Sega Genesis, buy this game. You will not be disappointed.
The First and Best Toejam and Earl game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: October 25, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This is the best one in the short series of Toejam and Earl. You go through 25 levels of pure fun. Collect presents and sneak past sleeping earthlings but don't drink that Rootbeer or you may wake them up. This game was THE original and best game though after Toejam and Earl 2 Panic on Funkatron it goes down hill. I dont know what the creator's were thinking when they came out with Toejam and Earl 3 which is really annoying and really not worth any ones time. The first one was the best video game in this genre. It was one best to play at the time for people who liked this game. Sadly Toejam and Earl 3 is nothing more than rap and stupid annoying characters and a boring final boss. Sadly this game is really rare now but it is worth finding. This game will most likely have you hooked till the end. In my opinion it is the best video game in the series of course, Toejam and Earl 3 was more show than playable. You download crappy songs and have the stupid funkapanumus or whatever it is talk in his annoying voice. This may be the only game worth playing in the entire series.
Freaky platformer..
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: July 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The simplistic design of the game is nothing compared to the game play, this game is the first to feature the two cool doods from Funkatron. Check it out, way cool game.
May be my favorite video game ever!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Toejam and Earl is great fun, and, best of all, the two player mode is cooperate, not competative. I have spent hours and hours with my husband playing this game. It is not particularly violent - your best weapon is a tomato, and your best survival strategy is avaoidance.
Bad guys include a guy with a lawn-mower, a phantom ice-cream truck, and a woman with a baby in a shopping cart.
Really a great game!
just amazing
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User
what can i say about this game that has not already been said. i played it about 11 years ago and complete forgot about it till recently....i actually went on amazon to buy a sega genesis just to play this game and of course your looking to buy it at 40 bucks or higher for good quality and i did. im so excited i cant wait for it to come is by far the best game ever. and at these prices only proves it.
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