Below are user reviews of EverQuest: Planes of Power and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for EverQuest: Planes of Power.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (21 - 31 of 31)
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PoP - the "uber" expansion
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: January 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If you belong to a guild who can field 40 lvl 65 players for the hours on end to get "flagged" PoP is for you. If you are a casual player you will never see 50% of the expansion in its current state.
PoP is generally thought of by the player base as unfinished upon release. Players were promised an end to mindnumbing timesinks that made up the Velious expansion and instead you have an expansion that is made up of nothing but timesinks.
In numerous surveys conducted on class boards more than 50%-80% of the players responding had serious problems with PoP be it the flagging methods, loot distribution, etc.
In general, casual players are cancelling accounts and many are blaming PoP.
Big Hit!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 30
Date: October 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I just fired this up, logged in and was the first in the planes of power. I must say it is amazing. I have already gotten 14 planer experience points and phat loot! You must get this or you are dumb.
more EQ fun
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 6
Date: November 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
its more to EQ, its fun! if you already own eq and are thinking about getting this.. just get it.
Disappointed with PoP
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: November 09, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Having been an avid Everquest player since the initial release of the first product in the series so naturally I was very excited about this expansion. Unfortunately however it appears that since I started playing the design goals of the original Everquest Development team have been strayed from somewhat as a direct result of the current Development team being unable to design new content around the old rules.
As a consequence the arrival of this expansion has heralded a number of alterations to the play style of Everquest, which I personally believe have almost invalidated the fundamental aim of any online game, to keep character classes strength and weaknesses relatively consistant when compared to each other.
The most painfuly bad example of this is the recent change to the monk class. Formerly this class used to occupy a pinch defense role whilst being quite strong offensively. This capability was paid for by a lack of specialisation in either field and a lack of spells. Now however, to suit a new design scheme of a class being either offense or defense, the monk class has been vastly reduced in defense and is comparatively weak compare to classes that have spells in addition to combat skill.
Changes like this are made to suit poor design ability and after three years are not what person expects from this genre. I advise new customers to be aware of Sony's design failing in this regard.
Might have been great.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: November 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The graphics are out of whack and with this expansion. SOE decided to hose the monk class so if you plan on purchashing
POP and play a monk, your wasting your money. Otherwise, this
expansion might be ok.
I'd rate 0 if it allowed it.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 8
Date: November 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Sony Online Entertainment has once again released yet another incomplete expansion full of bugs, character imbalance, stupid time sinks and VERY FEW working quests (strange considering the NAME of the game)...You pay close to [cost] US for this game PER MONTH, shouldnt they at least answer customer service issues? Purchase this game at your own risk, 2 thumbs down once again for Sony Online Entertainment and Everquest.
Gotta have it
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
If you play Everquest you need this expansion or life would not be complete. If you have never played Everquest you should not buy this expansion now. Buy the originl software for ($$$)and learn to play. As a beginnger you will not be able to use this expansion for a very long would die in seconds and be very sad.
It's not a first person shooter...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User
If you're looking for non-stop action and want to blow things up repeatedly, this game isn't for you. If, on the other hand, you're looking for an immersive 3D virtual fantasy world where you can engage yourself socially with other people in death-defying and harrowing adventures, then I would encourage you to buy not only this product, but all of the previous expansions as well. Planes of Power represents the latest installment in a world that is ENORMOUS and offers years of enjoyment.
Probably the worst thought out Expansion to date
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: January 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is quite possibly the worst thought out expansion to the game to date. The addition of character flags has effectively cut off 80 percent of the players from even accessing the upper planes. Come play our game with your friends! Oh wait you can't because you can't get into the same zone with sorry!
This addition and the relative decimating of older zones in the game by the additions of higher levels, overbalanced players and spells, and bad experience modifiers has cause this game to become even more elitist than it previously was. Add to that the rediculous twinking and destruction of game balance in general through overpowered drops useable by anyone, and rampant exploits/powerleveling and you have a wonderful game to be enjoyed by any 10 year old haxxor who has no regard for others.
clarification of PoP's capabilities
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User
PoP is crucial if you want to participate in any raids (events that have more than six people for which everyone participating in the raid gets raid experience based on the difficulty of beasties killed) -AND- it gives you more playing zones if you are over level 55. I just made level 50, but hear in our guild chats all the time about raids the upper level guild members are going on & I can't wait until I can join them. Lots of nifty NO DROP items can be found on the various planes.
In addition to PoP's raid capabilities & additional zones for those higher level players, the easier transport to different locations (opposed to waiting for the nexus spires to activate or having to pay a druid for a port) saves you a lot of time, giving you more energy & time to get experience. Regardless of what another reviewer stated, you can't use Planes of Power (PoP) to get to ALL the cities in EverQuest. There are only a select number of stones for you to click that can take you numerous places within the game, making your run that much faster (again if you don't want to pay for a port, if you aren't a druid, etc.)
I have all the expansion packs for EverQuest, including the just "released" (2/24/2003) Legacy of Yeshiva (or however you spell it). If you're worried about money you might want to make your purchases piecemeal. I'd recommend purchasing the packs in the following order: EQ Trilogy (save $$ this way over purchasing EQ Classic + Kunark + Velious separately), then Shadows of Luclin (gives you access to nexus & bazzar & some other zones), then LoY, and then PoP. If you can afford it, then get all of them at one time. (Note: I do not work for SOE nor have any stock in any of their holdings) IMHO SOE has a TON of work to do on their support, but the game is entertaining & addictive. It's a great way to make new friends. I'd recommend this game easily & I've only been playing since 30-Nov-2002. I do hope that the stmt from another reviewer is true & that's for the game to be less addicting over time (tho I do plan to stay in touch w/the friends I've made)
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