Below are user reviews of Dungeon Lords and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dungeon Lords.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 45)
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Dungeon Lords... Its not out yet but Looks awesome
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 63
Date: September 08, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I understand this game isnt out yet however ive been keeping close tabs on it. Simply put it looks AWESOME. It seems to act like a copy of Diablo II or Sacred or anything of that nature. But it will play much like Zelda For the 64. With an "over the shoulder" camera where the fighting is action based. using the "WSAD" keys to move. and most likly the mouse to attack. It will have multiplayer and single player where you can enjoy a interesting story line... lets see when its releaced...
Better Than Warcraft!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 34
Date: March 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I think Dungeon Lords is a great game because when you buy World of Warcraft you have to buy a Time card and you have to pay money to play and I think this one is better than Warcraft and Everquest.
The Demo is horrible!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 25
Date: April 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Note: This review is based on the Alpha demo version and not the final release of this game!
Simply bad! I don't know how the final version will be but the demo of this game is horrible! Dated graphics engine, bad physics, simple A.I., poor gameplay, etc.... not good at all! They will have to do a lot of tweaking on this game to convence me to go buy this game when it comes out in a few days from now but right now as is, it's junk.
I would rather play Castle Strike than this title which is another bad game.
If you want Action/Adventure and RPG style game play with spells and powers and HL2 graphics engine get Vampire: Bloodlines it's much, much, much better than this junk! Trust me!
Dreamcatcher Should Be Ashamed
Rating: 1,
Useful: 119 / 123
Date: May 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This is a game I eagerly anticipated and truly wanted to love. But they released it at least six months before they finished it, and I think it is truly insulting. Maybe Dreamcatcher is having cash flow problems, and they decided to sacrifice the sales of this game to stay afloat, but that's pure speculation. But the bottom line is that the game is unplayable in it's current state, and it's a long way from being playable.
You start the game up and go into the character screen. There are the usual tabs to change character appearance, but when you click on them, nothing happens. Why? Because they weren't done. They quickly released a "patch", and the patch removed these options altogether!
Press "M" to show the map (automap or minimap). Nothing happens. Why? They removed it from the game (but not from the key mapping screen). And they had the gall to out and out lie to everyone and say they never were going to include a minimap because it was "more fun without one". But if they had planned to NOT have a minimap, then why can you map a key for the function?
These are two of the most glaring examples. But it doesn't stop here. The world is very sparsely populated, there are almost no side quests, promotion quests work regardless of whether you are actually eligible for the promotion, advancements and "heralds" seem to have no effect, and magic is very nearly useless.
The experience and advancement system is well thought out, and would be a very fun system to use for a character, but you'll never get far enough in the game to see any results.
The combat system was nearly impossible for me to use. You have to circle and click repeatedly, there's absolutely no strategy involved unless you're extremely adept with a mouse and keyboard. The game also spawns monsters at an extreme rate, so there's lots of combat. But it quickly gets frustrating instead of fun.
I tried to play this game and got through about ten hours. I had finally got most of the first area cleared out, but you have to backtrack through to get out of the area. There aren't any places to rest in this level, so you can't recharge magic at all - no magic help. Anyway, I started to work back through and just kept getting hit with dozens of monsters continually, more than when I worked through it going the other way. And I wasn't getting any better as I pumped points into combat skills. Finally about two dozen low level rats overran my character and I gave up.
I know this is a little rambling and unfocused. I don't normally try to write reviews, but in this case I just had to warn you about this game. Don't waste your money. Wait for six months and see if they fix it, but don't hold your breath. Dreamcatcher should be extremely ashamed at having released this game as it is.
Caveat emptor
Rating: 1,
Useful: 15 / 18
Date: May 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
While Dungeon Lords is on shelves, it is unfinished. I don't mean the usual unforeseen minor bugs and occasional quirks. I mean Dreamcatcher has, quite deliberately, released a game that is a minimum of 8 months of intense work away from being a viable product. Some of the features didn't work from the CD install, so Dreamcatcher REMOVED them in a patch. Other features (such as the map) are documented, but STILL not implemented.
The bugs are too numerous to catalogue here, but they are game-breaking. The issues are too severe for Dreamcatcher to not have known this product is nowhere close to completion, much less ready for retail. So I must urge the reader: DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT.
Do You Like RPG's ? Then Here's a Can't Lose Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 20
Date: May 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User
You can listen to all the bad reviews here and not buy this game.... or you can ignore them and have one of the best RPG's games you can play for 40-60 hours. Ask yourself... how many of these types of game have been released for the PC for a single player? Morrowind, Gothic II and What?! We are lucky to see a company put out this type of game, I've waited years to have more Gothic II and this will do nicely. Yes there are some features missing, but having taken a lizard man for a character, I hardly miss giving him blond hair! I can't fix a broken shield, that's really too bad, maybe I'll just use one of the Other 20 I've found! No funiture in a room? Does that ruin your gaming experience? How shallow is that!? Quests broken? Ha! more like the person can't figure out what to do next, so they come here and claim it's broken! And if it's broken, maybe you can explain how I and many others have beat the game... and completed many guild quests to advance our characters.
The main complaint from reviewers here is no map, but did they mention you get a huge poster quality map in the box? Of course not, that would be too kind. The dungeons could use an automap, but if you feel the need for a map just go to Dreamcatcher's forums and look in the Help/Hints.
I am now starting the game for a 2nd go, how many games deserve a repeat play? Not many. This is an RPG, not a shooter, you actually have to think, and maybe that's the problem for those who post negative reviews.
I give it 5 of 5 stars based on it's ability to provide me Hours of RPG action with good character development and a vast selection of weapons, spells and magic items.
No, this is not Half-Life 2, nor is it Halo II, it's a huge dungeon crawl with tons of nasty creatures to dispatch and a decent plot. If you like this type of game, you can't lose, but if you look here for Halo II, then wait for Halo III.
What were they thinking ?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 15 / 17
Date: May 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I don't understand the positive reviews ? ... I backup all the negative points already stated ... the only only game that comes to mind as being this buggy was Sacred(...but it's fixed with the latest patch) ... to remove, instead of fix problems tells me: they rushed this out and didn't want to put in the time to fix it = or just don't care ? ... the fighting system = poor ... so, that means you got an incomplete, buggy and poor attempt at a "game"play ... was given the game( by a friend who pointed out what most have stated ... I really didn't want to belive it was that bad = YES; it is as bad as the poor reviews state ... I gave it to charity = maybe they can get a few bucks for it ... been really disappointed in most games out the past 12 months or so ... seems either graphics/multiplayer/anti-piracy hoops to jump through are the main concerns of game developers ... so, I've turned to looking for overlooked older games and replaying favorites ... games don't have to be complicated to be fun = this isn't an endorsement, but I've had good luck with Groove Games(... relatively inexpensive war shooters) ... I'm not asking for much: decent graphics + decent storyline(...if RPG) + good gameplay
Dungeon Lords? No Way....
Rating: 1,
Useful: 10 / 11
Date: May 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Do NOT buy this game. It is buggy like you wouldn't believe, the patch does not address even helf the issues.
From the first when you go to create your character, the appearance function keys do not work, can't do the hair, skin coloring, etc, the buttons are there, they just DON'T work.
So the patch takes that option out. Still talks about it over on the side though, but now there is no text on the buttons about it, just blank buttons. Lame.
I spent $40 on this game and its sitting in a drawer now and will until they fix it, which knowing companies will be with an "expansion" which is REALLY a HUGE patch in disguise.
Nervous about the future of this one...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 6 / 10
Date: May 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This is such a mixed review... forgive my rambling stream-of-consciousness...
First, I went into this game really looking forward to it. I have to say I was pre-disposed to *wanting* to like it.
And I do like it. I't still a lot of fun.
However, there are so many serious flaws in terms of programming and just basic game design that it becomes almost too overwhelming too ignore. I think we all have moments in any game, even any movie, where we say, "Well, that was dumb why did they/didn't they do that?" I'm talking about many, many moments of these kinds of reflections. There was an expectation of character customization...that wasn't fulfilled. There is a confusing and buggy quest log...which at first is manageable, but the deeper you go into the game the more difficult it becomes to remember things. Yes, I could pull out the old pen and paper --- but why should I HAVE to? If my computer has 1 GB or Ram, AMD64 3000+ and a NX6600GT Nvidia with 128MB ram and a 7200 RPM SATA drive, then why should my computer stutter *every* time a new group of monsters come to call? Why should my helmet look like it's still on...even after I've taken it off.
Again--is the game fun? Yes, indeed. I enjoy it. But so are picnics until the fruit flies start coming one buy one. After a while, no matter how nice the scenery or the food, the fun of the picnic is going to get ruined.
Now, I held off on a review because Heuristic Park and Dreamcatcher seemed responsive to their customers. Their website was up, they released an initial patch fairly quickly, and they seemed open to satisfying and fixing the issues--which are abundant.
However, I went back to the forum at the beginning of this week and now Dreamcatcher has mysteriously dropped their forum. There is zero response. The support online is negligible. I held my game past 7 days (allowed for returns from the retailer where I bought it) because I was expecting more communication with the Dev and publisher. .... now they appear to have gone into hiding. my opinion, to buy this game right now would be to take a fairly big risk. ... up to you ...
There is no God.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 15 / 20
Date: May 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game blows. Seriously. I'd expound on it more, but I have to go hit my head with a hammer, which coincidently is a lot more fun than this game.
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