Below are user reviews of Asheron's Call and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Asheron's Call.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 96)
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Update - 2007
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Yes, the person who wrote the "stay away" was absolutely on the mark in the year 2000.
Seven years later its really has grown and is quite the game, content is added every month (do the math 12 world updates * 7 years).
The game has seen 2 major revisions (the latest is Throne of desitny) which had a major graphic upgrade.
I started playing in the year 2000, and after 7 years of playing, I think the game has never been better.
Love Hate Relationship with this Game
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: August 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Having never played a MMORPG before Asheron's Call, I was floored by the immensity of the world and the depth of things to do. I subscribed to the game in early 2000, and other than a few months away from time to time, finally official unsubscribed at the release of AC's 2nd expansion pack, Throne of Destiny, this past month.
I spent 5 years of my life spent playing Asheron's Call, investing 5-10 hours a week. I have tried many RPGs since, but nothing has hooked me like AC did.
Unfortunately, my experience with AC was dysfunctional at best. The first year was amazing. I met many friends, and had a blast exploring. After 2 months I realized that my level 13 swordsman (without any magic) could barely hold his own against even the weakest of mobs, so I re-rolled. I created a spearman on a whim, and went to the packed Mossie Fort to level. It was there that I met Corrozus, my soon to be good friend and patron. Every night for a year we played together...laughed together, struggled together and leveled together. Everything that Dereth had to offer was explored by our ever-increasing alliance.
I was a level 31 plinking away at Granite Golems in the Dires with my spearman the day that Turbine introduced the first wave of mobs that became the first chain on a link that lead to the ultimate death of the game. They were acid wielding, shield carrying skeletons, and my character couldn't touch them. In fact the mobs were so difficult that I heard rumors that players were now re-rolling en masse to create characters with Life Magic.
As anyone who has played AC knows, Life Magic was broken from the start, and it took a while for the player base to learn this, but once we did, the game became a mere shell. Soon, uber characters abounded, and friends we once played with daily went off to level up their new uber toons. It seemed almost overnight everyone was level 50 killing Olthoi and Lugies in XP leveling dungeons while friendships and allegiance began to crumble.
It was at this point that the original devs left, and the new team not only continued to allow life magic to remain unbalanced, but they built virtually all content around it. It was at this time that I began to dislike the game I once loved. I had few friends that weren't uber-focused. Allegiances became quest oriented as opposed to exploration oriented. And the devs catered to the elite players and ignored the average game player.
Housing came and went, and I quit and re-subscribed several times. My playing time decreased severely to the point were I might log on once a week to seem no one from our allegiance on.
Asheron's Call, it could be said, died a premature death because it listened to the 1% gamers who lived online. AC kept feeding the game XP and loot to keep them happy, and soon even a newbie couldn't step a few clicks outside of town without running into a level 79 mob.
The Throne of Destiny expansion pack is more of the same. The game is all but dead, and simply exists to pull in funds to support Turbine's up and coming releases, D&D Online, and Middle Earth. I won't be trying either. Just like a bad relationship, my time with Turbine is over and I want my 5 years back.
Its a bunch of fun.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: July 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is game is pure fun. Its addictive. Im not writing much because i just got odne writing why not to buy ac2. Not kidding. Look for my other post for alot of info on ac1. Its under ac2 reveiws. Name -- doesn't cut it -- AC1 has alot of landscpae, lvls, ppl, skills, and jsut alot of other things, tkae my word for it, ITS AN AWSOME GAME.
Greatest RPG on the Market
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 4
Date: June 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is the best game I have ever played. It never gets old, because it changes every month. I highly recommend this game.
Asheron's Call, the Greatest MMORPG in Existence
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: April 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Still alive and well, AC has some life in it. I've played since release and love it more today than I did then. Sure theres a monthly fee, but the game gets new monsters, quests, items, game systems, etc. EVERY month. For many there is no need for another game to play! So that a flat rate there, $ for all your computer gaming for a year! Tis an incredible deal. The above reviews are very old, cheaters have been removed. Wonderful third party applications have been added that enhances the game, allowing one to chat on IRC while in-game, control Winamp while in-game, etc. These fall under the plug-in Platform "Decal", found on Sourceforge. Balance has returned to Asheron's Call, some will always do better at some monsters than others, its the advantages of that class. But thats just it! These days if ya don't like how you've done your char, you can make some adjustments via new quests. The skill system of Asheron's Call is of untold beauty and far out does any other game in existence, especially Ever Quest or Asheron's Call 2. AC is a very social game, allegiances take care of their own and will help many a newbie. However, one can survive very well as a soloer, I am kinda a mixture of both. Theres puzzles, tons of quests, PKing (by choice), Trading (an unimaginably dynamic economy), and so soo much more...
DON'T BUY USED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: March 07, 2003
Author: Amazon User
IT WON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! If the previous user used the subscrpition coupon then you wont be able to play it. So if they played it at all, you cannot play it. It's a great game though.
I'm addicted - but getting bored
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I've been playing AC for about 20 months. The game was outstanding for the first several months. The landscape plus the challenge of creating an allegiance of other players to complete quests was fun. As the game went on, cheaters and hackers have ruined the game. Turbine almost refuses to discipline or ban them, I guess they're afraid to lose money. The last 6-8 months, I've noticed that very, very, very few people are joining the game. While turbing has worked to provide low level content, it's not being used. The high level content is there mostly for mages. Warriors are pretty much left out of the fun. In fact, just the other day, my level 67 warrior was having kills stolen by a level 42 mage!!! This should just not happen.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 6
Date: November 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
It was great 10x better than EVERQUEST OR ANARCHY
This game is awesom!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The game is awesom, i like the vast landscape. The game is massive, would you belive it takes a full 8 hours to run the entire of dereth with a 100 run skill, and there are over 350 spells! Also the fact that the game updates every month provides a new chalange. More than 20,000 people play the game so there is always someone to chat to when you aren't hunting or doing quests. Also there is sooo much armor and weapons that you are constantly searching for new stuff. The game is really cool, I know atleast 15 people who play it in real life.... Also with the expansion pack peeps are going to be able to get their own houses!...
AC: The greatest game I've ever played
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
AC is, by far, the greatest game I've ever played. When I bought it in November, 1999 it was just as a time filler until Diablo II or Baldurs Gate II came out.
They came out and I bought and began playing them. Turned out AC was much better than either. I left both Diablo II and BG II after finishing 25% and came back to AC. AC can be anything you want it to be.