Playstation : Discworld Reviews

Gas Gauge 60
Below are user reviews of Discworld and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Discworld.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (1 - 2 of 2)
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Lessons in beginner game design
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 7
Date: April 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Discworld is essentially a humorous script written around an AWFUL game. It's worth the laughs only if you have a strategy guide or online walkthrough beside you to navigate the asinine object-matching "puzzles." Mostly nonsensical point-and-click experiments, the game's "puzzles" were more likely a demo for the fabulous new mouse technology at the time. So illogical and convoluted were they, that the sequel (Discworld II, and much improved) often poked fun at them.
If you can trudge through that particular frustration, then you'll have to endure the incredibly bad (and buggy) sound. Clipping conversations, skipping sound effects, and other gaffes render the game almost unintelligible without the subtitles turned on. Studio volume control, for example, apparently wasn't available in whomever's shower stall was used for recording, as some voice actors practically shout while others are inaudible. The worst flub is the use of another voice actor (who doesn't even attempt a good impression) to substitute certain lines Eric Idle didn't record for Rincewind. Really piss-poor stuff that shouldn't have been released. Idle is brilliant as always, of course.
Graphically, the game is acceptable for a mid-90's point n clicker. Animation is terribly choppy, but isn't a key to the game's exploration anyway since there is no real combat. Colors are bright and vivid; the entire Discworld is rendered well and painted up in a charming PG-13 Disneyesque fantasy world. The only sticking point here is the minute size and poor definition of many critical objects, making them nearly invisible and an already difficult journey nearly impossible.
Ah, now to the game's saving grace: the script. Chock full of fun-loving British humor and silly puns, the game is essentially a parody of the medeivil adventure genre. In other words, it exists to mock itself, which is refreshing in a world of games that take themselves too seriously. The true point of the game is exhausting every avenue of conversation with all your fellow Ankh-Morporkians, extracting every little gold nugget of wry, warped humor you can get. And that honestly makes the game almost worth playing.
As a final note, this game is difficult with the Playstation controller. The cursor movement is slow and clumsy using the 8-direction D-pad; much easier if you can get your hands on a Playstation mouse.
One Of Best Adventure Games EVER!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 22 / 29
Date: September 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is, without question, one of the best games of all time. Based on the books, you play Ricewind, the inept wizard seeking a way to do-away a dragon. It is hillarious (like the books), good graphics and wonderful dialogue. If you ever spot this, GET IT! It's very rare and very, very magnificent.
'Nuff said.
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