Below are user reviews of Hitman: Blood Money and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Hitman: Blood Money.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 33)
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Great game- can keep you occupied for hours!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 04, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I know it seems kind of hokey, the graphics are kind of lame compared to today's stuff but there's something about this game that's just a lot of fun. Maybe because you can either sneak around and be a pro or just be a crazed lunatic and take everyone and everything out in your path. Either way, it's fun and you'll love it.
Excellent game for the price.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 07, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is an excellent game for the money.
If you like Splinter Cell and games like it, then you will like this game.
Of course, this game is not perfect, but few games are.
The XBOX 360 version of the game is probably the one you want. The XBOX 360 achievements, as with most games, give it some additional replay value which is nice.
Great fun with a story that doesn't interfere
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 03, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I had a lot of fun playing this game. It's improved over the original Hitman game since you can now purchase upgrades to your equipment.
Gameplay is really well designed without the crazy camera angles. Agent 47 is easy to control and navigate through obstacles. The only problem I had with him was when trying to use the scope on his rifle. But this ia very minor problem and is easy enough to deal with once you are used to it. The fiber wire is a bit difficult to use (as it should be), but overall, the controls are quite manageable.
The story of the game is easy to follow and doesn't interfere with the game enjoyment at all. I think it actually enhances the game, especially near the end. I don't want to give anything away, but if you pay attention to the mission objectives you should enjoy the plot. THe soundtrack is also great and enhances the game.
Missions are not too complex. Some of them are pretty straightforward, but some contain multi-layered and optional side objectives. AI is pretty well done since NPCs don't always follow the same pattern. It could be better though. Some NPCs are just plain stupid. I.E. When a bodyguard searches you and you are dressed as a waiter, as long as you surrender your weapons he will let you pass. If I were a bodyguard, I think I would have to question why a waiter would need a pair of silenced silver ballers and a sub-machine gun.
I have yet to play the game on the harder levels, so this may just be a rookie feature.
Overall, this is a fun game and has replay value to try to get a better rating on each mission. I like to replay it on each difficulty level util I've mastered the game and it hasn't gotten boring at all so far.
This is a great addition to any XBox 360 game library.
A Nearly Perfect Masterpiece
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 08, 2007
Author: Amazon User
A Nearly Perfect Masterpiece
This game is like 2 games in one. In one game you sneak around undetected. You change outfits to blend in and you slowly patiently track down and stealthily kill your targets. In the other game you go on a maniacal rampage killing everyone in sight! For that reason, and the fact that there are many possible ways to complete your hits, this game is extremely fun and has very high replay-ability.
The music in this game is excellent! Ave Maria at the beginning and throughout makes a wonderful contrast to bloody evil deeds that Agent 47 carries out. Jesper Kyd is an excellent composer and his music fits perfectly with the game.
The controls are tight. The camera system works very well. Weapon upgrades are an excellent touch. Hitman has a great linear story. Since when did linear become such a bad thing? My only complaint is the lack of variety in character models. There's an athletic character and fat character for both male and female. Between these 4 body types there seems to be only 1 face for each body type. Eye color and clothing changes, but other than that everyone's the same. This is the ONLY thing keeping this game from being a Perfect Masterpiece.
Once you reach the end I'm sure you'll agree this is a satisfying, complete, well though out video game.
Hitman: Blood Money
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Overall, this game was fun to play. It needs more work in regards to character mobility and interaction. However, the 360 degree view is excellent and much needed in a game where the top priority is to remain anyonymous.
Hitman Blood Money
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: September 03, 2007
Author: Amazon User
It had a good story line and many of the new features were cool, especially buying upgrades for weapons. The reason i gave it an average rating was that the graphics were totally Xbox one even with the HD settings turned up, but other than that it should provide you with at least 12 hours of fun
47 the Hitman
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: July 28, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I never played Hitman before so one day I decided to buy it for $30. When I first played it I thought to myself "What a great buy". Hitman is a really a great video game. You can play in either 1st or 3rd person and choose what ever weopons you want. If you buy Hitman: Blood Money you will get addicted and especially when you try to get all of the achievements. There two different ways you can play. They are stealth(like in Splinter Cell)or you can go nuts and shoot everyone. The graphics aren't really Next-Gen but it's nothing to cry about because the game play is just teriffic. If you like shooters and strategy games you will probably love Hitman.
best replay value in a game...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User
... And with games costing 60 bucks these days that should be a biggie for anyone. I remember years ago owning the first Hitman for the PC and back then it was really fresh and original. In the years that have passed there have been many games that have tried to be what this game is and have failed, often miserably.
The storyline is a little bit too much on the 'trust noone' conspiracy theory side to me but they keep it on the downlow for the most part. One thing I love is learning about the characters you are sent to assasinate. They're all bad guys (Which is probably unlike a real hitman's job of bumping off jurors or witnesses etc) which makes it all the more gratifying once you've tossed a drug lord out of his mansion window or infiltrated a rehab clinic and rigged a mobster's spaghetti and meatballs to engulf him in flames.
Then a nice little touch to summarize the mission is a look into the following days headlines to see if you're mentioned - Storm through the mission like a psychopath and read about a maniac on the rampage, sneak through unnoticed and read about the police having no solid leads on a 'silent assasin'. Very Pleasing to the eye.
There isn't much that they haven't thought of in this game. There's plenty of great reviews here talking about what is great, and here is my only gripe... The sniper rifle isn't required nearly enough. It's fun to watch Agent 47 put that thing together for a big hit, but over the 8 or so levels (I forget right now how many there are) of gameplay, I only found the need for it once.
This game will stay in my library as long as my Xbox 360 does. The replay value really is immense with so many different ways of finishing the job and every one of them great fun. I'm a 25 year old gamer with a good 20yrs of gaming experience and this may be the best overall game I've ever played.
Great Game for the 360
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I purchased this game and within a couple of weeks of getting it, I had completed it at different difficulty levels. One of the great things about this game are obviously the graphics and the various means of accomplishing your missions. There are some who will choose to go through guns blazing and others who will prefer taking the quieter approach. Both methods are fun but the silent methods are the most challenging. The music by Jesper Kynd is quite suited to the atmosphere of the game and it helps raise the tension at the right times. The AI of the non-playable characters in the game is quite good and at times it can be frustrating at how often they will spot you if you are acting out of the ordinary. When playing for the silent assassin rating, you come to realize just what kind of skill is required to do well in the game. The range of weapons and modifications available are quite impressive though I'm sure some will still complain about it. It's definitely a violent game and though you can turn the blood and gore off, it's still a rather violent game. There are far worse out there but if you're a parent concerned about the level of violence your kids are exposed to it's probably best to steer clear of this game. Then again with a name like "Hitman: Blood Money" in the title, what do you expect? In some respects it is similar to the stealth games like Splinter Cell but whereas in Splinter Cell you often remain hidden in the shadows, here you can mingle though if you turn blatantly violent in public, you'll pay for it.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: April 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User
When i first saw this game i had very high hopes that it would be somewhat of a GTA-esque game. With free roam and such. But it isnt and anyone looking for soemthing like that should know this. But suprisingly it is still a very fun game. The different ways to fight are cool and while it is like Splinter Cell it is also different. You are not forced to kill using covert methods and guns are easily accesable. This makes the game easier yet less exciting. You should get this game if you like splinter cell games.
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