Below are user reviews of Armored Core 4 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Armored Core 4.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 13)
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For AC Fans ONLY! ALMOST a 5!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 17 / 19
Date: March 23, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Armored Core 4 is the BEST installment in the series so far but still falls short in some ways.
The game has nice graphics. The FMV's(Full Motion Videos) look nice and almost true Next Gen but still have a slight PS2 look to them still but it gets the job done and the game with the BEST graphics can still stink if the gameplay is weak.
It has a HUGE array of parts and weapons for ultimate customization! You can make a mech sleek and fast or heavy and powerful. Its all up to the player and ultimately how much time you spend in the game in general.
The paint scheme you are allowed to use is VERY nice even allowing you to make your own decals (even if its all preset). Its still a nice touch!
My favorite part of the game is doing the "Simulation" mode where you face off against other mech pilots for money and you even gain the specs for their mech design and logo.
The game moves about how most AC games do. Go on a mission, destroy, protect etc. The game sometimes is VERY easy to Extremely hard depending on the mission and how much money you have to customize your mech for new missions. The only reason it gets hard is because of the AWFUL boundaries they have set up, if you get knocked out of the boundary like I do alot by getting hit by a barrage of missles you fail the mission!!!! Or if you fly too high sometimes you get an instant "Mission Failure" for going out of the boundary making it quite frustrating at times.
In reality the game seems to be a bit dated in it's mechanics for realism. This can be fixed by the creators paying more attention to putting more detail into the backgrounds and mechs as they plow into a building or other mechs etc. It shouldn't keep that old PS1 feel to the backgrounds. It would be nice to see a building crumble more realistically or even your mech explode better than just phase out like an old dated PS1 AC game. I feel it is for AC fans exclusively. First of all this game takes some practice to get used to flying and fighting. When you start your mech is bare bones and can't even "lock on" very well allowing you to strafe around an enemy so when you lock on and fly past you fly past losing your lock. Then you have to turn around (which takes some time depending on your AC) and then shoot until they are destroyed but with time and patience you can upgrade or "Tune" your parts for better "lock on", "Speed", "higher gun precision" etc. I must reiterate that it is also VERY easy to leave the battlefield resulting in a "Failed Mission" which stinks because sometimes your battlefield area is very small and this is my main complaint about the game. I have failed most missions due to this and you only have a few seconds to get back within the allotted perimeter before "Mission Failed" pops up. I feel this could be fixed by not making you fail the mission just because you are out of bounds. It could just warn you or put up bumpers making it so you can't go out of the box (like G-Police and other games) but in the end realism doesn't have boundaries but I guess in the game it makes it so your enemy can't just fly way far away from you making the gameplay boring. With the boundaries it makes the game more fast and furious trying to keep the action at a certain range.
You are only allowed two control schemes also. You cannot adjust your own controls. You can use control scheme 1 which makes you use the triggers for boosts and the bumpers for weapons changes and you use the main buttons (X and A) to fire which makes it VERY hard when trying to fly. Or you can use scheme 2 which allows you to use the left bumper to fire the left weapon and the right bumper to fire the right weapon. It seems trivial but isn't for a game like this. Sure the controls seem simple but when flying among hordes of enemies you want tight controls. Being that the game is just trial and error and is shoot till they are destroyed or you are most won't care and won't even play this game long enough to even probably finish the game tossing the "This game sucks" title onto it and quickly selling it to a game store.
I suppose I was expecting a LOT more for a $60 dollar Armored Core game but am still pretty happy with it for what it is currently as it is a HUGE step up from other games in the series. I'd say for die hard AC fans it is a must buy and you won't be reading this anyway and will have already bought it like I did but for the other people and newbies to the series it will seem like a let down for $60 bucks. Honestly I don't see this really picking up a "Game of the Year" or top ten fan list from casual gamers but for me its up there on my top list. For AC fans its another AC game to buy with nice FMV(full motion video) scenes, full customization of your mech's parts and a large array of custom painting which is where you'll spend most of your time probably. But when missions get boring or you get frustrated you can always play the Sim mode to take on other AC pilots.
Bottom line - This review sounds harsh but in reality if it is on a next gen system the game should really step it up in the mechanics department, otherwise the graphics are fairly solid but the explosions of your mech and other next mechs looks very dated. If you're a fan of Armored Core games I'm sure you'll like it like I do, After all it IS like playing a giant mech anime at times and it goes nuts in the "customizing" dept which suits me just fine as not enough games give attention to details like this. All in all I'd say that it is worth a rental for casual gamers and even maybe $20 but not it's current price unless you are a die hard AC fan and can't wait for the price drop by Christmas. Remember that this isn't just a pick up and play type of game, you have to really put some time and effort into building the type of mech that fits you and your style to get through each mission and defeat some of the best "Next" pilots! In short it appears like just another "Gundam" or "Big Robot" game to many but to AC fans it is nothing short of a dream come true! The AC games are evolving and hopefully with the next game in the series some of these issues I have mentioned will be fixed. The more I play it the more I like it by digging deeper into the customizing engine to make my mech better suited to my skills allowing me to unlock more content.
"Lets confirm the mission - 'Sigh' "
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: April 04, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Arrrggg! I really wanted to like this game, but after playing it for a few days, I have to admit, it's a very frustrating experience.
First, the good. The ACs are amazingly customizable. As if the various combinations of parts wasn't enough, you can alter your stabilizer set up and you have FPS memory (points you can use to boost about 40 different stats). After playing a while, your AC will be truly unique. The "garage" where you set up your AC is fairly intuitive, and the "test" and "simulation" modes are well implemented. If you like to tinker (and I do), this part of the game is very cool.
Now the bad. The actual single player missions are poorly implemented. You will probably spend 15 minutes in the garage, only to play a mission for 30-90 seconds -IF you get it right. Most often, the objectives are so vague that you will wander around looking for your objective. This isn't aided by the fact that your radar shows no distinction between primary targets and meaningless data - like missiles (even your own!). The "mission briefings" will become a source of great aggravation. They are narrated by a woman who starts EVERY mission off with the same words, "Lets confirm the mission - `sigh'". The sigh is hers, not mine. She then proceeds to give vague information that presumably advances the "plot", but does a really bad idea of telling you what to expect. This would be bad enough, but to add insult to injury, she narrates your mission. You will grow to hate the sound of her voice after the third replay trying to find an objective she seems to know all about, but can't articulate to you.
There is also the boundary system. The graphics are amazing, and you will battle it out in all kinds of spectacular environments - except you better not leave the invisible box you're in! To leave the box for more than a few seconds means instant mission failure - I actually failed one mission just by holding my boosters to long (it lifted me out of the box, and by the time I knew what was wrong, the game had failed the mission).
A minor point is the selling and equipping system. Each component area is treated differently. This means that if you have a missile launcher for your left back that you aren't using, you would have to sell it and buy one for your right back to equip it on the other side. There is no way, short of going through hundreds of screens to find out if you "own" equipment you aren't using. What makes this even more frustrating is that you will have "specs" for other ACs but in order to build them, you would either have to have enough money to build it from scratch, or sell off all your other components -one by one. It would have made more sense to have a "total value" system. This means if you have 1,000,000 credits (or parts), you could build any "spec" that has that value or less. As it is, changing ACs is a tremendously tedious experience.
This game will probably get updates to fix some of these problems, but as it stands now, it is a very mixed bag indeed.
Pretty much for the fans only
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: April 11, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Armored Core 4 - Circa 2007
(Special note: If you never played an Armored Core game before and don't care much for huge battling mechs with endless menus of customization drop this score down to a one star. Also if you have Xbox Live and want to try this game you can download a demo for it over XBL Marketplace)
- Armored Core finally comes Xbox ... well Xbox 360.
- Online Play with up to 8 Players online (at once) and be able to trade schematics (your mechs blue prints) online with other gamers.
- The Graphics in this title are pretty good and a step above the previous generation of Armored Core titles on PS2 with most levels having sweeping vistas and energy blades looking like glowing pillars of light. Although on a bit of a sour note the landscapes are as barren as ever with most levels taking place in abandoned cities and deserts.
- More of the same great Armored Core action that fans of the series have come to expect (sorry fans this title seems to not have Nine-Ball thought). Over all, like in every Armored Core title the missions are a mixed-bag with some pretty lame missions mixed in with the over the top missions (so you can never expect what will come next).
- The Story is very confusing even to long time Armored Core fans. In this title companies own countries and well after that most people will quickly get lost as well as stop caring.
- The store-garage section of the game has been redesigned as well from previous Armored Core games. Now you build your mech from a pool of available parts and after equipping you have the option to buy said parts before leaving the store-garage menu and going back to the main game. In this way the Shop and garage is now one place, and the effect is that it's all pretty confusing for both Armored Core fans and people new to the franchise.
- The contrast in this game was odd sometimes, now for most missions you can see clearly, but in some missions it is so dark you can't see more then a few spaces in front of you, but in other levels it was so bright that your screen will look almost completely white.
- While in concept this game plays very much like Steel Battalion or Chromhounds the game play is much faster in pace.
- Tons of customization options for your mech, think of this game like the Grand Turismo of mech games. For those who have never have played this series before it can be pretty overwhelming.
- Paint your Mech (or any individual part/weapon) any color you want and have the option to have lots of different cameo styles too. On top of that you can even make your own patch/logo (using a bunch of clipart and such) and add this patch to any part of your mech as many times as you like (yes you can make your mech covered in logos and look like a Nascar if you wanted). Also, emblems or Patches that appeared in From Software's other mech game Chromehounds are also carried over into this game.
- Have up to five different mechs in your garage as well as schematics for lots of mech you have beaten in combat (during the single player game).
- With about 70 missions this Armored Core game is a bit shorted the previous ones, all missions have a normal and hard setting, unlock hard setting after you beaten the game.
- This game comes with two controller options and one custom option (setting up your own custom option is most likely your best bet).
- This Armored Core now has a totally redesigned HUD that has a minimalist look and takes up little space on your screen
- All mech come with an energy field called Primal Armor (or PA), which is a protective energy barrier that cuts down on damage taken, Over Boosting (think nitro's for mechs) or prolonged normal boosting can and will drain the effectiveness of this energy barrier (although it can and will recharge).
- The lockbox that is normally found in previous Armored Core games (which worked more like a gun sight) is now removed from the HUD all together; the game will now automatically try to lock on to enemies when in range. Holding down the lock button over an enemy (by default clicking in the Left analog) keeps the lock stuck on that target and makes a small window appear in the left corner of the screen with a zoomed up image of that target.
- You can now fight on water (hover just above the water line) unlike past AC games where you would fall straight to the bottom if contact were made with the water. If the player stops boosting, they will sink into the water but they are still able to get out to the surface if they boost. The only way to sink now is to let your mech go to far (underwater) and not boost out of the water. It should also be noted that in the games options you could set you mech to auto-boost over water so you don't have to hold the button and never have to worry about sinking.
- Boosting along the ground (slide boosting) no longer takes energy, now it will do the opposite and cause your energy bar to refill although more slowly the just standing still.
- Stabilizers have been added, these are parts that shift the balance of your mech (in a few areas), and they also serve to add an aesthetic looks to your mech.
- Armored Core (PS1)
- Steel Battalion (Xbox)
- Chromhounds (360)
- This game is also on PS3
- Like I stated above if you have an Xbox-360 and Xbox Live (you don't even need a gold membership a sliver membership which is free will do) and want to try this game you can download the demo for it on Xbox Live Marketplace. It's a three missions long demo.
- The Moon Light Laser blade is in this title (but it's a hidden part)
- In this Xbox 360 version of the game you not only get achievements for beating chapters (6 in all) but also for beating certain mission on hard mode (usually the mission where you have to fight rival mechs) and for beating simulation packs which work as this games version of the Ranker Ladder that was found in previous Armored Core games.
The most exciting Armored Core game of all time!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: April 15, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is probably one of the most exciting to play Armored Core game in the series. Not only does the opening just get your blood boiling with anticipation, but once you got the controls down, and you were really able to get your hands on the action yourself, it gets very exciting! No more having to boost/strafe/jump like on the past armored core games, quick boosting changes all of that and makes the game a lot quicker. For a From Software title, the graphics are quite amazing, the explosions are better, your mech looks awesome all of the time, and despite what other reviews say, the environment looks great! (especially when compared to older Armored Core titles) However, I still wish you could see your mechs reflection in the buildings windows, but at least you can shoot them and actually watch the glass break.
The customization on this game is just as good or even better than the previous titles. Lots of weapons, but not as many body parts, kind of leaves the game feeling a little small, but then again, there are no useless parts, like which are found in previous AC games. But more parts could always be added, I love having a larger variety to choose from, and to make my mech look the best it can.
Some missions are ridiculously short, while some are moderate. I really appreciate the extremely long adventurous missions found in Armored Core: Silent Line. The missions could be improved, and there could be a lot more of them. Then again, I just wanted to get through with the game so I could finish up my mech and go battle it online.
Multiplayer is great, finally true online Armored Core. It's quite fun, but at the same time, there could be a lot more stages. And a lot of people like to build their heavyweight Surius cannon AC's and be able to blast down most ACs in two shots, or use the Kojima weapons to 1 shot an apponent who is busy trying to take care of someone else. I guess they are there for that reason though, so you can't complain.
Armored Core 4 is a great next gen game, however more could still be added, especially from previous Armored Core games. Custom cockpits, and maybe night vision, or a replay for multiplayer or the simulator (and the replay save system that was on Last Raven.) AC4 is a great start for next gen armored core, and the sequel will probably be much more promising and satisfy everyones hunger for what they want.
Its better than i thought
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User
When i first heard about the new control system i was a bit put off, as a fan of the first AC games for PS and PS2 i was a bit down, but the fact that you can customize the controls enough to set them back to the original Armored Core setup worked wonders for me
I'm just on the first few missions so i cant say much as yet but i do like what i see thus far.
Solid next-gen Mech Game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I've played the previous installments of AC on each of the preceeding systems and have remained a fan. When there was an overly long delay I began to lose hope that they would continue the series onto the 360 (or any other future platform...) Seeing Chromehounds I immediately snatched it up, same developers, awesome game ... well not quite ... but that's a different review. The point is this. If you like games where you're zipping around and in the air firing off all manner of current and future weaponry Armored Core is a game you'll thoroughly enjoy. It does not disappoint!
The best so far
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Since playing the first armored core when it came out on the PS2 I knew that I was hooked. The idea of creating your very own cusomizeable city crushing mech astounded me. Since then my taste in games have changed but i still love armored core maybe even more since the previous installment. Armored Core 4 is by far the best Armored Core game i have played so far. The graphics have been drastically upraded and simplifying the controls has made the gameplay feel smooth, and integrates the player more into the game.
While I did think the story mode and part selection have been downgraded online mode makes up for all of this. 1 on 1, 2v2, 4v4, and free for all for up to 8 makes online well worth ur money. Take your custom piece of machinery online and wrecking other mechs is a joy that cannot be expressed. This game will keep you coming back for more, spending endless hours customizing your mech tuning, and swapping parts.
Overall i give this game a 4 out of 5. I love the game and recommend it for everyone not just hardcore fans
AC4 360 vs All...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Well, when it came time to decide between 360 and PS3...I was shaken...
For years upon years I reached and grasped every hour possible to continue playing until I passed out, only to wake up, unpause, and start whoopin' a again...with the lovely joysticks of the sony generation...
But for years now, I've converted into a microsoft gamer, and at first it put me to shame that I didn't own a ps3 when I saw this game was coming, until one day I walk in Gamestop and my friend Patrick (aka Karius Maxwell to all else) says, hey TJ, check that out, and in my own amazement I end up turning around, and rushing to grab what seemed to be a blessing, AC4 for the 360, reserve now! Oh...and I did, believe me I DID!... With that, I began my research, and the game actually fitted the profile for the Xbox perfectly, so perfectly I sat aside my days of playstation gaming for it, I honed my skills with reflexive combat for hours in preparation, and the more and more I thought about it, the controller itself was made for this game! People complain they are too complex, it's called effort...simple effort idiots...
I mastered it almost immediately as I always have and enjoy every boosting second of combat to my hearts content, pushed further into the hard mode, and conquered all... And when I finally played it for the Playstation 3 I was...somewhat jumbled, I didn't feel at home on the system anymore... I practically went through withdrawels and literally ran back to the power button of sweet home (aka the 360)...
Point being, it pwnd on the 360, and I wouldn't have it any other way...
I'm at home with this game...
AC4 the mechs are back
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Sega & SOFTWARE team up to bring us the latest addition to the Armored Core series with Armored Core 4. With this latest addition we are introduced back into the world of mechs. This Armored Core game stands out among the others as with a simpler mech building process, which i am very happy about because this is one of my favorite aspects of the game, you get to design your mech with parts , weapons, colors & emblems before heading out to battle other mechs in the field both online & offline.
The only downfall I see to this game is it is still keeping with the short missions, so for those who do not have online capabilities it leaves them to a repeation of gameplay. The graphics with this Amored Core game are more crisp, giving the enviroment a more sleek appeal. If you enjoy a good Mech or battle game then Armored Core 4 is a definite game you should pick up.
Armored Core 4 is the mech gamer's dream come true
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 15, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Armored Core 4 the last addition to the Armored Core Series and what a game it is, what a game. Awesome job by Sega. It's out on the XBOX360 and PS3. This game and these consoles were a match made in gaming heaven. The graphics and the sound are what is gonna do it for you complimented with awesome gameplay. You just cannot go wrong with AC4.
Stop and imagine this for a while. You work for a corporation and with you mechanical warrior of doom and destruction you fight against other corporations. You can run, fly glide and the arsenal you have at your disposal. If you like blowing things up you're just gonna love this. Missiles, lasers, machine guns and even swords. Have you ever heard of a big mech being super agile? Well they are in this game and then some. Armored Core 4 delivers to the mech gaming world where all others have failed. Think of this is your last hope, if this does not satisfy you nothing will and I have every confident that this one will. Yes....... It is that good of a game. Don't miss out on this guys Armored Core 4 is ready for you. The question is....... Are you ready for Armored Core????
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