Below are user reviews of Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 20)
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Great Anime Mecha Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 8
Date: March 09, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This is an extremely good game. For those of you out there that are fans of giant robots, such as Gundam, Macross, and Evangelion, I highly suggest that you purchase this game. In the game you play a a young man by the name of Cage, and you pilot the giant Testament! The games is very much like an RPG. As you go through the game you build a team and reach higher levels with your Robot. You can even customize with new weapons and armor. The game consists of of many scenes. Each scene as 4 stages. 1. Story 2.Strategy 3. Tactical(which is the fighting) and then you go to stage 4. Intermission-this is were you take the money you made and upgrade your robots. Afterwards you start the next scene. Overall this is an amazing game. BE AWARE -- IT IS VERY ADDICTIVE!!!!
As I said before--if you are an anime fan, you will for sure want to pick this game up!!!!!
One of the Best!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: March 16, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I thought the first installment of "Zone of the Enders" was the best video game I had ever played on any system ever. I was not in the least bit disappointed with Fist of Mars. Though technically a sequel, none of the characters from the first installment make return appearances. ADA and Jehuty are replaced by Pharsti and Testament (respectively) and Leo Stenbuck and Celvice Klein are replaced by Cage Midwell and Myona Alderan (respectively). While it is a little disappointing that we do not at least see ADA return to carry out her mission to mars, it is compensated for completely by an equally memorable and lovable cast. The storyline is surprisingly similar, with a young boy minding his own business suddenly finding himself the pilot of a powerful yet mysterious Orbital Frame while sharing a comfortably small one-man cockpit with a mysterious young woman.
The battle system is the most unique and interesting feature to the game. It would be unfair to compare it to the battle system of the first game. What you have to keep in mind is that these games are almost completely different from each other. The first was a third-person mecha-combat/shooter, this one is a turn-based mecha strategy. Fortunately, this in no way makes the experience any less enjoyable. What separates this strategy from most others is that you actually have some control in the actual battle system (instead of simply letting chance and statistics fight it out). When you engage an enemy, the game cuts to a first-person screen in which your enemy tries to lock onto you. To avoid being struck, simply keep your cursor out of his firing range (or the enemy frame itself out of your sight) before the time expires. This is surprisingly addictive and never really gets old or tiresome.
There is a moment in FOM, though very early on, that in itself makes the game worth owning. It is after the attack on the Bonaparte III and Midwel and Alderan have just had their first encounter with the mysterious "black frame." Myona has suddenly lost her memory, trading her initially creepy and pensive persona for one of almost child-like innocence. Cage, trying to collect himself on what exactly has happened, is suddenly hard-pressed to remember the very name for what has happened to Myona. I probably do not need to give you the full details of the ensuing exchange, but for those three or so who have not heard:
Cage, worried: I guess it's...?
Myona, dumbfounded: Amnesia?
Cage, realizing what has just happened: Yeah, that's it!
It is the only time in my life I have ever laughed at that stupid "amnesia" joke, and all because of a pair of postage-stamp-sized pictures of a dumbfounded Myona and Cage (with a little help from our dear comedic friend Timing). Moments like this are sadly rare in video games, especially in Game Boy Advance games. Between the amazingly addictive battle system and endearing storyline, Fist of Mars is a valuable addition to any GBA library.
I mean, you know a game is good when it can breathe new life into one of the oldest jokes in the book.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: July 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
People say it's too boring or too much story. Akira was good. I think Akira was long (The Manga) but it was good. there is the perfect balance of Action, Strategy, and RPG elements. Since many people didn't like it i picked it up at a game store used...don't buy it new its worth that much but you can find it easy in places with used games like trade a game. The story scenes are long but its all good. The music is pretty good for GBA but Tony Hawk 2&3 still beat all if you ask me. If you have a short temper you might want to throw it across the room in later levels if you are still using the targeting system IAS (Interactive Action System). Even though i haven't gotten through it the replay value is pretty much Zero because there are no extra modes but you could always take it back to trade a game and get another game! Don't let the kids play this they cuss even though it's an everyone rating they say Damn and Hell.
Try This Game out
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: January 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is really good, if you haven't tried it yet, you should. The battle system is jut like Advance Wars, you move your men all over the map. When you are in range, you can start an attack sequence, in which you aim at the enemy, after you attack it shows an anime sequence of you attacking your enemy. The story line is confusing if you haven't played Zone Of The Enders for PS2, but it is worth the wait to read all the words.
One of the Best GBA Games
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
ZOE: The Fist of Mars is easily one of the best Game Boy games ever made. The story is intriguing as are the characters. The graphics are very good during Battle Sequences and cut scenes. For any fan of anime series with giant robots, some romantic elements and plot twists, this is one game you have to buy. Even if you're not a big fan of anime, this game is still worth your money. Outside of the battle sequences, primarily in the map, the graphics aren't very good. The landscapes are not well made. Most of the scenarios are also simple, destroy all enemies maps. There is also a hands-on element called the IAS which allows you to go inside the cockpit of your vehicle to either dodge or hit an enemy vehicle. While this can become tedious and prolongs the fight, you can turn this off along with battle animations, which brings me to the next point in this game. The battle sequences are amazing and are some of the best elements in this game. The scene shows a highly detailed animation of your vehicle performing its attack. The game runs HEAVILY on story and plot, and players who don't like to read and want to get right down onto the battlefield should NOT buy this game. To enjoy it the most, you must have PATIENCE and read through all the scenes.
Awesome strategy game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game a while ago, and it's still fun as hell! This game is a great combination, strategy/anime. This game has a couple things in common with Advance Wars, it also has even more stategy than Advance Wars. You gotta pick the right vehicle and attack for the right enemy. This is truly worth the money, oh yeah I forgot to mention the great graphics and storyline!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
For me this was and is the best game for GBA. I love it! The graphics are really good and so r the little cut scenes that show the attacks. The gameplay is also good combining strategy and tactics with hand eye coordination and reflexes. A lot of people complain about all the dialogue but it gives the gane a great story and plot and is fun to read and watch the characters facial expressions. This is a very good game. I would say its not for kids 8 or less though as there is some course language. I HIGHLY RECCOMEND THIS GAME!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I have never played a better game this was my favorate game of all it even beats final fantasy X (barely :))! I think its awesome but some people who aren't in to the story will hate it because there is alot of story and not just mindless war stuff! The only objection to this game is razma is very perverse and there is a little language (so it should be rated T)(...).
Favorite GBA game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Even with an enormous story that takes hours (most-likely) to read, this game is great. The RPG element adds a lot to the turn-based strategy. Targeting an enemy is also a nice feature that can become a great asset once you get used to it. After beating it once I flew through it a second time without a problem, so if you either don't mind reading the story again, or bashing A to skip it all, it does have slight replay value. But even if you play once, it's worth all the money.
Greatest game for the GBA ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 14, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is my favorite GBA game of all time. It's great but a little short (I beat it in a few hours). Other than that I think it's the best game for the GBA.Thanks for reading my review.
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