Below are user reviews of Xenosaga and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Xenosaga.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (51 - 61 of 211)
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A great game if you like to watch cutscenes...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: August 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Seriously, I would have gave this game at least a 4 if the cutscenes weren't so numerous and long. This game is very plot driven, so there will be several minutes when your watching a movie and not actually playing.
As such, that does not mean there is not a good RPG underneath all those movies. The fighting system is very good and is based on Xenogears'. However, it extends it. For example, attacks can be fast or slow, as you upgrade them via points you get from battle. Fast attacks give you the ability to get extra hits. The characters can also be customized and streamlined by transfering abilities from other memebers of the party, again using points gained for battles. If you like RPGs you will not be disappointed with Xenosaga, it is your traditional option ladened RPG.
The graphics are excellent, no jaggies as I can see, but you often don't get that close up to the models. The cutscenes are well-done and great to look at, which is good as said before you will see many of them. The voice acting sometimes doesn't snyc with the mouths of the character, that's a minor nitpick though. (It is originally Japanese, so that could be why.. :D) Overall the visual side of the game is great.
The sound of the game is also very good, however a lot of the sounds are recycled. The voices are good, but they can just get annoying hearing the same saying over and over after battles. They do say different things however they only have like 3 or 4 phrases to choose from and the amount of fights you'll be in to level up your characters, you'll tune them out probably. The music is fantastic though, being epic and orchastrated. It fits the mood of the game.
So in the end this is a great RPG with many plot points which unfold in movie form. So much so it really detracts from the gameplaying experience. Imagine Xenogears instead of all that text to read, you have lots of cutscenes. Metal Gear Solid 2 had this problem too, it couldn't decide if it wanted to tell you a story or play the game. This game suffers from that syndrome. It has an interesting plot but mediocre interactive gameplay. I can only recommend this game if you liked Xenogears as it is much the same but more options with leveling up.
A Final Fantasy X Killer
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: August 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Xenosaga is the sequel to the game Xenogears (which I've Never played before). But lets get to the point Xenosaga is one of the hardest games I've played but it's one of my favorite games.The story has a lot of dept and some unpredictable twists in the story, The graphics beat the living crap out of FFX, the sound is top-notch and the music is done by the famous London Phillharmonic Orchestra. The only thing that bugs me is that X and O are switched around, but you will get it down.So anyways, Xenosaga Episode 1 is a must-have for any RPG fan. But still if your not into RPGs buy it,also buy the guide to (or you'll get lost.) My point is buy Xenosaga! I won't stop saying it until you do buy it.
Awesome RPG
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: August 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Xenosaga is one those RPGs that doesn't get a lot of hype because they're not of a certain series that everyone's come to love, but its a damn good game. Although the cutscenes are extremely long, you can pause during them just in case. But the cutscenes are fun to watch. They help explain the storyline and it's almost like watching an anime (if you're into that). But enough about that. The combat system is fun, with a combo system performed by pressing certain buttons on the controller in a set pattern. By performing a certain move you'll open a different set of attacks than if you had performed a different move, and choices can differ depending on the enemy. Plus, the main character Shion can employ the use of A.W.G.S., whih are giant robots that are stronger than a normal character, but they attack less often. The music is good but inconsistent, and is usually not heard during points that should have music. But in any case, it is a good game that RPG fans will love and enjoy.
Overall: 9/10
Music: 7/10
Storyline: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Replay Value: 8/10
Great, but not for everyone.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: December 05, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is good. It has an excellent story-line, great graphics, and an innovative battle system, but it is extremely difficult. It took me months to beat it, and I honestly can't recommend it. There was too much involved in beating it to really make me say it was worth it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: January 25, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I was, at first, a little apprehensive about buying this game, as i was just fixing to beat FFX. After i (finally) beat FFX, i was thirsting for a good RPG. Enter Xenosaga, the gatorade to my marathon runner. The graphics, as you all should know by now, are nice and pretty. The gameplay and battle systems are quite fun. I really(REALLY) liked(loved) the way the side quests were done. There were a few but not too many (FFX). Also, the side quests aren't needed, as in FFX, you can choose not to do the side quests and still stand a fair chance of beating the game.
Also about the side quests, they aren't near impossible to complete, most of the time, you just need to wait until your characters are of high enough level, and then you should have no problem. During FFX, i broke a controller trying to get the sun-sigil for Tidus' ultimat weapon. In Xenosaga, everything is a good balance, challenging, but not too hard, fun, but not enough to distract you from the fact that your characters still have five more episodes to o through. Remember to save your game after you beat it so that you can transfer your character data to episode 2 : Jenseits von Gut und Bose- Beyond good and evil
A CRPG that makes long cutscenes worthwhile.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: March 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Xenosaga is a prequel and reinventing of the world in which Xenogears took place. Whether the precise same history will unfold remains to be seen; I'm rather hoping that Xenogears will be re-issued and somewhat rewritten for PS2 (or will that be PS3 by the time they reach it?) when the story arc advances that far.
The initial descriptions of Xenosaga made me wary of getting it; Xenogears' greatest failing was overuse of cutscenes to the point of leaving you watching and doing nothing for long stretches.
Xenosaga certainly DOES do that. However, unlike Xenogears the cutscenes are far better animated and the characters and events are far more engaging. The story, having been planned to cover a (I believe) five-game arc, is complex, with many characters for us to meet who have deep backstories and who evolve in front of us -- to a great extent through carefully planned cutscenes combined with nicely immersive play.
The combat system works well, permitting the user some tactical decisionmaking in terms of placement and use of select resources for the overall party as well as just direct choices of combat tools. Characters can be customized in a number of ways -- skills, "ether" (magical-type skills with amusing technobabble explanations), and "techs" (special super combat moves familiar to many CRPG players).
The characters are, if possible, stronger positive points for the game than the graphics, which are excellent. Some characters you think you may dislike become likeable; others you don't exactly LIKE, but gain more insight and sympathy for. And some are just people worth knowing. (there are, of course, some nasties who clearly need killing, too)
I am looking greatly forward to the next installment. They've earned my money.
Ye Shall Be As Gods...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: June 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Being part of a 6 episode series, Der Wille zur Macht is an excellent opening to the world of Xenosaga.
In this episode, you play as Shion Usuki, along with 5 other companions, who are caught in the middle of a galaxy-wide scandal.
After Shion's ship is attacked by Gnosis, which are aliens from the imaginary dimension, the battle android she is working on mysteriously wakes itself up to save the ship.
Enough of the plot, now for the actual game itself.
I love how this game plays. There aren't any random encounters, the enemies walk around on the map along with you. The battle system is easy to learn (though hard to explain without visuals). Also, you get to make your characters stronger according to how you want them. You use 3 different types of points (skill, technique, and ether (magic)) to gain new abilities, magic, and to level up your special attacks.
The plot is the most in-depth one of our era. The entire plot of Xenosaga covers over 10,000 years worth of events. Xenosaga - Episode 1 also has a glossary of terms as so you do not get lost in the story.
The game case says over 80 hours of gameplay, though I beat it in around 35. There is also a great deal of CG scenes.
If you're looking for a game that isn't complex, this isn't for you. Though, if you want a game with an excellent plot and character depth, this is what you're looking for.
Truly Amazing RPG-review from an old RPGer
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: June 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I've played quite alot of RPGs in my life and I have to say that Xenosaga is by far one of the best. Sure, the Final Fantasy series are almost always breathtaking and at the top of the role playing food chain, but there's something unique and engaging about Xenosaga. You really get to know the characters and get attached to them. I was alittle depressed when I beat the game cause it meant I wouldn't get to be with KOS-MOS and the others anymore. (I'm planning on starting the game up again just before the sequel comes out). The battle system is very easy to figure out and fun to mix things up. The movie scenes (theres quite alot of them!) are extremely captivating and I was like watching a very epic movie thru out the game. All in all I was happy with this game from start to end, the proof is that I actually bought it! I'm the kind of guy who generally just rents games and trys to beat them beofre they're due back. I also don't plan on selling my copy anytime soon, another sign I loved it. I will beat a game (That I've bought) and have it up for sale on EBay or Amazon the same day. Not this baby! I only hope I live long enough to get the entire set, and the next installment lives up to the greatness of the first one.
Good Graphics, but unable to live up to them by gameplay...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: July 16, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If you are looking for a movie that you can sort of interact with, this game is for you. Constant movies every 5 minutes of gameplay has left me bored each and every time. The movies were intersting, but I felt no involvement with the characters as I usually can when I am able to play them more.
I'd give the graphics full marks, for they are quite astonishing. Characters move around smoothly and in a realistic fashion, and the expression changes are constant and also realistic. A bit on the anime style side, but with a touch of realisim, the character designs are wonderful.
Voice acting was pretty far as I'm concerned, if they don't make me wince every time they say a line, then you've got solid voice acting.
Overall, the plot was vauge(that, of course, being that there are going to be sequels,) the game play was limited, the graphics were good, and the characters were likeable(with the exception to the rather dizty-acting Shion, whom is suppose to be a scientist). I think this is worth buying, but it doesn't play up to the standards of the other most recently released games, such as Windwaker and Kingdom Hearts,(although the plot is a lot deeper than both of these).
Play a game or watch it?
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: September 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this game, and am waiting for the sequel. But you spend almost as much time watching the cutscenes as playing the game. And the storyline can be a bit confusing. Still, when you do actually play, it's fun. And the Story and Characters are quite good.
If you're an hardcore RPG fan, you'll want this game.