
Playstation : Oddworld : Abe's Oddysee Reviews

Gas Gauge: 79
Gas Gauge 79
Below are user reviews of Oddworld : Abe's Oddysee and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Oddworld : Abe's Oddysee. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 84
IGN 75

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 23)

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This works on so many levels.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 06, 2000
Author: Amazon User

I have the reflexes and hand-eye coordination of a mature guinea pig. I can't hold down three buttons to run forward, jump, and whirl about in a circle simultaneously. I get frustrated if I have to repeat a level too many times (which I ALWAYS do). But this game kept both me AND my steel-eyed, sharpshooting,whirling-fingers-of-death partner entranced for over a week. Then we had to take it back to the rental store and re-rent it.

It has something for everyone except the very young and very squeamish (even then, it's no more violent than any other violent arcade game, and at least you're shooting at icky-looking things). It makes one think and yet it takes the pressure off playing with flair, since there is no such thing as "Game Over." There are no extra lifes, no power ups, no bonus points. Put simply, it is endless entertainment for the thinking person. Some of the puzzles are pretty strenuous but none of the athletics require manipulation of the joystick in a fancy schmancy way--just nerves of steel and patience. I really hope I can find a copy for our very own.

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 07, 2008
Author: Amazon User

What a fun game this was the first time I played it back in the day! And just as fun now! It's well worth the money!


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 28, 2000
Author: Amazon User

This is a very addictive game that invites you to solve puzzles, route for the strange little alien you control, and watch the wonderfully bizarre story unfold. However, I need to add that there are a lot of gas-related jokes in the game, and some of us found them to be a little disgusting. One of the things you actually have to make the little alien do from time to time is pass gas - and I could have done without that. But it's a really interesting and original puzzle game with a story, and you should try it. I've known people who absolutely can't walk away from it.

BORING! (and creepy.)

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 15
Date: December 17, 2000
Author: Amazon User

OK. So i just played it for like a half hour. But it was one of the most boring half hours of my life! And I'm not big on creepy games like this. As you can probobly tell, it's about some alien creature that's a slave in a factory called ReptuFarms or something. The factory makes meat out of animals. Most animals in Oddworld (the would where Abe, the mane charecter lives) are extinced. I won't tell you any more of the plot. I will now tell you why i don't like it. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not big on creepy games. If you are, I guess you might like it. But it's not even 3D! It's just a 2D game where all you do is walk left and right. And the controlls are REALLY hard to remember! But, if these things don't bother you, i guess you might like it, though it's kind of old stile gaming. Well, thanks for reading. Bye!

Terrible game!!!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 30
Date: April 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee is the most overrated game on the PS1! Let me tell you why it's so bad. For starters, it's main selling-point is humor, and this ''humor'' is mostly made out of repetitive and boring fart jokes. Second...it's insainly dificult! You can't fight back. So this means you have to run away every time a bad guy sees you. The frustation doubles when you consider that you die after getting shot once. To top it all off the story is supposed to make you root for Abe. (the main character) But do you? NO!! Because he's extremly stupid and unlikable like the rest of his race! (Abe is trying to save them from becomeing food.) I say they deserve it. this is a bad game folks, very bad. Oh...and the voice overs are bad to.

uumm...ooooo...pretty colors...cool characters...aaahhh.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 7
Date: December 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

i got this game just tonight and already i think it is the most complicated game on earth i mean come come on this makes resident evil whimper as far as puzzles,difficulty,and oooohhhh my gosh graphics,do you have any idea how hard that is to do?still this game has only a few flaws and by that i mean the puzzles are way to hard,but lets ACTUALLY talk about the game ok?,good first i must commend the game on its graphical bueaty,this really brings out not only the humor but the magnificance of the woderfully placed and crafted cutsenes the opening movie is really interesting and well done and its really humorous.the game itself is kinda differnt,the puzzles are as you know are not being talked about here.the game obviously has a lot of potential to be an instant classic but not quite yet do i think the game has reached that level of greatness that it deserves,but i still think that OW strangers wrath beats the living snot out of this one,i hope that no offense was taken to those hard core oddworld fans out there but this is what i think of this rather OOD game on the playstation gaming delight consle,i hope that this review was helpful to you who are reading this,now according to my review this might not seem like a good buy but whatever you do,think twice and dont let my review fool you(i mean that in a good way).


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 15
Date: May 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User

If you like games were you have to do everything over and over a thousand times before proceeding to the next area just to do that a thousand times more than this game is for you. But I don't consider that very fun. The controls are easy however and the game can be amusing and addictive at times but I certainly would not consider it very fun to play.

A good, fun platform PC/Playstation Game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: December 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

The game is very fun and exciting to play, and I tend to get 'caught' by it. The difficultilevel, though, is very easy, but that's the only real bad thing - the game is too easy. It takes a lot of time to complete the game, and that also is very good about it. Personally I hate games, that are completed in less than two weeks after buying it - unless it is played very much every day, of course.

I think the game is really worth buying, even though newer episodes have come.

five stars!, definetely

Oh, Abe How I Love Thee!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: May 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User

This is the best game I have ever played (next to Abe's Exoddus)! With baited breath I await the next addition to the series--I'm ready for you Munch! Remember, once you're done with this one, you have to get Abe's Exoddus!

Oddworld stay away small kids

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: May 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User

First off,this game is extrordanarialy hard for young kids at the age of 5-9 who will most likley get so mad that...well you can guess the rest.Now that i have explained the hard bit we'll go to the good:almost everything!Creatures are maybe not the best but the graphics for the backround make you want to just keep walking and build a summer house there!Controls are easy to learn!And you'll usually have plenty of time to remember unless you are trying to do every single secret area.Great story too.Fantastic voices!Very funny most of the time.Very cool powers.It's a shame loads of people need to have 3D now.When I first got this game(I was 5)I thought it was very fun and very cool.Every time i got shot i almost fell off the bench!Then I stopped playing after a while because it was hard.Then I did the whole game through using a walkthrough with my mom.I was so amazed!It was impossibly cool how well the game unfolded.Then I even saw that you get another chance!Then i stopped again and played it in my spare time.Now i have decided to go and play through the game with alot of secrets.I am hoping for a good ending.So far i am doing reasonobly well.After buying this game if you like it buy Oddworld Abe's Exoedoss.It only got better there...

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