Below are user reviews of Mortal Kombat Trilogy and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mortal Kombat Trilogy.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 53)
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Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: October 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
this game is so great everyone would say because the amount of characters and backgrounds. Well in my opinion this game stinks i will tell you why. firstly combos are a nightmare to pull off, i beat opponents by only kicking and uppercutting which is sad. Secondly the fatalities are also hard to pull off. I know in options if you unlock the ? box you could perform 1 button fatalites, brutalites, animalites and friendship, but there is no 1 button stage fatality, so you will have to do the stage fatalities on your own, which is also a nightmare to pull off like the combos. Thirdly the game freezes evertime i am fighting a boss. the other day while i was fighting motaro the game just froze in the middle of the fight all my hard work to reach him at the top has gone down the drain. and yesterday when i was fighting goro the game froze again. maybe the playstation cannot handle the sprites when fighting the bosses. this game is so absymal that it achieves next to nothing in evrything it attemps to achieve. this game will only impress real MK fans.
Mental Kombat !!! LAMEALITY!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: June 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I first bought this game in a Hastings book store a long time ago and I've been a Mk fan for quit some time, so I went ahead and bought it thinking "This is great! I've got MK trilogy that has all of my favorite characters in it.And Midway makes really great games.(LOL) And I managed to find it in a five dollar bin.This is truly a lucky day for me."
Until I played it....
Then as time went on I kept it in my basement, and then one day I decided to bring it out because I hadn't played it in a while and I forgotten all of the moves, so I went to the options menu and put it on a pansy level so I can get the feel for it again.Then I remembered why I put it the basement. What I should have done was bury it in the back yard, never to see the light of day again.
As soon as the first round said "FIGHT" I might as well thrown in the towel.The game was gracious enough thou to just stand there for two seconds and let me get one shot in even thou I was 99.9% dead anyway, I mean what the F is the point?!
I don't even think the skill level even works.
The only way to make it up the ladder without facing brutalities and stage fatalities is if you were to play as Kintaro, (he's your best bet.)
If you play as Motaro you will get your a** handed to you literally! The A.I. actually puts any character to uppercut him and send him flying almost out of view of the screen! But if you were to uppercut the A.I. Motaro he only stagers, can't have him flying into the air oh no, that would require fairness in the game.
MK has been known for the (cut and paste) routine on characters and MK Trilogy is the crowning achievement of it.The male and female ninjas, and if a guy has a bike helmet and armor pads that they bought down over at Wal-Mart and calling them cyborg ninjas, you know this is a cheap a** game. What the hell was this game made off of, a 50$ budget? I guess Wal-Mart was selling helmets and bike armor pads on a half off sale.
I can see now why it was in five dollar bin, but I remember that there was a trash bin next to it and if I knew then before I bought it, I would have said "Hey, this is in the wrong bin."
Its hard to take this gory game seriously if that douche bag Dan Fordan's big fat head keeps popping out saying "Toasty."
And when it says on the back of the game. "Seven humiliating stage fatalities that sends your opponent plummeting to there embarrassing death." Thats you, your the opponent.The A.I. will make sure of that.
As for brutalities who the hell takes the time to flush there life away to memorize twelve different moves just to do one lousy move so a guy explodes. Wow. I never seen five skulls and twenty femur bones pop out of a guy a before. Its bad enough that you have to remember all the fatalities and supper moves, now this?
To sum it up.
The game play was awful.
The A.I. is cheap.
They cut and paste the characters as they always do.
The option menu is useless.
The video resolution is pore.
The audio is average.
And the story sucked.
I would not recommend this game to anyone, unless you want to yell at your TV screen all night.
Absolutely horrid one player game
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: March 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I don't know how people are rating this game so highly. I am a huge MK fan, but this game defines why I try to forget that MK3 and UMK3 came into existence. This is an absolutely horribly programmed one player game. The computer controlled players anticipate and counter every single move you do even on very easy! You have to pick Motaro just to make it to the end, and then who had the brilliant idea of giving Shao Kahn a throw-there goes the one way you could beat him with most players. Avalance software must have spent one day configuring the AI for this stinker. Then, to make matters worse, the Playstation D-pad controls like a tuna boat in a boat race. Good luck not breaking your controller as you watch your character get decimated and wonder why the move you tapped in did not work, over and over again. Then after I finally beat the game with Scorpion, the machine crashed twice so who knows if he has an ending or not.
The only reason I gave it two stars, is that with two people you do get an almost arcade perfect MK experience, but you still deal with the absolutely ridiculous characters of MK3 and UMK3 and all its palette swaps. My advice is to turn off aggressor mode as well as all of those cheap auto combos and pretend you are playing MKII with some extra backgrounds.
mortal kombat trilogy
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: July 10, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Mortal Kombat Trilogy was a popular game back in the early days of the Playstation's existence. Even before the Playstation Mortal Kombat was known as a groundbreaking game for its graphic violence on the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. It was the first of its kind, or one of the first. Looking back at the old 2D fighter games, despite the heavy amount of blood and all the creative fatalities, Mortal Kombat STINKS, plain and simple. The game tries to look dangerous and back in the day it really WAS a threat. Parents were terrified that their children might experience all the blood and gore.
We're talking nearly 14 years since the original Mortal Kombats release, and now we can look at the Mortal Kombat series for what it really is: a cheesy-looking and crappy series of uninteresting tournament fighting. That's what the entire series is (until the game turned 3D, then I don't know WHAT to think). Just the way the two fighters attack each other is SO boring. Even the best fighters like Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot are a total bore.
Midway thought they really had something going when they created Mortal Kombat Trilogy. It featured nearly EVERYBODY from the previous Mortal Kombat games. How can it be bad? Well, besides the reasons I mention above, the Playstation version is murdered with INCREDIBLE amounts of loading times. People can say the Playstation was a bad system when it came to loading all they want, but the fact remains Mortal Kombat Trilogy is quite possibly the most annoying game when it comes to waiting to play the freaking thing. Sometimes you have to wait almost a minute before the game *finally* loads the fight screen. And the fighting is so bad (because the entire Mortal Kombat series up until this point is severely dated and horrible) that the loading times are actually the part I look forward to the most.
I'll give the game one extra point for featuring all the fighters in one nifty little package. Besides that. BAD game.
Good game; ...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 8 / 13
Date: June 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game yesterday because I wanted the nostalga of mortal kombat. I was very unimpressed with MK:DA on XBOX so I bought this game. The store only had this game on Playstation and not N64 which I what I wish they had.
I took this game home dusted off my Playstation and popped this game in. Almost immediately I remembered how cheap and chessy these game can get. I had no problem getting to the bosses but once you get to Motaro and Shao Khan, the only way you can win is with luck and not skill. They both do the same chessy move over and over and over and over again, and there is nothing you can do about it. If you try to do a move, the computer's apparant pshychic ability counters your move before you even do it; very lame programming. They also added a throw to Shao Khan's already cheesy arsenal which makes him even more cheap. This game is better when playing other human players, ... It takes more luck than skill to beat this game. Another drawback is the slow loading times on Playstation. ... These slow loading times and also slow loading times during Shang Tsung's morphs's helped me remember why I hated playstation so much and stopped playing it in the first place.
A good Game with a serious case of the Glitches
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 04, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Mortal Kombat Trilogy, a fighting game that takes all of the characters from 1-3 and Ultimate MK3 and placed in a massive (at the time) fighting game. basically all of the same sprites from the other games (excluding Johnny Cage, which is the only new looking sprite in the game) put them in a fighting game that is just Mortal Kombat 1-3 with a few missing levels, missing the Pit 2 fatality animation, and adding 4 older versions of the characters with some horrible animation. I still like the older MK games, but with the age of the newer mortal kombats (Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armeggedon), these games feel a little too outdated. I think this is a great game but it has a ton of glitches (and there's only one good glitch in this game). when you turn on the 1 button fatality option and when you try to finish your opponent with your 1 button fatality, it doesn't always happen. sometimes you might end up still trying to finish your person off and no matter if you hit that person or whatever, you have to wait until the match is finished. When you play this on a PS2, if you have the speed doubled and you finish a match, it freezes on you, if you have the graphics level doubled and you either finish the match or something else that you do, it might or will freeze up. If you don't have either option on and you decide to start over from the beginning (that stupid buy in screen is what I am talking about), it freezes on you. The only good glitch in this game is that when you play as Noob Saibot and you do that jump and grab move, if your opponent is to the point to uppercutting him/her off the bridge and into the Pit 1 spikes, you can actually have that person fall all the way to the ground instead of just landing on the spikes and having them stopping the opponent falling all the way to the ground. you can actually see a little bit of blue on the bottom of the screen when this happens.
because of these horrible flaws, thisis why I am giving the overall rating of 3. If this didn't happen, then yes I would recommend getting this, but because Armeggedon is coming out in a few days (which has all of the characters from the series, including Chameleon from the PSone version of MK Trilogy, Meat from MK4 and 2 new characters from the Konquest mode in that game and hopefully won't have any horrible glitches like this game does), it's probably pointless to get this. If you don't like PSone and you have a N64, get that version. If you don't have either but have a PC, try getting Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition and the PC version of MK4 (I think they released it for PC too). If you hate either PSone or N64, wait for Armeggedon. If you don't like the 2 systems and don't care for Armeggedon, get Deadly Alliance or Deception on the PS2, GC, or Xbox. If you don't like that, then youare out of luck.
This Game is on FIRE! (The Overall should be 5)
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Shao Kahn's final attempt to control the earth is upon us......You have no choice. Defeat Kahn's deadly warriors or die trying.
1. 32 immediately playable characters plus 4 classic characters
2. The new Agressoer Kombat Mode arms the quick and meciless with more strength and power to inflict heavy, damaging combinations
3. Over 30 moves and (Fatal/Brutal)"-alitites" never seen in the arcade
4. New brutalities let you pound opponents until they explode
5. 7 humiliating stage fatalities that send defeated opponents plummeting out of the arena to a grizzly death
i disagree with what people say about the challenge it purposes
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: August 06, 2007
Author: Amazon User
hard?? this game isnt hard a all that is y its not fun the CPU is like freaking retarded even if you put it in very hard mode the only people that present a challenge are goro montauro and khan other than that the game is like cake i wwas able to beat the game with subzero by cheaply refreezing people over and over again and doing it with ease ... i like the one for sega genesis more it was much harded a challenge and better music... unless you got human players to play with u dont waste your time with this game
Good but...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 06, 2008
Author: Amazon User
The only thing that's really bad about this game is the A.I. and a few other things. No matter what difficulty you have it on it's good for like the first four fights. After that the computer somehow anticipates your every move and there's nothing you can do about it besides get lucky and manage to get at least 1 hit. But even when I do beat the game the game it freezes. I don't think you should get this unless you're an extremely good player or you have someone to play with.
Mortal Kombat
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 10, 2008
Author: Amazon User
The game is fun, but when you are playing alone it gets a little boring after a while. This type of game is made to play against a friend(or enemy.) It's better when you're actually playing someone else so you can talk trash about crushing the other or making an excuse because you lost.
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