Genesis : Spider-Man/X-Men - Arcade's Revenge Reviews

Below are user reviews of Spider-Man/X-Men - Arcade's Revenge and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Spider-Man/X-Men - Arcade's Revenge. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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For hardcore fans only

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 28, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I'm a big hardcore fan of both Spiderman and the X-Men. I too was very disapointed at the gameplay. I didn't have any real problem with the graphics. Actually, I think the X-Men stages had fine graphics, especially Wolverine's and Gambit's. Spiderman's stage is the exception, which is a major problem since Spiderman's easily the most important character in the game.

It's Arcade himself who made me stick up to this game. Arcade has always been known as a cheap villain who always manages to give everyone a big run for their money. So in Arcade's Revenge, the villain is simply living up to his reputation, which I believe is one of the game's true mockery. I also enjoyed the silly plot twist at the end of the game, very charasteristic of the villain.

Which leads me to Wolverine's second stage, a stage that takes our adamantium rage to a whole different level. The stage's considered almost impossible to beat. I simply found myself heavily appealed by the Wolverine and Juggernaut showdown.

There are 3 major tips you'd need to know to be able to beat Wolverine's second stage. It doesn't means that you'll finish the stage instantly. You'll still need to practice, but if you follow the tips carefully, you may find yourself beating the stage faster than you'd expect.

Tip 1: Since you'll be hitting Juggernaut constantly throughout the whole stage, you'll need to make sure that you hit him at least twice at a time. You may end up doing the mistake of landing the claws on him several times but still manage to hit him once. Make sure he gets that extra hit. Once you hit him at least twice, step away and keep hitting him. If at times you only manage to hit him once, don't worry about it and keep hitting him, but remember that every single hit counts. And don't forget the anvils.

Tip 2: To add valuable extra hits, you'll need to learn how to break the walls and hit Juggernaut at the same time. It's a lot more easier than it sounds. When a wall is near, run towards it and leave the Juggernaut behind. Break half of the wall preferably hitting it three times. Stop and face Juggernaut, who will immediately come running towards you. Once you hit him, Juggernaut will freeze up giving you enough time to break the wall and also give him a couple of extra hits in the process. Once you practice several times, you'll discover how easy it can become.

Tip 3: Effectively following the previous tips, you may have a slim chance of beating Juggernaut, but a mere slim chance. You'll need to squeeze a little more space and time so you can hit him enough to beat him. You may need to sacrifice energy in at least one of the walls. Since Juggernaut will break the wall himself once he reaches it, instead of wasting time trying to break the wall, you may use that time to inflict a couple of extra hits. You'll take the damage, but you'll also inflict important damage in the process, and you're still going to pass through the wall anyway. This tip is especially necessary to use in the sixth wall, where a clown drops a bomb exactly in front of the wall. It's almost impossible to pass this wall without taking a hit. Since you'll get hit anyway, use that moment to make that extra damage. To do this more effectively, you'll need to reach the wall with as much energy as possible. Inflicting that extra damage will make a real difference in beating Juggernaut.

I hope this information can be useful. I wish you good luck. And if you're a hardcore comics fan, you'll discover that the game, despite having some major flaws, it remains loyal to the Marvel Universe.

It's okay but it's a little boring

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 07, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I played the SNES version of this game and since it had Spider-Man and the X-MEN I thought it would be great. It's okay but it was stupid. Spidey's moves were limeted and can only shoot webs.Woverine and the Cycolps levels were good but the rest was hard.If you want a Spidey game from the same system I suggest Maximum Carnage or Seperation Anxiety


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: January 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This game takes horrible to a new level! On a 1-5 scale I give it a -9999999. The graphics are bad, spiderman's and everyone else's moves are limited, the sound effects are....(lets not even go there) and the game is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. You would get frustrated, you would be ripping your hair out......... basically your life will get miserable. You will keep loosing no matter how hard you try. Even if you use a game genie. WHO THE HELL DESIGNED THIS VIDEO GAME? I WOULD LOVE TO KNOCK THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!

Good but not great

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge.

In recent years, the Spider-Man franchise has gotten a huge revival, due in no small part to the recent theatrical films. Hard to believe that the character Stan Lee created circa 1962 that everyone thought would be a total flop has become one of the most popular superheroes of all time! With this resurgenge in Spidey's popularity, I thought it might be a good idea to go back and check out his video game adventures. One of the games I decided to re-explore was Arcade's Revenge, a game that paired him up with Stan Lee's other classic superhero faction, the X-Men. Read on for my review of the game.

This game was released in the early nineties. Essentially, Spider-Man and the X-Men have joined forces to battle against a common foe. You can play as Spidey or one of a few of the X-Men, including Wolverine and Gambit. Each character has their own special powers, and their own unique levels. It's a one-player side-scroller, with no saves or continues.

I love Spider-Man, but I won't deny that this game was a huge disappointment. The graphics are pitiful for a Super Nintendo game - these look more like NES-style graphics! Quite honestly, the LAUNCH games for the Super Nintendo had better graphics than this game! The gameplay itself is also painfully bland. The game FORCES you to complete a tedious Spider-Man level that involves collecting a bunch of items in a specific order before you can play as another character. This is sure to turn off players who bought this just to be the X-Men. You have a limited number of lives and no continues, which makes the experience all the more frustrating. And even though all the characters have their own unique moves, for the most part they play alike and just look different. Play control itself is also an issue. The control seems unfinished - for instance, Spider-Man can't start a web swing while he's in midair. Uh, HELLO! I thought in the comics, that's the ONLY PLACE he did web-swinging! The game's not terrible, but if you only get one Spider-Man game from this era, either get Maximum Carnage or Separation Anxiety. They're WAY better.

As an older game, this one is long out of print. Fortunately, in this day and age, there are a lot of used game shops out there with an abundance of used games for older systems. Accordingly, if you want to get this game, chances are one of those stores will have it for a decent price.

Let me sum everything up. If you want a good Spider-Man adventure from the same era for the same systems, check out Maximum Carnage or Separation Anxiety instead. Arcade's Revenge is not a bad game, but compared to those two, vastly-superior titles, revenge is a ninety-eight pound weakling. Unless you want every Spidey and/or X-Men game, take a pass on this one.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 4
Date: March 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User

What a disgrace to Marvel. Neither Spidey nor the X-Men come out of this with integrity left. It's seriously one of the worst games I have ever played on the Genesis. Terrible graphics, worse gameplay and awful music. Don't be like me and assume that it must be good coz Spidey is involved. I guess I should have researched it first coz it seriously is a bad, bad game. Stay away!

Probably the worst Spiderman game ever

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game a long time ago when it first came out. I wish I would have rented it first but I bought it anyway because it had Spiderman and the X-Men in it. I have to say this game is just weak in all aspects of the game. The levels are boring and unimaginative and the characters and bosses are dull. I DON'T recommend this game at all.

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