Below are user reviews of DarkStone and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for DarkStone.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 30)
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where can I get a strategy guide for this game (playstation)
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 14
Date: February 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I want a strategy guide tell me where i can at least find one
Not even worth the ...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 8
Date: February 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Its quite obvious why this is a ... title. Basically a very mediocre RPG. You can only play as one character and one player and the graphics will bring back memories of your Atari 5200.
Not severly under rated- Severly over rated
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: July 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is just plain bad. I played it at my friends house and I got sick of the game in ten minutes. The graphics are the worst i've ever seen for an RPG. I know graphics aren't everything but this game is just lacking so much graphics. I think it was late at night and the producers hadn't slept in over a week when they were making the graphics for this game. I agree what another person said in their review 'you can literally beat the game while just pressing the X button.'
It also is very bad on the lighting effects. I entered a cave and it was pitch black. I just kept walking while tapping the X button and beat the cave.
I would give the game -100 stars if i could. Listen save your money. You don't know when a great game goes down to only only [price].
I know i'm a rookie at writing reviews, but at least listen to me halfway. RENT THE GAME FIRST. That way you only spend five dollars on a worthless title, rather than spend [price] or even [price] on this game.
This Game makes me vomit
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 7
Date: November 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
To put it simply, I would rather undergo a visectomy via weedwacker than play this game again. When I first played it, I was convinced it was going to be good because I everything else about the game was good. It cost 7 bucks and I didn't even have to pay for it. The title was pretty good and the screenshots were appealing. When I played the game, I enjoyed it thoroughly. One of my friends later pointed out that I was in "Bad Game Denial." This game's graphics were comparable to Pong, and Arkanoid 1. It was so dark that I had difficulty distinguishing walls from crudely-drawn, sword-wielding skeletons. When running, attacking, casting spells, and performing simple actions, my character, regardless of who I chose, looked like a perturbed fetus. His/Her facial features looked very similar to a peach-colored grape. He was constantly hunched over like an old man facing arthiritis in virtually his entire body. My character's grunts when he was being hit were similar to the sounds that come from a rhinocerous in labor. The motion his body made when he swung a sword or staff or whatever were like a door on its hinges. I spent many hours after my realization laughing incontrollably like a psychopath at the sheer stupidity of it all.
Graphics: 4 I can only give it this much because of the chicken that runs around in town. That little guy made me laugh and he was well made.
Character Structure: 2 The characters, for the most part, looked like a pillow for their torso, and string beans for their arms and legs.
Storyline: 3 The basic story is that for some reason or another, you're supposed to collect 6 or 7 crystals. I got as far as the second crystal, but then, there just weren't anymore quests to do.
Gameplay: 4 You can cast a variety of spells and use more than a few different weapons. However, since it has a very Diablo style form of gameplay, (except not as good) it got old very fast.
If you want my opinion, don't buy this game unless you are someone who likes extreme pain. Rent it, maybe, just so that you can laugh at how bad it is, but other than that, just stay away.
Try the PC version instead!
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: April 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Long have I had the PC version of Darkstone, and last month I purchased the playstation version, it was HORRIBLE!! it wasnt worth the 10 dollars, instead i returned it to the store and reinstalled the PC version and played it that way. there's no 2-character usage in the playstation version, and the graphics are way worse, my PC is a 96' PC and it plays much better on it. I extremly highly reccomend the PC version, but the playstation version stinks.
Terrible game, even it were free.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 4
Date: July 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is terrible, I've seen it for PS, and own it for PC, and I can't stand it! The graphics are terrible, the gameplay is too similar to Diablo 2, without the fun stuff like the Horodric Cube, or the range of items. Save your money, buy DII and Lord of Destruction... you'll feel better that you didn't waste your money.
not bad for the money
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I mean, ten bucks. what do you expect. you get what you pay for.
you could conceivably play this game hitting only the X button.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: November 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Now I know why there where not any screenshots on the back of the jewel case! If there where, They couldnt sell the game, Terrable graphics, Gameplay so-so, Little thought into quests and lvling up. Frankly, a disgrace to RPGs. Not worth the 10 bucks.
Might I suggest FFVIII?
Rating: 4,
Useful: 40 / 80
Date: December 21, 1999
Author: Amazon User
This game was pretty cool at first. When you do a quest you mainly only got 10,000 gold. (goes by really quickly.) The dungeons don't repop guys so you need to keep restarting the game (server if you are in mplayer). When my brother, cusion, and I played this game we played from about 3 in the after noon till 11:30 in the morning. We would have gone longer but my parents made us go to bed. So i definetly recommend this game.
Bargain title, not a bad game!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 18 / 18
Date: March 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I've just read some reviews for the game all over the net. Everyone is trashing it...and I really don't understand why. Is there a certain rule that bargain games cannot be good? Must a game cost fifty bucks for it to be good? That's what all magazine reviews seem to be leaning towards. Don't listen to them, it's just their opinion anyway. They're a bunch of spoiled babies who sit there and get paid to write ridiculous reviews on games like DS. I just got the game today, wanted to check out what it was like and surprisingly I found myself playing it for 2 hours. Bottom line is that if you like Diablo, you will probably like this game. Same style, same type of dungeons, same everything. Don't be fooled by those spoiled losers that work for these magazines who are trashing this game in their reviews. Just because it's not made by Squaresoft doesn't mean it cannot be fun. I've had more fun playing this game than I did Vagrant Story and that got great reviews. That's the last time I'll trust magazine's all opinions. Can't lose price-wise on this one, and even if you don't like it as much, you won't be banging your head against the wall for buying the "editor's choice/pick" and finding out that a supposedly bigger, more expensive game is no different graphically than the one I'm writing this review for.
Here's the rundown on the game (1 worst - 10 best)
Graphics: 6 We've seen better graphics on playstation, but hey, this wasn't meant to be state of the art...then again, neither was Frogger but we played that for months now, didn't we?
Control: 8 Can you rotate the camera view at any time in Vagrant Story? I think not. Button-smashing (as some of the reviews claim)? Not at all. Movement could feel more realistic, but we're not here to complain.
Fun Factor: 10 After spending 2 hours with the game, it's about as much fun as Diablo was when I opened up the game and popped it in for the first time. How much longer will this last? Who knows.
Music: 6 Average sounds, nothing phenomenal...
In true Amazon fashion, I give this game 4 out of 5 stars.
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