Below are user reviews of City of Heroes and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for City of Heroes.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (81 - 91 of 204)
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CoH saves NCSoft in america
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: August 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
If it wasn't for City of Heroes, NCSoft would be in big trouble in America. After Lineage II gets done flopping (they are already down to less than 40,000 subscribers) CoH will be their only reason to stay afloat in the US.
CoH is a great game. It would be fun even if it was a single player game! Yes, the missions are repetitive and the leveling grind gets pretty steep past 30 (there's 50 levels), but it's a lot of fun getting there. Diverse characters with clearly defined roles, gives your character a lot of power to control the flow of battles. The developers are constantly adding new, free content to make this one of the best values in online gaming. Unfortunately, there isn't any PVP to speak but an expansion called City of Villains is due in 2005. Better build up your character now for the bloodshed to come! If you're a fan of this genre, don't miss CoH.
Fun with friends, but major rule changes every couple of months
Rating: 3,
Useful: 7 / 13
Date: November 07, 2005
Author: Amazon User
In City of Heroes, you play a character with powers. To play this game, you need a good broadband connection that isn't shared with someone trying to consume the entire bandwith downloading lots of things. There are click powers, toggles, and automatic powers (always on). Click powers have different recharge times, and usually spectacular and fun special effects. The most fun you will have will be playing with some friends. Lately the developers have pushed the PvP aspect of this game, which, unless you really get into it, will mean that your characters will eat a lot of dirt. You probably won't have as much fun as I did before the developers started balancing everything for PvP. In PvP combat, your powers behave differently than in PvE, which is highly annoying. The whole combat system is a collection of ugly hacks. The more you will learn about it, the more the game will feel like a square peg that was hacked until it fit. The developers basically whack at the system and repeatedly nerf players that they think are too powerful. Except, it's always someone's turn getting nerfed, with no end in sight. I started playing this online game thinking that it would be the end of the paper and pencil RPG gamemasters messing with the rules and my characters whenever they felt like it or when I got "too inventive". Boy was I wrong, the developers of CoH have the same itch to mess with the rules and your characters all the time, while promising that this will be the last time. Worse, you have no power over them and they just do what they please; protesting does no good.
So, I quit playing this game not because it's impossible to have fun with it anymore. In fact, lots of people are having a great time and so can you, especially if your friends play it. I just can't stand the never-ending changes; just when you thought you had figured out a good power combo, the devs turn everything on its head. So, if you don't get upset like I do when major changes are made to your characters incessantly, go ahead and buy it; it's surprisingly entertaining and addictive. For me it's over... no game is worth getting so upset over, so I'm just going to avoid it.
Was good in the beginning....
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 13
Date: January 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This game was great when it first came out. Actually, it was good for almost a year after its release. The main problem is that the developers constantly impose radical changes to the game that make it play completely different. This IS NOT the same game that was released back in 2004.
Granted, the game is a fantastic concept. You are Super Hero, with superhuman abilities. Well, you "were" a superhero. Now, superheroes in the game (YOU), are no longer super! The developers felt that having "super" abilities was "not challenging", so they drastically reduced the powers that players have. You are no longer able to take on several villains at a time. But now you are limited to only fighting maybe 3 at max. Anymore than that and you are going to lose!
Look, if you are just starting the game, you might not see any validity to my claims that the constant radical changes over the last year have ruined the game. But, stick around long enough and you will see that even the game you come to know will no longer be the same. City of Heroes has undergone many severe, frequent changes. Changes that in fact make this game a totally different game every couple of months.
You may find that "special" power that you love completely and utterly layed to waste with the next patch. Whenever a certain type of character becomes popular, the developers "patch" it so that it no longer is favorable.
The developers lack leadership. They continually push the game in different directions. You don't know what the game will be like next month, or the following month. Several types of archtypes, or "races", are now obsolete. Many people, including myself have spent many hundreds of hours playing and leveling up our characters, only to find that they are suddenly worthless. Is that fair?
Pleas take my advice, stay away from this game, and the whole City of Heroes franchise (including City of Villains). What you may find to be fun today, will undoubtedly be removed from the game tomorrow.
Extremely Disappointing.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 8 / 16
Date: June 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I had really high hopes for this game.
And, at first, this game didn't let me down. I mean, the price of the game seemed a bit steep, but the graphics were awesome, and the character creation screen was by far the best I've ever seen.
And then they put me into this beautifully rendered comic-book city that just had a fantastic atmosphere... almost puts you right in the comic book. Exactly like it's supposed to.
And so I actually enjoyed this game for about two days. But then I realized: there's no content here. None. The game consists of the following:
1) Walk up to a bad guy.
2) Press "3" or maybe "2" in order to punch, kick, or slash that guy.
3) Lather, rinse, repeat.
There are no items. Therefore, there's no game economy. Therefore, there's almost no reason for players to interact. Sure, it can help you level a little faster to create temporary, informal groups. But there's no place where players congregate, chat, roleplay, or make friends... you see a bunch of players grouped around the level-up points sometimes, but there's actually no reason for them being there.
Further, there is absolutely no way to advance your character other than running up to mobs and pressing a number. There's no crafting, or any non-combat skills whatsoever. Advancement = XP, and XP = combat.
There isn't even any PvP. You could create the most powerful character on the server, and won't even get the bragging rights of taking down the second-most powerful in order to settle all debate of who's better. I'm told this will be addressed later, when they'll give you the opportunity to shell out another $50 for the expansion pack.
By the time I had played this game for a week, it was becoming intensely repetitive and boring. It's nothing more than trading damage with mobs and watching your XP grind upwards at an agonizingly slow pace. This is less a game than a test of your boredom threshold.
Have to agree with Darius, this game is a grind
Rating: 2,
Useful: 8 / 16
Date: September 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I was excited about this game, at first. And if you are new, you will be excited as well. There is a lot of new stuff for the usual MMORPG player who is used to the typical dwarf sword and sorcery. It's fun...for the first 20 levels or so. Then the grind starts. The highest I reached, after 300 hours of play, is level 34 out of 50 (highest level). Around level 30 or so, I noticed how hard it was to level up. I don't mind it taking awhile, but in City of Heroes, you have limited things to do to level up.
Basically, you fight villians. It's fun, but after you have killed the same type of villian thousands of times, it's not fun. And when you level up, you don't always get a new power. At level 32, you only get a new power every 3rd level. What this boils down to is that after your hard work to level up, you have to level up 2 more times to see a cool new power. Not fun. There is no carrot to keep you interested in playing.
Finally, *if* you reach level 50, there is nothing more for you to. In other games, there are epic dungeons or PvP. Here, there is nothing.
I give the game 2 stars for the uniqueness of play and fast action. However, it is not enough to keep you interested in playing, especially with the STEEP xp curve. I've played other MMO's before and this one is the longest time to XP I've ever seen. For a month or 2, you will get enjoyment. Just don't plan on staying interested or making this the MMOG you plan to stick with for 2 years.
Excelent for old timers and young alike
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: November 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing CoH for over 4 months now. I am still enjoying it as much as when I first started. I know for a fact I am one of the oldest players on Coh but that does not stop me joining in and having fun. Being one of the few Brits who plays CoH at present makes it interesting as I have made a lot of friends over there in the states. I throughly recomend this game. go for it you know you want to
Great game, lots of fun, some small flaws.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: September 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I've been a gamer/computer game since Commodore 64s were around, and I've played a variety of MMORPGs and simulations. I prefer City of Heroes to all of them so far.
The character creation mode is incredible, letting you choose from a variety of costumes/body types/looks and you can add extra items at higher levels, such as capes, auras and (thanks to the newest patch) a witch hat!
There are TONS of places to visit, off the top of my head there must be at least 20 or so different locales for various levels, and several different types of baddies to fight.
The game is well illustrated, giving a "comic book" feel to the whole experience as you fight giant robots and so on.
If there are any flaws (they are not many) it is these:
i)The game has much lore and storylines, and if you choose certain missions you can trigger a 'story arc', at the end of which you will receive a souvenir. Unfortunately, there is no way to know which mission leads to an arc, and if you leave any of your contacts with unfinished missions, you may NEVER get an arc again! This is quite frustrating as the lore content and arch-villains only get better through story arcs.
ii)Patching: Since City of Heroes offers new content through patches, the patches often bring incredible LAG and crashes. The last patch, issue 5, gave us a new zone to play in, but also brought sound loops which crashed the game. There has since been a new patch which addresses this, but still...
iii)Slow advancement/challenges at higher levels. Once you get above level 40...expect a long ride before you level, which is fine, but much new content is available then and you just wish you could get to it sooner.
All in all, this is a fantastic game. I love it, and recommend it to anyone!
Neuronia on Champion server. =)
Buyer beware on Used MMOS
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: October 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I had bought a copy of the City of Heroes though a Amazon Seller. When I recieved the Game I installed it to find that the account was still active. The SoftWare is useless and PlayNC "the company behind the City of Heroes Game" can not help you with the issue. I have contacted the seller and at the moment I may be stuck with a game I can not use. Just wanted to Warn some people that may not be familar with the way MMO's run.
I have the city of villians and so far it has been a very good MMO. Lots of good content and you do not have to have a 40 man raid to play the game.
Great game but backend support lacking
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: May 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I was immediately impressed by the audio/visual aspects of this game. Character, maps, and special effects are all very detailed and consistant with the super hero genre. The character costume design tool lets the player develop some very impressive, original combinations.
Gameplay is pretty straight forward: go out and beat down the bad guys using fists, weapons, or psi and energy powers, either wandering about the troubled streets of Paragon City looking for a fight or by obtaining missions with specific objectives.
Success gains the character experience which increases their "security level" granting new powers and access to more challenging areas. It also provides "influence" which is the coin of the realm in CoH. Influence allows the hero to purchase Enchancements which increase the effectiveness of their powers by increasing damage, range or reducing energy costs (Endurance = mana) or Inspirations which are temporary power ups and healing items. Both can also be aquired directly through combat.
My two complaints with the game are lack of content (beyond combat there is very little to do and NPC interaction is extremely limited) which hopefully will be addressed with later patches and releases. You can't trash your surroundings either which is a staple of super hero combat. The archetype system (basically character class) feels a bit constraining and there are some balance issues.
There is also a pitifully slow response system for those attempting to set up an account with NCsoft. You may have to wait as long as two days to get the access code needed to set up an account and add CoH to play it.
Overall, I am enjoying the game very much. As of this writing I have a 15th level Scrapper (melee based fighter) and am a member of a superteam (guild). The online community seems pretty decent toward each other and the servers have been fairly stable.
If you enjoy the genre you will like this game.
Step aside JLA, its our turn now!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 11
Date: April 08, 2004
Author: Amazon User
As everyone else who preordered this game, I have been taking part in the beta testing for this game. While I cannot give away any specifics, I will say, this game ROCKS!!!! My first night to play this game was insane! I speant over an hour making up my first character, choosing from the literally thousands, upon thousands of different costume ideas. Then I was off into the immersion of Paragon City...
One suggestion I will give any first time players, let your friend and family know that you will be disappearing for a while when you first begin playing; this game is highly addictive!