GameBoy Advance : Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 71)
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Walkthrough pretty much.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 10
Date: April 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game is the coolest! It comes with Valkyrion the Magnet Warrior, Harpies Feather Duster, and Sinister Serpent. In the game there are 14 sections that have people in the them
. If you want the days on the game to pass faster you can just talk to a passerbye to pass the day but you need to watch out because a thought to vbe passerbye can be a rarehunter who wil steal one of your cards if you lose! You can also duel tons of ppl like Yugi/Y. Yugi, Joey, Tea, Trusdale etc.. You dont really walk around but you look at an area on the sides surrounding you to see if there is a duelist or passerbye then you can choose one. Every monday you get a magazine that comes with 5 cards and every saturday if you are close enough to the area that a tournamet will be held you can enter for a pack of rare cards. You have these special points from the beginning on called duelist points and you get more if you win but lose a little less if you lose. The more points you have the more booster packs available for the picking! about every other week ther ius a target week were you are assigned 2 targets and you have to beet those targets by the end of the weeek to get extra duelist points! Sometimes they alos have tournamnets that last for 3 days and you have ot make it to all of the locations or you are disqualified! Also with 6 langauages you vcan duel with ppl from all over the world!Well this is pretty much what i know from playing the game but i bet that there s a lot more! Also remember you can trade cards via the GBA game and you can import passwords! All in all i think that this is an awesome game wel worht your money! i mean the cards you get by themselves are probably worht it! It is alot better than the sequels Dark Duel Stories for GBC and Eternal Duelist Soul for GBA and i own all yugioh games so i know! you better hurry before they run oyut though!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: November 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is SO much better than the new one, The Sacred Cards. In this game, you get to battle more players, use *REAL* rules, and you don't have to use any annoying experience points to be able to use great cards, unlike in Sacred Cards, which is about as good as Dark Duel Stories with the exception of the God cards. Plus, this game has by far (Not including the super-rare 2002 DDS) the best promos. I mean, c'mon! Valkyrion, Killer Snake and Harpy's Feather Duster? JEEZ!
super great game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 15 / 23
Date: April 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game is great because it's yugioh it only cost's [$] starting friday 4-18-03 toys r us has it on wed it comes with one magnet vaicolarian harpies feather duster(gyrpohn wing isn't useless anymore)and sinister serpant.Great cards.the game has 6 langues and over 1,000 cards in it.including the ones from lob,mrb,mrl,psv,lon and new ones.this game starts in battle city and is the suequl of yugioh eternal duelist soul!this is the greatest yugioh game in english to date! buy this game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 16
Date: October 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I purchased this for my son's 8th birthday, and his father plays it all the time, I am now buying another Game Boy Adv., a new game, and cable to let them duel this thing against each other!
Dark-X reveiws "Worldwide Edition SDD"
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 10
Date: February 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Hey its Dark X... I will make a quick reveiw and a detailed reveiw depending on the mood you are in.
Quik-N-EZ reveiw:
- Great graphics
- Great gameplay
- Link-able
- Awesome and valuable promo cards
- You can build a deck
- Do many dueling challanges
- Go to tournaments
Great overall!
Detailed Reveiw: In this game, you can duel and unlock other duelists. They are skilled and dont just play any random card. Each time you win, you win a booster pack. You can construct a deck with the cards you have in the game. If you have a Gameboy connection cable, you can vs. your friends and trade. They have tournaments in the game which require you to duel on a certain condition like only usaing monsters, using no effect monsters, only using monsters with low attack, and more fun tournament. In order to beat the game you must complete the rare hunter challenge, all the tournaments, beat all the duelists, and more. The graphics are great and this game uses the correct card rulings. The game comes with 3 overly used and abused promo cards. Valkerion the Magna Warrior which can stay at a whooping 3500 ATK or have 3 monsters with 1400-1700 ATK power and it is good because you can use in a situation you need a powerful monster or a situation you need 3 monsters (quantity or quality when you need it) Rating: 3/5. Sinister Serpent which goes back to your hand on a standby phase it is in your graveyard meaning, you can use it for plenty discarding costs, infinite defense, metamorphasis, ultra evolution pill, and hundreds of more combos Rating: 5/5. Harpie's Feather Duster which can blow away all of the opponent's magic and trap cards meaning, getting rid of threats and has no cost Rating 5/5. The cards sell for about 70 bucks together and the game is priceless. WORTH THE VALUE!
-Dark X
one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh! games to date...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: April 21, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I purchased this over the weekend, because it would almost entirely ensure that I wouldn't have to spend more money on cards for a while(believe me, on my budget, card buying saps alot ^_^). Let me just say, this is a pretty good game. Obviously this is better than Duelists of Roses(i think thats the name) and Forbidden Memories, both of them stray too much from the rules, and at least Forbidden Memories requires you to earn insane amounts of star chips for half-way decent cards(I haven't tried Duelists of Roses yet). And this beats out Eternal Duelist Soul(which I have a ROM of), by offering every english card released so far(EDS only had a few cards from Pharaohs Servant, the most recent set out at the time of EDS's release). Plus, the idea that there are new goals, like defeating both of your targets during 'Target Week', or searching out the Rare Hunters when you're notified of their presence. But one thing that is both a help and a hindering trait, is the jacked up diffculty for beating some players, and the toned down difficulty for others. For example, in EDS, Joey was simple to beat, but in this game, his difficulty has been jacked up a bit, probably due to his new cards. Meanwhile, I find Weevil easier to beat, with a lot of his cards being pushovers, and his strategy somewhat less bloodthirsty than in EDS(I think it was just because my old EDS deck sucked^_^). Overall, a nice game, very fun, and worth buying...By the way, don't be surprised if your promo cards(Valkyrion the Magna Warrior, Harpie's Feather Duster, and Sinister Serpent) are a little bent, mine were, but not really that badly...
Great Game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: November 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is the best Yugioh game I've ever played. It has allmost all the characters from the episodes(Yugi, Joey, Duke, Marik, the rare hunters ect). Amyone who says this game is bad is wrong. There are target weeks where the game randomly gives you 2 dulists to find and beat for extra points. at the end of every duel you get a pack of cards. To get more choices of card packs if you win a duel(5 cards per pack) you need more points. You get more points by defeting dulist, but if you lose you lose points. It is very simple to make your deck better all you need to do is push the r button and it will let you move cards in and out of your deck. You can get a lot of strong cards(blue eyes white dragon, blue eyes ultiment dragon, exsodia). If you love Yugioh like me you should buy this game.
Not a shockingly good game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: April 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Hello, I once again sit down to type my thoughts on a product you may be about to buy. This game is very much like the Eternal Duelists Soul (E.D.S.) game which came out awhile back. The difference in these two games are 1). This game allows you to enter codes for over 1000 new cards to battle with. 2) This game has many new and tougher opponents that you have the chance to battle. 3) You can now battle at Battle City, the new tournament that the T.V. show is focusing on. I found this game to not really add any new improvements to the graphics when you are in a duel. I really HATED the graphics on the E.D.S.! They put two cards next to each other and show the damage that one card does to another. I think that Konami could have done a little better on the graphics. I LOVED the graphics on Dungeon Dice Monsters! (D.D.S.) On D.D.S., they show the monsters fighting each other instead of placing their pictures together and comparing the damage. If you have E.D.S., you will really like this game. I liked it but I still believe that Konami could have tried alot harder on the graphics! If you have D.D.M., you might like this game, but will probably hate the graphics.
J-DIZZLE say it rock
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: September 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User
OK.The game is so cool. your at battle city just like on tv.and the three bounus cards inside the box are the american god cards.Im not lieing i didnt belive it eather but there in there..........remeber it's time to dudududuel.
The most AWESOME game ever!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: September 12, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is the COOLEST. I give it five stars!
I got it on Labor Day ..., And I am still amazed by it! That's a new record! Usually with a new game I'm sick of it by the third day. The second day I was sorta sick of it because I kept ending up challenging the toughies like Kaiba and Ishizu, Because the game doesn't tell you who they are until you've dueled them. That was before I fond Mokuba. How'd He even get in this tournament? He is crude, Bu beware his BEUD combo. Make sure he has 5000 or less Life points at the beginning, because he some times summons BEUD with Cyber-stein.