Below are user reviews of Battlezone 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Battlezone 2.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 32)
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Just thought I'd try and tell the truth
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 13
Date: April 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User
A lot of good reviews--two perfect 5 star reviews even. gets to choose which reviews are "featured", so that's not really much of a surprise.
You should definitely read more reviews. The graphics are okay, but the design of the graphics in this game are considered to be very cartoonish by many. Bright oranges, glowing blues, and odd color assortments await you in this game. Do yourself a favor and search for the original Battlezone. That was a game I played so many years ago I can't even remember when, but I remember clearly the missions and the specific gameplay elements because it was so good. The story made more sense, the missions didn't tell you exactly what to do (you had to figure it out, which was the fun part), and the overhead map was accessible from the push of a button rather than getting out of your vehicle all of the time. To summarize what these reviews (on the first page) are all leaving out:
- You'll have to get out of your vehicle constantly. Because the drivers of other vehicles just aren't smart enough to do the job themselves. You'll also have to do this to access the tactical map, the only way of ordering units around without actually driving there (by which time the units in question will have already been destroyed, too little, too late)
- Missions aren't involving, and the story doesn't continue from the original game. In short, there's really not much of a story, as you'll find yourself doing strange things that you've been ordered to do for no apparent reason
- Interface is cluttered, buttons rearrange themselves based on the order that you built things, and it's a nightmare finding the right keys to press during the heat of battle. In many games, the only deciding factor of whether you'll win or lose is if you find the right keys fast enough
Refund, please!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: April 05, 2000
Author: Amazon User
To be honest, when I first looked at Battlezone 2, I thought it would be pretty darn cool, I mean, with graphics like those, what can beat it? Everything. The first problem I encountered was the excruciatingly long installing period, which takes about as long as a brick moving 10 yards on it's own. When I finally woke up and saw the installing program had finished, I booted up what would be one of the worst gaming expiriences of my life. After the dull entrance cinematic, I was again forced to wait another half an hour to get past the frickin' main "menu" which takes you practically straight to the 1- player mode, then gives you 3 seconds to take a quick glance at the crucial controls. The boring cinematic will have you alreading pulling your hair with it's poor effort put into it's sound which will make you struggle to hear what the "commanders" are whispering to you. When you actually start playing, you'll first encounter a rushed, buggy feeling with your ship and poor brake engine(hope this thing has airbags). The mapping is pretty sorry itself. A huge map isn't all bad, but if the timed mission is held in only one hard-to-find location, you could get a little ticked off. The computer "animal enemy" AI misses every shot of the occaisonal fire from them, and they have a life meter so long you'll be wondering why you just didn't bring a can of radiation with you. Whether it's the lame storyline or the lousy controlls, Battlezone 2 is a real miss.
It's pretty, but it lags
Rating: 2,
Useful: 11 / 18
Date: January 03, 2000
Author: Amazon User
It's very pretty, but even with a P3 500mhz voodoo 3 the game loses frames. The tanks don't handle like they used to. The emphasis is on action. I wouldn't recomend it for strategy fans or action fans.
How do you play it?
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 15
Date: December 16, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Ok, by reading the reviews of the people here, I can see someone has figured this game out. I bought it not realizing it had missions where you had to do certian thing at certain times. I thought this was going to more of a graphics rich version of Dune 2000 or Tiberian Sun...was I dissapointed.
It takes forever just to get to play a mission. The mission starts loading up and someone starts talking, I guess giving a little story to the mission you are about to play. But, I can see that it's all loaded up within a few seconds, but the person just keeps talking. I can't get it to skip past that so I can go ahead a play. This is very frustrating. In a nutshell, I stopped trying to figure it out and went on to buy another game to play. Get something else, this sucks.
Boring, zzzzzzzz
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 13
Date: October 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The first time I played this game, it seemed pretty cool, but the longer I played the more I realized that the interface was no good, there is no way to control all of your guys at once, you have to go to their positions to give orders, basically if they are under attack, they're dead by the time you get there.
Another thing is that the skirmish mode stinks, there are only 5 maps and you can't choose what race you want to be for each map. Plus, on some maps, the AI is completely stupid, and on some it is just the opposite. This game is just plain boring, it gets on your nerves a lot. If you like strategy, stay away from this game, get Red Alert 2 instead.
A game that is not a game!
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: February 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User
...This game starts exciting at the beginning with aliensattacking your one and only military base, when suddenly you kill thealiens! But then, there aren't anymore enemies to kill. You'll bespending the whole time cruising about in your tank or spacecraftfiring missiles at trees or icebergs instead of the enemies!...Thisgame might be cool at the beginning but then will become veryuseless. As the people say, it's futile!
requires high-end system
Rating: 3,
Useful: 10 / 11
Date: January 10, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Do not buy this game unless you have AT LEAST 350mz or more. The stated "minimum requirements" of 200mhz is nothing more than Activision's way of getting at your wallet. In one of the final levels of the game, a system of 200mhz will not even be capable of completing the mission. 350mz should get you through the game with all details off and resolution at the lowest.
I recommend you have a system of 450mhz or higher for satisfactory gaming. Anything less and some of the single player missions' low frame rates could get on your nerves.
If you have an AMD CPU (in the 300-400 range), you should probably stay away. The marketing folks over at Activision neglected to tell AMD owners up front that the game was optimized for Intel processors and that AMD chips may present buggy and slow games. You have to dig into the readme before you see that little surprise (so if you're going to try BZ2 anyway, make sure you get it from a place you can get a refund from).
Also, if you're looking for Internet play, make sure you have at least a cable modem or DSL connection. As with Heavy Gear 2, the claim that the game can play online satisfactorily on the required 28.8 connection is a woeful mistake.
The game itself is fun and definately above average. I would have given the game 5 stars if it had strong multiplayer support, but in this area, BZ2 is about average. So 4 stars for that. Still fun, decent sound and music, unique gameplay. 3 stars for the folks who are marketing the game.
if you're looking for a game with cooperative multiplayer support, where you and a buddy can take on the enemy AI together, look elsewhere. While most Real Time Strategy games support the feature, BZ2 left this out.
Be sure to check out the Pandemic website, message board, and BZ2 newsgroups for more customer reviews!
A shadow of the original
Rating: 3,
Useful: 4 / 8
Date: February 24, 2000
Author: Amazon User
To sum it up, this game was a major dissapointment. The interface was dumbed down to the point of being retarded compared to the original. The unit AI was a joke, unit would go through lava at times and destroy themselves to get to you. And as for originality, well why did they borrow units from Dark Reign? The assault tanks, the missile tank? Come on guys! The original game is in my opinion, the best game ever made (and never played to boot, sadly) but it was and is great even now. This games good points ie strafing AI, cool backgrounds and more involved unit design are not enough to make up for the bad points, ie high system requirements, poor, short storyline, dumb AI, etc. But what I consider the worst crime is that they took a very useful interface and ruined it. In the original you had to assign units to the F keys but now it is done for you, you can't take them off and you can't mix units on a key, you also can't build if they are all used up either. And you can no longer run your base from other ares like in the original. There is no defend command when you are away. I could go on but enough already. If you want to play the real BZ2 then get the Red odyssey expansion pack, it is well done. I played the original for 6 months straight, but this coaster was not even on my hard drive a week before it was gone. Good Hunting!
Could Have Been Much Better..
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: March 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The first Battlezone is an amazingly fun game. That is high praise coming from me since I rarely play RTS type games. I love the resource management system and the user interface of the first game.
So what happened to Battlezone 2? Those elements are still in this version but alot of the fun is missing. This game had very few thrills in it. The ability to call in airstrikes was fun, squad-based tank combat is always a good time but the game did'nt meet my expectations. Also, the 3D accellerated graphics in the game are wasted; it makes alot of things look fake or just plain goofy looking, especially the enemy vehicles.
The developers were too quick to jump on the 3D bandwagon when they had no "new" game to sell. The first Battlezone is still better. My opinion: it is worth about 10 bucks, don't pay anymore and don't expect to be playing it for a long time.
Fun and fast paced
Rating: 4,
Useful: 6 / 9
Date: January 30, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I noticed a previous reviewer said you really need a fast system to play BZ2. Well I am playing on a 300mhz pent2, 160 megs ram, Voodoo3 3000, and with a 40kbs internet connection speed and it is smooth as silk with every feature turned up and using 800X600 res. He must have alot of stuff running in the background. Well enough of that. The single player game has great graphics and good strategy gameplay. I find the storyline a bit weak though. The multiplayer portion needs some work. Ping times are extremely high and it is hard to get into a low(sub 400) ping room. They really need to fix that portion. While I am not quite as impressed as with the first, BZ2 is still a good game to keep you glued to your monitor for hours.
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