
PC - Windows : Falcon 4.0: Allied Force Reviews

Gas Gauge: 89
Gas Gauge 89
Below are user reviews of Falcon 4.0: Allied Force and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 89

User Reviews (11 - 21 of 74)

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F4AF and version patches

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 11 / 11
Date: December 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User

bought this 12/19/05. the game is great. if you are a falcon 4.0 fan this is a must get. i have followed falcon 4 from day one, though the zillion upgrades,sp2-4, and patches for the last 10 years. it is intense, requires patience to master, must have hotas controls for realism, but oh so much fun! the real time missions are mind blowing. however,

exploring the various websites supporting the game, i found 3 must do (i think) patches vv's 02 - 04. i have no idea if the last patch (v .04) is all that is needed, if the game must be patched sequentially, or if the version being sold needs no patching. complicates the install and set up..the first thing you must do and do correctly if you want the game to work optimally, particularly with MS's ugly stepchild xp.

wouldn't it be wonderful if the production date and version number were part of the discription? i'm suprised that atari did not bundle all the iterations of the game in this version and say so in glowing terms. for the affectionados the game would be a must have for that alone. if you don't mind tinkering with the patches, adding some of the after market enhancements, and want realism, this is the game for you.

...and a bag of chips.

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 14 / 16
Date: November 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Well... we're all kids at heart.

Yes, Falcon 4.0: AF is the most engaging flight simulation I have experienced, and this includes Jane's F-15; Microsoft Flight Simulator series (up thru recent MSFS X and CFS3), IL-2 and Lock-On.
While F4AF does not have the MSFSx immersive graphics, it does have a virtual cockpit and combat artificial intelligence that far excedes anything in any other flight sim. F4AF's campaign and evolving battlefield far exceeds Jane's F-15, MSCFS3, Lock-On, and IL-2.

Yes, the learning curve is awesome. But, this is a simulation for the flight enthusiast looking for virtual reality. NOT FOR THE ARCADE "AFTER-BURNER" CROWD. Learning the simulation and going through the tutorials was (in my opinion) gratifying on it's own even if you don't engage the campaign mode.

I would have given the sim 5-stars overall if: 1) the terrain and building graphics were more lush (but that would require more hardware horsepower); and, 2) an actual printed and bound manual was included in the package. Maybe in a neat USAF operations manual and checklist format.

Overall, F4AF is all that and a bag of chips.

Falcon 4.0...its the best flight sim out there. ;)

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 10 / 10
Date: October 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is unbelievable. Its affordable, the graphics are stunning, and the simulation itself is as good as it gets. And you don't even need a gaming computer to run it...I've gotten it to work fine on a smaller laptop, with graphics just as smooth as on a faster computer.
The plane itself is designed to fly exactly as the Falcon does in real life, with a photo-realistic cockpit--every button works. You can learn to fly it exactly as the USAF pilots do, from your own PC. It's a challenge, but the game allows you to slowly advance the realism settings until you're ready to handle the entire thing. The 719-page PDF manual included on the CD is proof of the attention paid to detail.
Moving past the plane itself, the other highlights of Allied Force include the strikingly real simulated campaigns. Thousands of individual objects, from infantry to convoys and antiaircraft stations, fight on the ground and in the air, all of them controlled by advanced AI, reacting to situations differently all the time. The campaign moves in real time, though time acceleration is optional. You can pick from a list of missions being flown, from strikes deep in enemy territory to intense air to air combat patrol.
For those looking for the best of the best in combat simulation, this game is it. It's the closest you'll come to flying the real jet. Don't waste your time or money with other sims...you won't find better than Falcon 4.0.

Best combat avionics sim comercially available.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 11 / 12
Date: June 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User

If you are looking for an arcade flying game, look elsewhere. But if you are interested in how the F-16 really works and how an air war is really organised, then there is no alternative to this sim besides a commercial simulator.

Truly the benchmark that was promised

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 9 / 9
Date: August 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I knew when I saw the credits that this rendition of Falcon 4 was going to be done right -- and it was!

All I'm going to say is that I'm in no way disappointed with the outcome and that the features that were added make my favorite sim into what I had hoped it would be.

I'm not just trying to puff the product, I'm thanking the people who fixed it and those who produced it in a professional package. It's the best money I've ever spent on entertainment software....

Finally Falcon 4.0 as it should have been!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 8 / 8
Date: October 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This is the best military flight simulator on the market, bar none. There are many aspects of this sim that are ground breaking in their own right; far too many to be explained in depth. However, a quick overview are the true-to-life avionics, the dynamic mission system, the immursion created by wingmen and live communication channels, tankers, enemy AI, NPC ai, oh my! Whats really nice is that all these variables can be adjusted to suit your skill and familiarity of the cockpit and systems. The addition of the Balkins area along with the original Korean area, really makes this game shine with unlimited replay value because of the dynamic mission system, where missions and actions you take and complete (or not complete) contribute to the overall progress of the war. This is a prestine example of how coding of sims and games in general should be performed. So much is going on in the game, you actually feel like your part of the war and not just some gamer sitting behind a monitor pointing your mouse at lemmings.

Overall the game is incredible, and once more an incredible value. If you are a flight sim type of person, you cannot go wrong with Falcon 4.0:Allied Force.

Worlds Best Jet Sim Reborn and made Better!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 8 / 8
Date: August 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Originally released in 1998, Facoln 4 was the most intensely realistic jet fighter simulation ever released for public consumption. Along with an eloborate array of funtional control, Falcon 4 sported a "dynamic campaign engine" i.e. a war that raged within the computer with the player flying missions in this war (along with tens of thousand of other artificailly intelligent units on both sides of the conflict). Very cool! It was also very unstable at the time. The combination of playing complexity - the game really disliked functioning at its simpler, easier levels - and instability kept it from becoming a huge commercial success.
I'm leaving out an enormous middle of the Falcon 4 story intentionally; you can do the research and learn about the "guys who wouldn't let Falcon 4 die". Suffice it to say, the folks at Lead Pursuit (the new game's publishers) had a built-in market before they decided to re-vamp the game. The result is a rock solid, super-stable game that can be played at any level of difficulty chosen by the player. Lead Pursuit has already released one patch and seems committed to the Falcon 4's continued improvement. The graphics are not state of the art - yet - but they are passable and the dynamic campaign engine remains as slick as ever. All told, Falcon 4: Allied Force is likely to become/remain (depending upon your view) the standard by which all combat jet sims are measured. Wanna fly?

Falcon 4.0 Allied Force Works!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 8 / 8
Date: August 18, 2006
Author: Amazon User

My title may sound jaded but the original version of this game released by MicroProse many years ago had more bugs than a wood pile.

Now its close to bug free and offers all the challenge of flying and operating an advanced fighter jet. Which is why a child will be frustrated to boredom in 30 seconds without adult supervision. Also, you must understand the peculiar nature of modern aircraft and weapons to enjoy this simulation. Otherwise, something along WWII technology is more engaging to play, where ballistics is the only challenge to victory.

Better than the original Falcon 4.0

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 8 / 9
Date: July 01, 2006
Author: Amazon User

As you may know, "Falcon 4.0 Allied Force" is a remake of an older game called "Falcon 4.0". While the two are very similar, "Allied Force" is far easier to install and configure as the original had to be patched and updated several times to reach the same performance as "Allied Force". If you have the patience to learn how to fly the F-16, this "game" will be well worth your time. I live in Japan and went to "Yokota" AFB. An F-16 pilot told me that Falcon 4.0 & "Allied force" are the real deal. There are a few minor issues, but they don't affect gameplay. Like flight sims? GET THIS.

Falcon Allied Forces No Dissappointment

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 6
Date: August 11, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I have purchased both Falcon Allied Forces and the new Lock ON: Modern combat gold. I play Falcon AF at least 1 hour a night. It runs very smooth. Graphics are fair. Flying is very good althought I wish the game would not let me out fly what a real pilot and F-16 would be capable of in a Dog Fight. All in all I am extremely satisified and would recommend this game to anyone who loves this genre of game. Challenging to master but really worth it. I have found Lock On to run poor frame rates and choppy and my machine is middle of the road as far as performance. Buy the game, it is certainly worth the $29.99

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