Below are user reviews of EverQuest: The Ruins Of Kunark and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for EverQuest: The Ruins Of Kunark.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (31 - 41 of 145)
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Pros and cons.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: October 02, 2000
Author: Amazon User
As many of my fellow EQers have stated, this game is VERY addicting. I personally go home on my lunch hour and play everquest for thirty to fourty minutes. For the most part, however, I dissagree with my collegues. Many of the cons mentioned, like poor interface, the $10 fee, credit card required, aren't that big a deal. The user interface problem dissapears within the first month if you stick with it. There was a game on the good ol console systems, the N64, called Perfect Dark. It's INCREDIBLY hard for a beginner to control. But you master it over time.
The only real cons I see are the need for a graphix accellerator. (which IS totally required.) I know a ton of people who really REALLY want EQROK, but can't because they have creative labs video cards. Voodoo 3 4 or 5 are preferable, but they have creative. Not a good situation.
Evercrack is a great name for it...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: November 29, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Roleplaying games had become too linear as of late, especially if you play game console RPG's. Now we have Everquest... As a roleplaying game, it is superior. With the wide range of cities, races, classes, quests, and guilds the game seems to have no boundaries. Kiss your free time goodbye!
Everquest player
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 22
Date: April 02, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I actually saw some of the new terrain at a game conference. It looks much better then Everquest itself, more realistic.For example, the trees sway in the wind instead of just stand there as if it was made of cardboard.The Iskar look incredible, it seems to me that they will be a good evil caster race (necromancers , shamans). I suppose this will give the evil side (where the caster race is only dark elves) more choice in casters like the good side has (Wood elf, High Elf).
Great game...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 8 / 14
Date: March 24, 2001
Author: Amazon User
thats right... See?: You get into the game and get all excited in the character creation screen. Just then you realize that there is only about five faces per race... WTF?! It's horrible, thousands of people play this game and they all look the same! It's like Nazi Germany Verant-style! So anyway, then you get into the game and start in your home-maze err umm city yeah city (maze!) and spend hours trying to find your guildhouse. Sure the nice people from the guildhouse give you a note for directions, but can you follow these instructions?: Go north from Jackpotty's Inn then go west and POW there it is... isn't it obvious? NO!! What they don't tell you is that all the buildings look the same and who knows where the heck Jackpotty Inn is? Huh?! Once you've found your guild, you get to turn in those great directions and you recieve your guild-potato-sack-shirt. Yeah lets go battle evil now! Time to leave the maze (another hour wasted looking for the exit), but don't worry you know your way around now don't you? NO!!! (Just think, you get to find your guild again after you gain a level to train! Fun!). Now its time to go battle evil... or rats as it is. Ok now you've found your target (a large rat), you click on it and hit "A". Now its time for the entertaining part... you get to see yourself get beat by a rat. Oh no, you don't have to do a thing, just hit "A" and sit back and relax (if possible, but the feeling only lasts a few seconds after you realize that you will die and you must run from the rat, but the rat can out-run you, too bad). You've probably died now. You are reborn in a strange neck of the woods that you've never been to in your life. Time to find your corpse (disturbing isn't it?) so you can retrieve your precious, precious items. Having fun yet? Good. Anyway, after four levels of rats and the occasional snake, you get to move on to bigger and better things... ok they aren't really bigger or better. Just about then things get hard. After dying, you no longer get your items back automatically so if you lose your corpse (eww) you're done for because it's impossible to get items back in this game. Now its time to start a new character or in my case cancel your account (this will be the best thing you will ever do). Basically this game is not fun, its all about greedy people who want more and more items. It's all about the items. As far as gameplay, its EXTREMELY REPETITIVE!!! The only thing I found mildly entertaining was PvP combat, but since there is no skill involved in fighting, it wasn't too fun. Never heard a whiner before? Well there's about 10000 whiners in this game! Wahhhh you stole my rusted burnt broken effriti mask of the land (what the heck is that?!). One more thing, watch out for EQ loyalists. I could go on and on, but I'll stop, besides you've probably stopped reading this by now =P.
Great Game! Great 3D World!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: April 27, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I have found the game to be very fun. You can bash monsters, roleplay or just mess around with tradeskills like blacksmithing or fletching etc..
You get to pick your character, race, religion which creates your faction with the other races.
It is awsome.!
The only drawback to the entire game is, it is so popular, the servers a filling up with to many people. Verant needs to make more servers to accomodate more people.
Everquest... Hm...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 8 / 15
Date: May 27, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I'm a fanatic about RPG's, from Asherons call to MUD (many user dungeon), and another MUD player told me to get Everquest. I installed it, and it took AGES to connect. It's the slowest game I've ever played, and you have to wait to go into another area. The bad thing about it is the speed. The graphics are not all that bad, but I don't recommed this. . . :(
RavenWarrior of Prexus
Rating: 1,
Useful: 6 / 10
Date: May 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Let me start by saying this: Hello, my name is RavenWarrior, and I'm a RPG addict. Now that this is said, I'm officially kicking the EQ "habit". Which is exactly how EQ is tailored. It has the necessary "hooks" to keep you coming back for more, while taking your money and offering very little in return. The online gaming community in EQ is neither supportive, nor friendly......heck, I got yelled at for saying good morning to someone in ooc "out of character" chat. And, this isn't about Role Playing. This is about Leveling. Which makes one wonder why they call it EverQuest. It should be called Everlag, Everlevel, get my point. Trust me, from one RPG fanatic to another......Kick the habit before you lose too much more money.
More than just a game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: August 29, 2000
Author: Amazon User
If I never actually saw EverQuest, I wouldn't believe such a thing exists. It's more than a game, really, a virtual world would be a better way of describing it. In EverQuest, each player can create a character. (up to 8 characters, actually). The player needs to choose a race (more than a dozen races, Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Iksar - a lizardlike race, halfling, etc), and a class. Contrary to regular role playing games (well, at least those I played..), there are *many* classes, and many spell casting classes - and each has *so* many spells which are different. Every class gives you a different kind of game. The player can be an enchanter, a magician, a shaman - or play a warrior type class, such as a monk, a warrior, a Paladin, a shadowknight and much more. Once the player has a character, he is ready to be immersed in EverQuest. The setting is of a fantasy world, with thousands of people connected at any given moment, which gives it a feeling of realism. This is a well defined world, with maps, and different climates to different regions. It actually takes hours (real life) to get from one side of the world to the other! If you never played in such a game - try EverQuest, you won't regret it. (and even if you do, well, the first month is free, so you haven't lost anything).
If developers want to know what NOT to do, play this game.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 8 / 16
Date: November 29, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Why, the lag, steep system requirements, and bad gameplay, and the fact that the gameplay is outdated and uncomprimising, makeing you play in one way, and that way ain't good. What way is that? The sit and kill way. Thats all you do. Fans will argue that its deeper than that, but that isn't true. Thats all you do, theres no reason to roleplay or do anything usefull. Besides the crapy gameplay the game suffers alot of other problems, the lag is one, when I played it was really bad, nearly everywhere. I never had anyfun when my game was running at one frame per second! Anyways, if you want a good, solid roleplaying experiance play Ultima Online, if you want an outdated (by ten years!!) game masked by pretty graphics, go ahead get on the Everquest band wagon.
Best Game Ever Made
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: April 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This is the most incredible game I have ever seen! Although I admit I hated it at first, it started to grow on me. I will be honest with you all, starting a new character ... It really does ... You are poor, weak and nobody wants to help you. The game is extremely difficult so get used to dying over and over again. What I think is great about it is the fact the the game is what you make it. It's not like other Role Playing games where the story unfolds for you and there are no real choices on where to go (eg. Final Fantasy).
The game in enormous in size and fun to explore. I believe that there are many areas that haven't even been explored fully yet.
If repetition bothers you, you shouldn't be playing role playing games anyways. Half the fun is levelling your character, things don't just happen for you, it is a lot of work.
Find a friend to play with you and you will have so much fun. The game is not designed for solo play and has teamwork as the number 1 priority.
If you love RPG's and are looking for the one game that you will never get sick of, Everquest IS your game. If you are someone who wants to follow a story and finish a game in a week or two Everquest is NOT your game.
See ya, and have fun with it!
Apokk level 19 Wizard Xev Server