Below are user reviews of Vietcong: Purple Haze and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Vietcong: Purple Haze.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 5 of 5)
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metalvikes review
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: August 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User
the game is very fun. the only bad thing about it, is that the missions are short and easy. overall the game is good.
1 Star? Way better than that - these negative reviews are wrong!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 03, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I have all the MOH's, Red Faction, Killzone, etc. Conflict: Vietnam & Shell Shock: Nam '67 are great; and this title is easily deserving to honor the shelves of any serious first-person shooter (esp. historical war) collector. Slow load times? Maybe for those with absolutely *zero* attention-span. I bought this used for about $3.50 and was surprised how good it was after reading bad reviews. I do agree that it is slightly easier than many FPS's, but that shouldn't be a deterrent for those seeking quality games. The pace is great for a "stalking" game: slow trekking punctuated by short bursts of combat (most times). The enemy AI is good, and the environment is lush with concealing foliage. Your ARVN pointman is cool (with a great voice characterization), and you have a good-sized squad with you. Sure, like all games, it has its flaws (the 50-second long endlessly repeating guitar track for the pause menu can get very irritating after awhile) - big freakin' deal. This is a fun game, and far better than 1 or 2 stars! (The "M" rating is certainly mostly for language - very funny at times!)
Not as bad as everyone says it is
Rating: 3,
Useful: 12 / 12
Date: October 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
The game isn't terrible. But I am not claiming it is that good either. THe graphics aren't bad, but the aiming scheme and the controls take a long time to get used to. The game play is a little slow. But as everyone already has stated, the worst part is the darn loading times. Those are atrocious. It takes about 4 minutes to load, then you okay the load, and then it takes another 4 minutes to load up the level. If you make a stupid move and die, you gotta wait another 8 minutes to play again. That is what truly stinks abou this game. I hit a hard level, and had to put Madden 2005 back in because I was bored sitting around waiting more than I was actually playing. The music is stupid too because they obviously didn't want to pay for royalties to use the authentic music, so instead you get fake versions of Little Wing by Hendrix, and a few other tunes that are generic rip off's of hits from those times. I wish I had bought ShellShock, however even the reviews for that game stink too. Oh well, for $36 its not worth it but if you can get it for $14 - $20, I say it might be worth it.
Buy Shellshock instead
Rating: 1,
Useful: 14 / 15
Date: October 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I have always been a huge fan of Vietnam War movies and an even bigger fan of war-themed video games. So I was pretty pumped when I saw that there was going to be a first person shooter for my PS2 called "Vietcong." Unfortunately I was pretty dissappointed when I played it. To put it simply, this was one of the worst games EVER. The graphics look like a PSOne game, and the sound is worse than an old Sega Genesis game. I don't have a good PC, so I have never been up to date on PC games, but I get the feeling that Vietcong was simply ported to the PS2 from a five year old PC game. This game was an absolute waste of money. If you are looking for a quality Vietnam War game, don't buy this one. I highly recommend "Shellshock: 'Nam '67," it was amazing.
Pass on this WarGame
Rating: 1,
Useful: 12 / 12
Date: October 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I've played a lot of WarGames from WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Gulf War, but this by & large is the worst outta any war game. This game just pitful, the load times are a joke. It takes forever to just to load one mission & if you die in that mission, guess what? It takes even longer to reload the mission again, unlike other games where as when the level starts and if you die it'll just automatically re-load in seconds, like Shellshock Nam '67 for instince, not this game. VietCong Purple Haze, yea I can tell the developers of this game were a Purple Haze when they were making this game listening to Hendrix on the sound system smokin' a bong. If you all want to try this game, be my guest, but you'll agree when you're done playing how big of a waste it was of your time & money. I'm grateful I only rented it, and if you got half a brain you won't even think about owning this game. Avoid, seriously avoid VietCong: Purple Haze.
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