Playstation 2 : Pac-Man World 2 Reviews

Gas Gauge: 76
Gas Gauge 76
Below are user reviews of Pac-Man World 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Pac-Man World 2. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 80
Game FAQs
CVG 70
IGN 79

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 28)

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GREAT rendition of the classic

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 12 / 15
Date: March 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

this has got the classic and broughten it to another level. the graphics are great, and cute, and there is great play control, short load times, and a fun atmosphere throughout the game. the levels are really cool and the game is worth checking out. it is definately worth your money because since playstation is inteneded for more of a mature audience, there have been a lack of great games for all ages. there is Jak and daxter, an under rated flawless platformer, and now we have pac man world 2 to add to the collection. this one improves upon the original for the PSX, graphics and gameplay wise. try this game out if you even have a hint of love for the original arcade version.

Another Bad Sequel - Pac Man World 2

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 9 / 12
Date: March 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I was disappointed with Pac-Man World 2. The game developers took out the elements which made Pac Man World 1 successful. Although the environment was 2D in Pac Man World 1, the game was action packed and challenging with high replay value.

For the sequel, they tried to combine elements from other games (such as the free-roaming environment of RayMan and the fast-paced action and timed sequences of Crash Bandicoot). They did not succeed in either attempt.

There are 4 games to unlock by completing the levels. Original Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, Pac Attack and PacMania. If you already have a retro gaming compilation or the Namco Museum then you already have these games. Why didn't they include games such as Super PacMan or PacMan Jr?

The camera angles are horrible and this element alone is what destroys the game. There is NO desire to replay levels to collect all the items or to better your time or increase your points.

DO NOT buy this game. It is a rental at best...

Not as easy as it seem.....

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 7
Date: March 06, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I recently purchased this game, thinking that it won't be to complicated to play. Unfortunately, I can't get off the first level. After completing the first level, you fight a boss. In this case the first boss is a frog with a metal tongue, which I can't seem to beat. Also the 360 degree graphics, may cause you to get a headache, if you play for long periods. Not a bad game but may require cheat codes.

Pac-Man World 2

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 16 / 21
Date: March 09, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Well, after falling in love with the first version of Pac-Man World for PS1, I had to get it for PS2. Many of the things that I liked about the first one are gone in the second. No more collecting the P A C M A N letter to get to bonus rounds for free men and extra fruit. No more slot machine for the fruit you collect which, if you could manage to get 3 of the same fruit on each reel, would amount to a lot of extra men. No Fruit doors and the awful, I mean AWFUL camera angle and camera issues make this game really tedious at times. In addition, the "boss" level, at the end of each level is the same situation, only differing in that they match the environment of the level they are finishing. These boards are all about timing your jumps right. The Volcano boss took me over 150 men to conquer and it was not fun at all! Overall, the worlds are not as cheery and fruity as the first and the boards at times are just insanely challenging where it should not be. The whole token thing is useless unless you really want to play old Pac Man arcade games in the Pac-Village arcade. If you dont care about those games, you don't need to risk anything for those tokens as you can still finish the game without them. I have had some fun times, but for the most part, this version is extremely unrewarding.

I want to slap that little yellow ball.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 14 / 16
Date: April 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is a simple, yet frustrating platform game. This thing has no originality to it whatsoever. Then again, no one should expect that. First off, it's a neat game. Controlling Pac-Man and navigating that little yellow ball through lush environments is a joy. Pac-Man goes through greens, forests, snow, seas, and a spooky swamp. The fact that such a retro figure would be updated to a modern day game is a great thing.

Now, the bad part. This is game is very, very, cheap. I guess the developers wanted to lengthen the game play without doing extra work. They just made some parts really hard. The second to last boss will make you want to slam your controller. You?ll swear you made a jump correctly, only to fall to your death. To add to that, the camera angles are a complete mess. In fact, it's so severe, I'm surprised the QA department let it go through. Sometimes you?ll be able to alter the camera view, but when you have to make the jump quickly (as many jumps in the second half), there's no time. The camera will switch angles right before the jump, or you'll make a blind jump, and will give you fits. This terrible visual perspective will make you want to kill the game engine developers. Couple this with the fact that you can?t save at the points you want, and you'll be repeating stuff a lot. To show how annoying the game is, just check out the commercial. You'll see they gave Pac-Man over 100 lives. The commercial producers had to cheat to get the screen shots.

Finally, they wanted to add some variety, so they added swimming, skating, and a submarine. These levels are very one-dimensional, and the skating really suffers from the jumping problems mentioned earlier.

All in all, it's a good old fashioned, fun, platform game that doesn't stretch your intellect, but could prove really, really frustrating.

Pac Man looks so cute
It's Pac Man, c'mon.
Great graphics

Typical platform -sort of a carbon copy of Rayman 2 and Sonic from Dreamcast
The camera angle is terrible
Not hard, but very, very cheap
Bad variations

Time: 12 hours

Difficulty: Medium to Hard

Frustration: High

Pac Is Back

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 5 / 6
Date: May 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is fun. It isn't going to knock your socks off but nonetheless it is a quality 3D game. My only real complaint would be that the camera is at times unreliable. Other than that though, it's a decent game, and surprisingly hard. After zipping through the first few stages, I suddenly found myself actually having to spend 30 min to an hour on each level. So if you are looking for a new game for your collection or just a rental to pass time, don't hesitate to look at Pac-man World 2

the greatest game ever!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: July 10, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Its really fun and its not cheap and its simple, but I can not pass the first level on ghost island , and bosses are not to hard, but volcano boss is much harder then all the other bosses.

Pac Man is back and better than ever!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 7 / 7
Date: August 16, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This has truly got to be one of the best games for PS2! If you enjoyed playing Pac Man, and all the other Pac Man games while you were growing up (yes, I'm talking to you, the one's who are now parents or in that late 30's early 40's age bracket.) then you will thoroughly enjoy this PS2 game! The graphics are fantastic, similar to the original Pac Man games but you can now butt-bounce and more! I'm on the verge of purchasing this item myself. The reason I can tell you that it is good is we just recently rented it from a local chain store and my daughter (9) and I haven't been able to put it down!

Again, if you love Pac Man and you want to have fun and relive your childhood but with more umph then you'll enjoy this game! It's also ideal for the whole family not just us big kids!

Pac Man World 2

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: January 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is a blast! Would recommend to anyone.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: September 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I just got this game today for my PlayStation 2, and it is absolutely fun! The game basically borrows the ideas of Nintendo's Super Mario World and integrates them into the world of Pac Man (for those of you who have been into video games since the dawn of Pac Man in the early eighties). The levels start out easy, but they get progressively and frustratingly difficult. I love doing the butt-bounce on the crates and on the dragons. There are even mazes that bring back the glory days of Pac Man in a 3-D world.

But there is one thing you should know about Pac Man World 2: The sharp graphics and quick camera movements will create a headache and lead to motion sickness. Even if you don't suffer from motion sickness, you eventually will if you play this game for 10 hours a day. I know this from experience: After the first six levels, I just had to step away from Pac Man World 2 for a while and rest, but before I knew it I just had this queasy feeling and began throwing up everywhere. I probably won't play this game again for a while, but I will say that Pac Man World 2 is a fun game and definitely deserves my highest recommendation. Just don't play it for prolonged periods of time.

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