
Playstation 2 : MX Rider Reviews

Gas Gauge: 62
Gas Gauge 62
Below are user reviews of MX Rider and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for MX Rider. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

IGN 62

User Reviews (1 - 8 of 8)

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rent only

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is only so-so. It reminds me too much of Motocross Mania on PS1. Unlike MX 2002 with RC, in this game you sort of just hold the throttle on and steer around the track. Although the framerate never slows down, and is much faster than MX 2002, it doesn't makethe game is any more fun. And there are a few quirks which are irksome...If you hit the brakes, the bike stops and takes a few seconds to get up to speed, and in that time most of the pack will pass you. It's almost impossible to crash, and if you fail to make a corner instead of crashing you will bounce straight up in the air.

The amount of tracks is a plus, but they all seem the same. There is nothing distictive about them, and after a few laps you won't know the difference between Namur or any other track. The tracks are all grainy looking, which is kind of a bummer considering the other games on PS2 and their clarity.

I would recommend renting first, and if you like it after a few days, then purchase.

Not What I Expected

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: December 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Hey, how many races a year do Joel Smets, Jaime Dobb or even Mike Brown win? Exactly, they aren't big name riders. Brown might win a couple in 125 but that's it. A lot of people out there don't follow this great sport as in depth as others, so therefore most of them only know the big-named 250 riders who they see on TV. No doubt some of the guys on this game have great talent, but unless you are an MX fanatic your not gonna recognize the guys who race in overseas circuits...Being a fan of Motocross I was looking forward to this game's release. However, within the first 5 minutes of playing it, it was a huge dissapointment. The game's stats brags about having nearly 60 riders to choose from, which is true but there is absolutely no big names on this game at all (except for maybe Pichon). That leaves you with about 59 guys most people have never heard of. It's not like I expected McGrath are Carmichael to be on the list but man come on, there's no one. The gameplay is terrible as well, compared with MX 2002 this game is blown out of the water. There's no real feel to it at all. The only thing that kept me from giving this game a rating of 1 is the stunt levels, which are decent.

Pretty good compared to most Console driven MX Games

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 10 / 11
Date: December 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User

First off...whoever wrote that this game has no big name riders is crazy. What about Mike Brown, Grant Langston, Jaime Dobb, Joel Smets, Frederic Bolley, and a lot more. Obviously you must not follow MX in depth.

To the game!
First impression was whoa, cool graphics. I liked the detail in the background and sky and how you're blinded by the sun if you race a late afternoon race. The controls are smooth but a little unrealistic. You can't crash out of bounds even if you hit the wall dead on at 50 mph!

The tricks are hard to do which I like. But they look a little loony. MX2002 has the tricks done a lot better. But the freestyle rounds are really cool and innovative.

The career mode is done well and is a great concept. It gives you the feel of a privateer.

2 Player action is great. Especially because you can stuff your opponent and take them out.

Overall I like this game. It's fun, has good graphics, can be played for a long time, and is better than most MX games that are out right now.

Great Game!!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I only like racing type games, and this one looks really great. The conrols are very smooth and the graphics are great(not the best I seen on playstation 2,but still very good).Anyone who likes any type of racing games should really check this out!!

Great MX racing and Awesome tricks

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User

You don't have to be an MX fan like me to get into this game. For starters, this was made by the same people who did Spy Hunter and a bunch of other cool games, which is a good sign. The racing mode is really fast and fluid with good looking tracks and mud flying everywhere. The freestyle mode is totally over the top. You can get insane amounts of air and pull tons of tricks. I'm only partway through the game because there's so much in there. I liked MX2002 but this is definitely a step up.

There isn't much I don't like about the game. The trick system can be tough to get the hang of but once you do it's no problem. I only recognized a few of the riders, like Mike Brown and the other Americans. If you like games that blend racing with some sort of action, like SSX, then you'll be into this.

I am Hooked

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I don't play many games, but I do love to ride MX. My friend told me to buy MX 2002, so I went to the store to get it, but when I got there they had a demo of MX Rider playing so I decide to try it out first. Well along time later they made me get off, so others could get a chance and by that time I was hooked. This game is full of stuff and I mean full. It looks and feels great, the best yet.

MX Rider

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 13, 2003
Author: Amazon User

MX Rider offers a great racing experince from a dirt bikers perspective. you can ride Team huscarvarna,suzuki ktm honda and kawasaki this game kicks ...

The most realasitc mx game ever

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: May 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User

...Not for the unskilled. I race mx and this game is the almost the real thing. #1 on my list

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