Below are user reviews of Incredible Crisis and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 19)
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Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: December 09, 2000
Author: Amazon User
If you aren't laughing out loud whilst playing this wonderful game, then check your pulse, you may be dead.
The whole game is about a typical Japanese family trying to get home for their Grandmother's birthday. As it turns out, they're going to have the worst day of their lives. A series of comical mini-games provides the player with lot of entertainment, and definitely a smile on their face. With such tie-ins to American movies, games like; "Titanic Away", "Independence Bay", and "Snowboarding with Wolves" you can't help but sit back and enjoy. The graphics are a real pleasure to look at. As cartoony as they look, it adds to the story of this comical day the characters will go through. The cutscenes are wonderfully done, and the game just gives off a great vibe. I strongly recommend this game for anybody!
a departure from the norm
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 12, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Give this one a try if you are looking for a change. The game is based on 24 mini-games. A welcom departure from the glossy shoot em' ups. Very simple controlls; mostly timing based game play. Oh yeah, it's pretty funny too. Highly recomended for those into the unique.
The Anti-Mario
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 8
Date: January 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I was shocked to see a US release of Incredible Crisis because the game is just so strange and chock full of Japanese humor. It's hardly the type of game someone who has been raised on a steady diet of cutesy mascot-driven platformers would understand, much less embrace.
But there's a lot to like about IC, which is a series of mini-games that range from finger-numbing button mashers to memory and timing tests. The gameplay can be challenging at times but, there are enough slapstick gags and pop culture references to keep you from getting mad.
Thankfully, Titus had the guts to localize IC virtually in tact, Japanese ska soundtrack and all.
Memorable lunacy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 15 / 17
Date: January 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
"Incredible Crisis" strikes me as being more like a book or a movie than the typical game. Most games you'll play until you've mastered the skill-set and achieved all the internal goals (like unlocking characters or seeing different endings), or until you grow bored with them.
"Incredible Crisis" is more like a crazy movie, so inventive that you're enchanted with the question of "what happens next".
The story involves a Japanese family trying to get home early for Grandma's birthday. Along the way they'll face construction accidents, explosions, terrorists, aliens, etc., in situations so bizarrely contrived they have to be seen to be believed.
It's not really about the gameplay -- the dozens of mini-games are simple affairs, sometimes consisting of just pushing the buttons really really fast. The simplicity is a good idea here, since the appeal is the crazy story, not the gameplay. It would be bad narrative if you had to play a mini-game 10 or 20 times to get past it.
The upbeat soundtrack by the "Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra" nicely compliments the delightfully whacked story.
The game has a very Japanese flavor and you have to be open-minded and willing to be won over to enjoy it. Put another way, if you like watching "Iron Chef" on TV's Food Network (either for camp value or in sincere awe), you'll probably like Incredible Crisis. On the other hand, if the last two games you played had the words "Twisted Metal" or "Tomb Raider" in their titles, then you are probably waaaay too mainstream to get into this one.
The always bizarre Japanese humor does it again...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: March 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Probably the most bizarre, and memorable, game to hit a consolein a while, Incredible Crisis unleashes its fury uponAmerica...
Since most of the games are unique in their own rights,this adds up to lots of replay value, even if nothing is different thesecond time you play it. What other game lets you shoot down a giantstuffed teddy bear destroying Tokyo in a jet fighter? Who else letsyou race down busy highways on a stretcher? None, I tell ya.
Whilemost of the games are good fun, some of them are repetitive. Whoreally needs to play Titanic Away 3 times in order to play through thegame only once? Not only that, but 2 games that were in the Japaneseversion were taken out of the American release. One of them was youhad to diffuse a bomb in a subway train as the final game for Chapterone, the other was a karaoke game (actually, thats one I could've donewithout) that appears right after the bear comes to life in chapter4.
Still, these are minor complaints. I'm sure if you spend themoney to get it, you won't be disappointed...
Funny, but flawed, big time
Rating: 3,
Useful: 10 / 12
Date: June 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I was interested when I first saw Incredible crisis. It looked so funny I was imediatly hooked. After playing it on a demo disk I was ready to laugh and fall down while playing. Was I satisfied? Well...kinda. Incredible Crisis is a fun but flawed game that needs some serious tinkering before they come out with(I wont spoil it for those of you who have reached the ending). Let me say the good points first. First off this is the funniest game I have ever played, I fell down laughing many times, laughing untill my lungs hurt. The FMV sequences are well done and often the funniest parts of the game. The music is the best part of the game. It is incredibly addictive and you will find yourself humming the music hours after you stopped playing. Well thats all the good parts. Now for the bad parts. Incredible Crisis has 4 serious flaws that seriously inhabited my enjoyment of the game. The first flaw is that there is little replay value, except if you want to see all the FMVs a!gain (Which you cant watch once you finish the game, unlike the mini-games). The second isint that serious but whenever you want to load a game it seems that the game dosent want you to because it always places the cursur on the "Cancel" button. The third flaw is that your fingers will be mush after you finish this game(On the positive side, your fingers will be really strong). And finally the biggest flaw of all. This is way too hard. Some of these games are just insane in terms of difficulty. The elevator of doom, the back rubbing game, and (Shudder) the pound for pound and the Golden pig games. These can be so frusturating you will scream and rip your hair out. I'm talking Throw-your-controller-smash-the-TV-obliterate-the-game-disk frusterating. Still this is a OK game that is more worthy of a rental then a purchase.
The Good:Lots of funny moments, interesting graphics, good music, some entertaining games
The bad: Really puts a strain on fingers
And the! Ugly: INCREDIBLY difficult
Excellent...Just Awesome.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game... after seeing a preview for the Japanese version in the Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine. The author had stated that the chances of this one making it to our shores were slim, and I was therefore surprised to find it in the store. I remembered how interesting it had looked in the magazine, so I picked it up (along with Oddworld: Abeýs Exoddus, which is another GREAT game). From the first time I played the game, I knew that it was something different, and I liked it. Not only is the game hilarious (in a Japanese way) and challenging, but it also features great music and an interesting graphical style. I finished it in only a few days, though, which brings me to my only complaint about the game: itýs too short. Other than that, this is one you may want to check out...
Good game, but really iffy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I picked this one up at a rental store and i'm very glad I did. This game is very funny, nice graphics and cool music. The down fall of this is most certainly the degree of patients this requires. I tell you some of those games had me wanted to send the playstation out the window but yet, thats half the fun.
Basicly you play differn't family members of an old man in which you must return home early for his special day. You then go through silly games like parapa the rapper (the actual hitting the buttons at the right time) and running from a ball like on Indiana Jones.
I give the game 4 stars for its music and humor, but not five stars only because the game is brutally hard and I still haven't found out how to save.
Stupid Funny Game Play
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Incredible crisis was another game with another stupid tale about a family. this family had a very bad day. overal the was pretty stupid. but funny. rent it dont buy. I made a big mistake when i forked over my 20 bux.
This game rules!!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
There are many good things about this game but a few bad. On the upside it is funny without ripping anything off. It boasts of sheer playability and will last you a for a while. On the downside the graphics are very stringy and some levels are almost impossible for lesser gamers.
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