Below are user reviews of Rygar: The Legendary Adventure and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Rygar: The Legendary Adventure.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 26)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
this game was ok. i mean the graphics are unbelievable and the fighting sequence is killer but the game is extremely short. it only took me 3 hours to beat this game and the only replay value this game has is playing the game again on a harder mode. that's it. might i suggest renting the game?
Cool Game...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Kinda short. I rented it and solved in 6 1/2 hours. Glad I didn't pay full price for it! ;)
Overall, it reminded me of Zelda the Wind Waker; except, in this game, you only play in the boss areas. There's not much puzzle solving, searching, or any extended side quests. It's a straight forward smash and run game. Not worth buying, but worth playing.
Good but God of War is Great
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 15, 2008
Author: Amazon User
This is a great game and should be purchased if you love Greco/Roman storylines. The price on Amazon is a rip off though. You can find the game on the gamequestdirect website for about $18.99.
The storyline is very generic and fraught with poor voice acting and misspelled subtitles. For $18.99 it's a steal, for $49.99 it's a pass.
Hope this helps.
Description of a game people might not have heard of.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 10
Date: November 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Rygar was a semi popular game for the first Nintendo system (very old). (I only put 5 stars because it's a required fill in, I have not heard anything about this game though so don't buy till you hear about this version. This review is for those who don't know what Rygar is).
People who are into games now probably have no idea what to expect so I'll briefly tell you what the old game was like.
Rygar is like a hercules type game character (or Strider from the Strider series).
The old game was fun because he had this really cool standard weapon that was like a flaming or lighting yo-yo (he slung it and it would come back to him), yo-yo sounds weak but the weapon was really cool looking.
You went through levels fighting enemies while acquiring more items that help you out through the game. Some are a cross bow that you would shoot arrows attached to ropes across cliffs to get to the other side, power ups, and I think there was a glider type item but I'm not sure (my brother said there was but I never got that far, I was only 6). The difficulty was enough to keep you from being disappointed.
I have not heard anything about this game but if it's based on the NES version, it should be very good.
Just wrote this to give you an idea of what it's about.
This version may or may NOT be the original
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 7
Date: November 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The Nintendo verison of Rygar was an excellent game, I agree with the first reveiwer. It had a great sound track(some NES games had the best music I've heard in games) and wicked levels and sinister enemies like the shadowlords in the cloud fortress. Hopefully the Flaming Disk wheapon will be in this too.(probably a higher level wheapon) on the PS2 box Rygar has a shield and probably a sword of some kind to start with. Hopefully you will be able to save. In the original you could not save. (I had to keep the NES powered while I rested between playing.) I should probably e-mail my brother about this PS2 version...
Not worth $50
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: March 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I just finished this game on "easy" mode. It took me about 2 nights playing this game to finish it. It is a short game, as everyone has already stated. Probably 25% as big as Devil May Cry1. This game is exactly like Devil May Cry. It is almost too similar because it feels like the same game, just with different characters. If you haven't played DMC in years, then Rygar will be a nice adventure. However, if you just got around to playing DMC recently, you may want to pass on this one because it is too much of the same and you will probably get bored.
The whole game is a copy of DMC, even the in game menu system resembles DMC. The way Rygar's weapon is enhanced throughout the game is very much like Dante's sword was. Rygar even has to go around picking up little glowing balls to earn points to upgrade his weapon, the diskarmor.
The graphics in this game are beautiful, but I wouldnt say they are any better than DMC 1.
I was very disappointed by the enemies. The enemies you run into throughout the game were very boring and not exciting to do battle with.
Who wants to run around with a badass weapon, only to be forced to use it on nothing but oversized bugs? Caterpillers, spiders and some kind of flying snail things are just about the only enemies you will encounter. I know the original NES Rygar had the same kinds of enemies, but more humanoid beings are needed. There was a cyclops creature but only appeared about 2 times. Now, I only played the game on "easy," so i hope on normal or hard there will be more variety of enemies.There were lots of boss enemies to fight in this game. Defeating them was only accomplished by standing right on top of them and hitting them repeatedly, taking damage and then repeating.
Overall this games is 3 stars and maybe worth picking up when the price drops. I'm still waiting to buy NFS hot pursuit but still cost $50 after a year? what is going on?
Average game, can not compete with recent titles.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: March 25, 2006
Author: Amazon User
A fun game, based on a number of Greek and Roman mythologies, however, it shows it age from the start. The gameplay is too slow, the developers needed to add a run feature of some sort. I found myself jumping or sliding to get from A to B. The story was near impossible to follow along with if you just played the game and watched the cut scenes. At times I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing! Having a decent knowledge of the Greek and Roman myths, I found the many liberties the designers took at changing the stories laughable and confusing! If you went into every scroll you picked up and read them, it helped, but that's just lazy game design. The boss battles, while at times difficult, always could be figured out after a few attempts. All boss encounters were done on a pattern, and once you realized the pattern it was just a matter of grinding out the victory. There is a 50 level dungeon battle that is optional to the completion of the game, and while fun, it is not for the average gamer. The designers throw enemies at you on each level, with the random treasure thrown in on certain levels. In all, Rygar is an average game, worth spending a few hours on to finish, but I would recommend buying it used, it's not worth a full retail price. If you are looking for a great mythology action game, go with God of War.
save your money
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 07, 2008
Author: Amazon User
this game is horrible. even the cheesiest voice acting from resident evil one was at least amusing. this makes me want to punch someone in the face.
i feel like i was robed, and am glad that i bought it used. i really liked the old one, but this new one has firmly peed on its grave.
One of my favorites
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This is definately among my favorite PS2 games. The game play is enjoyable, and provides the right amount of challenge (the difficulty level is adjustable). The graphics are quite good, the music is great. The game control is really easy, and I can not think of any problems I had with it. While you can't control the camera angle, it never caused a problem for me in this game.
It is almost nothing like the NES version of the game, and I would have liked to see more from that version brought over to this game. However with how much fun this one is I really can't complain. My only real complaint is that the game is a bit short, and there should have been a much greater diversity of enemies.
The storyline is nothing special, nor is the voice acting during the cut scenes good but that's what I was expecting from this sort of game anyhow. Rygar is a great action game with a strong fantasy element, goregous and interesting scenery (some of the most beautiful I've seen in any game), and very well done game play.
Stunning potential not used to its highest level
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Rygar the Legendary Adventure is a very fun game with beautiful graphics and a vast variety of attacks, but unfortunately, those are the only real positives. First of all, the game is just way too short. It can take under four hours to beat it. Because of that some of the adventure elements don't really fit in. You have to play the game four times in order to get all the mystic stones, which isn't really worth it considering that more than half of them are useless, and that it really isn't as fun to play the game four times as the designers hoped it would have been, despite the different difficulty levels in each replay. Among other problems with Rygar, one is that the story and voices are just awful. Of course not every game takes itself seriously when it comes to story, but the atrocities in this one are just too much. What's also lame is that from the middle of the game on most of the environments look more or less the same. You're always around some red or brown, hot mountain, lava field, or something else reddish or brownish. The final area was also way too short and pathetic, and aside from the bosses, there are only a few kinds of enemies, most which are smaller than you are.
Numerous things could have increased the value of this game. First, they just should have made it a lot longer, preferably at least within the 8-10 hour range keeping the difficulty around the game's "HARD" level. This would have allowed for a greater variety of environments and enemies, and it would have left room for all the mystic stones to be in. Many of the mystic stones also should have done cooler things than what they did. There actually is an interesting back story to the game if you read some of the texts you pick up, but the current story is executed just too poorly to accept even for a game you know won't take itself seriously. The presentation could have used vast improvement. In short, Rygar the Legendary Adventure is a disappointment because it had stunning potential that just didn't have its best brought out. Lack of ambition most likely held it back. The negatives outweigh the positives enough for me to only be able to recommend it as a rental. Hopefully the tentative sequel, if made, will be better.
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