Below are user reviews of Predator: Concrete Jungle and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Predator: Concrete Jungle.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 29)
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Predator CJ
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 04, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Although this game looks awesome on the cover, it is painfully annoying and no fun at all to play. The game has no beginning plot and does not have one for the rest of the game. The camera controls are hard to deal with and the controls are very confusing to learn. Not even a die hard predator fan, like myself,would like this game. Personally, I think watching paint on a wall dry is more exciting. If you are really looking for a predator/alien game to play, I would reccomend Aliens vs. Predator 2. Otherwise DO NOT waste your money on this game.
Predator - Concrete Crap
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: May 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This is, by far, one of the worst games I've ever played. For one, there's no excuse for the sorry graphics on a PS2. They would've been acceptable on the first Playstation, but its downright terrible. The camera angles are not your friend. Everything else about this game is just stupid.
But what do I know? I only played it for five minutes before I quit because I couldn't take it anymore. I drove all the way back to the video store and returned it within a half hour of renting it. Even if I didn't have the car, I would've walked the two miles just to get it out of my house. That's how bad this game sucks.
Lame, could and should have been better
Rating: 2,
Useful: 10 / 18
Date: May 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User
The idea of playing as the modern day classic movie monster the Predator in a sprawling urban landscape is enough to entice any gamer into playing Predator: Concrete Jungle, whether they be a fan of the character or not. However, as promising as this game may appear, it is sadly disappointing. A choppy frame rate, muddy graphics, clumsy controls, and migraine inducing camera angles really ruin what could have been a great gaming experience, and the usage of the Predator's various abilities doesn't go as well as one might hope. Not to mention that once upon completion, there is practically no replay value whatsoever, and the game's story doesn't delve into the Predator mythology as much as it proclaims to. All in all, for Predator fans this game is worth a rental at best, but for the rest of us this is better left on the shelf.
Sadly to say, a dud
Rating: 2,
Useful: 8 / 14
Date: May 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I think I'm pretty much gonna give up on any game that is based off of anything from a movie. It seems like no one can do it right. Awesome ideas for most of the games, just bad execution of them. Predator: Concrete Jungle joins the many bad-games-based-off-movies-that-could've-been-really-cool-but-sucked list. Other games on this list include Fight Club and The Thing.
The only real reason I gave this game 2 stars was that at first, I thought it was really cool using the Predator's cloaking devices, his different visualizations and his shoulder cannon. But these cool things rapidly diminished. The biggest drawback for me in this game was the controls. They just sucked. Not easy to get down at all and very inefficient for the game.
Another thing lacking in the game was the story line which wasn't as great as it sounded and the graphics were nothing to get your panties up in a twist for.
A thing they could've done better was to make the city enviornment more open (as well as a better city) and give the player more freedom to roam around to give him more an actual "hunting" feeling. I never felt like I was hunting anything in this game at all. This was your standard objective level third person action game in a limited environment. It would've been so much cooler to be able to roam the city at will and find missions as well as being able to just about whatever you wanted inbetween. I guess a kind of a Grand Theft Auto game only Predator style. That would've been sweet. Too bad, so sad.
This is a 2005 game?
Rating: 2,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: May 20, 2006
Author: Amazon User
With an interesrsting storyline that will give you a chance to play as predator and restore your honor, 100 years in the future, the game is rather original for a predator on screen creation, but not without its so many flaws.
First, this game is NOT a free roaming game. And if it is, then forget grand theft auto, or Spiderman 2's deffinition of "free roaming" and think more like a small level that WILL actually let you go anywhere you can jump, or crawl to. Other than that, you can't go just ANYWHERE... And not only that, to make matters worse, you can't just kill anyone. Now let's think predator, that's pretty close to the real thing. But as far as sneakiness and staulking your pray is concerned, you just have to stay invisible, you don't have to watch your prey for very long before you can lock and flay, dismember, grab, punture, slam, burn, knock out, or even just completly destroy your victim into a heap of trembling flesh. With that said, this is a very violent game, more so than grandtheft auto in some respects.
I'll hand it to the creater's that they held true to predator style looking cut scenes, and did a great job at the first person vision viewers. But I take one star away just simply because, the graphics are beautiful... for a 1998 game! the graphics are horrible! Predator looks beautifully like predator, everything else looks like... an early playstation 1 game's graphics. The graphics are... horrible for a 2005 playstation2 game. The cut scenes are wonderful, but you have to get unshocked to really see it, since you notice your victims barly look like people sometimes.
The sounds aren't too much to hear either. There's more quiet than any actual car noise, or just city noise. And the score is on a ten second playback, it's almost like they pooled al their rescources into just making the story and left the quality of game play in the dust. The controls are easily mastered and most levels that don't involve you killing your prey are pretty challenging. And for the most part, the last 10 levels [of this 30 something level game], are very challenging indeed... on hard.
I'll hand it to the game, it is fun to play, once you realize there are new weapons, costumes and a host of other goodies hidden... mind you, HIDDEN, within each level, one finds himself going back just to find the goodies. The storyline is really good and played out, enough so that the mini clips could probably amount to a ten minute mini-movie; but don't worry, you get plenty of game play.
I'll take another star off for not letting predator swim... or for that matter, for just falling through the water as if it were an abyss [they do this for half of the barriers in this game], and with the exception of one level [the warf], you don't really have to apply yourself in the art of staulking [and in the movies, that's 2/3s of what predator does!], once you engage the enemy, he usually knows where you're at no matter what. Bosses can see through your cloak, which makes it more challenging, but takes away the feeling of predator... Since even Good old Arnold had trouble seeing him in the movie.
With all of that said, who needs combos? ... I do.
I like to keep games interesting with mixed attacks and creative killing capabilities... you can see all the combos and killing methods within 29 seconds flat. Then you have to resort to using tools [plasma mines, spears, shoulder mounted plasma gun, and so on]. But I will thank them for giving us three weapon choices [telescope stick, and the maul to name two]. But other than that killing your prey is very, very, very, very... repedative and mundane. So much so, ill take another star off for the sheer repedativness of attacks and kills. Once you've seen all the attacks twice... You rarly go looking for enemies to kill, and just try to finish the level. That's how boring the moves are.
Laslty, there is a level where you get to go up against your arche nemesis, ALIEN! And I wasn't thoroughly disapointed in that, in fact that was one of the more interesting levels, though if only it was a little bigger with more to do.
In the end if you just want a game you'll be entertained with for a few days, this is a good rent [39.99 is a bit too much to ask in the long run]. it will save you the embarassment of buying it and totally wishing you hadnt.
Don't get me wrong, I give it two stars just because it was so much fun to play. For it's funness alone I give it two stars, and with such a great story to follow, it really was that much more fun. But I am very disapointed in that it's not free roaming, the graphics are horrible, and once you've gotten all the little goodies hiding in all the levels [and you must finish the game to do so], there is ABSOLUTLY no reason... ABSOLUTLY NO REASON,
to play the game again [even on a more difficulty level it just isnt worth it].
This game is ruined by repedativeness, and riddled with unrelentingly bad graphics that made me laugh at the opening words [2005 trade mark] the second time i turned the game on. Very fun the first time around [first few levels], 0 replay value [unless you wait for 4 months to play it again, like i did[Midway through the game] Then at least you make it a little fun].
On a fun scale, this game is a 4, because you actually get t play as predator and he looks way better than spidy did in spiderman2 [the game]. You get to kill as him, and for the first 30 seconds of being him/it/she [whatever it is] i add two stars for that alone. Throughout the game [the begining] when things are simple and fairly realistic [and your enemies CANNOT see through the cloak] this game is very very very fun [hence two more stars]... when you get creative and come in at different angles, use your secondary weapons, grab your victims and make a sport of throwing them off rooftops [or kicking], and of course... just ripping them apart in a methodical rage. This game is so much fun in the first five minutes... But it's worth four stars for just those five minutes. The rest is... one star minus five.
Don't buy this game, rent it, you won't be as disapointed.
Something so cool turned into something so cruel
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 6
Date: June 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User
To make this quick, I will use a rating scale.
Graphics: 3/5
Sound: 4/5
Voiceovers: 1/5 (It's so funny at first how lame the voices are, then it gets boring)
Controls: 4/5
Gameplay: 3/5
Overall: 3/5
Rating: 4,
Useful: 10 / 11
Date: May 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User
PLAYSTATION 2: This review is mostly for fans of the Predator franchise and not particularly to hardcore gamers who find this stuff a breeze. I bought this because a few people said there was a roaming feature which I wanted to just wizz away the time with one of my favorite monsters. I'm not a serious gamer, so I had hoped this sucker would be fun yet still challenging on easy/'unblooded' on the game. HELLO creators...some of us don't want to make a career out of playing these things, we just want to have a little fun, thank you very not. Anyhow, I can't seem to find a roaming feature But lotsa frustration came free of charge.
...Casual gamers take note. I'm literally stuck towards the last quarter of levels at "Ten Thousand Ways To Die" right before the you're sposed to kill the Hooker Boss Lady (Yes, you heard right)....where you start off with full health & energy and *some* weapons. But must progress through, oh five-ish sub-levels with mobs of soldiers with devastating firepower....Police Craft and hidden rocket launching Soldiers shooting at you on each....with only ONE power up (that I've been able to find so far before dying) and near impossible weapons upgrades that you can get to (tucked high up or near a pack of soldiers) if you plan your strategy right...if get mobbed by bullets and die rather quickly. You'll find it takes little firepower from your enemies to bring you down. And as an added frustration: Your enemies many times when it's crucial, can see you WITH your Stealth camo on. That, plus it takes YOU...the Predator, what seems an INSANE amount of wacks to kill your opponents (those who watch the movies will quickly see *this* aspect is nearly ridiculous)...and this doesn't include the Bosses (remember: attack from behind;-) your weapons are useless at the worst times. For can shove your spear thru a person twice, whack them a few times with your arm blades, they'll fall and will soon get up (so don't walk off from Prey until their blip disappears or you'll be sorry). In many instances I'd wondered why the creators of this game made the Predator this weak in comparison to foes. For the challenge, I spose...but sometimes it seemed a bit overkill and really not fun after awhile. Really. And there's NO checkpoints...I haven't seen one yet through this game (nor can you save til a level completes). Plan on redoing a number of levels several times until you figure out how they're laid out. You'll need to especially take note of where the cameras are you're trying to avoid or you'll be redoing things quite get used to using the green colored visor sensor thingy often or
On a good note...some levels are remarkably easy.'ll be saying...'uh...that's it?' Then proceed onto the next level and be stuck there until you're ready to smash the disc into pieces (which is why I gave up for today and decided to write this review:-)
DIALOGUE: At some point your going to think some of the lines are incredibly stupid the fifteenth time around...wait til you here "Sacrifice my Bruddah" over and over in the Voodoo Posse part. You'll be repeating it in your sleep. In the Old Church-Goth-Punk-Concert level (yes, again, you heard right), wait til you hear the Boss dudes endlessly try their best Trent Reznor/Marilyn Manson lines on you. You'll be wanting to 'Kill the Pain (or whatever those lame laments were)" and slit *someone's* wrists if you don't die laughing first. The biggest beef with the dialogue is the amount of profanity. I have no problem with cussing. But on the Hooker/Porno Star-weapons dealer level (Yes...I'm not lying)....I think the schoolgirl looking gunwomen said f** more times than I've said it in my life! And that's pretty impressive cuz me and the F' word are nearly married.
TIMED MISSIONS: Oh...forgot about those. I also forgot about the jumping. Yes...jump around, jump around, jump up and up to get down .'s endless. And I thought American McGee's Alice was a pain. PCJ makes her jumps seem like hopscotch. Remember: If you find you can't figure out where to go...look'll probably hafta jump to get there (*if* you can's also a dark If you like lotsa jumping, this is for you. If you're looking for lotsa combat....well...if you like to jump lots to engage in combat...this is for you.
Well...this sounds like such a ragfest on this game. But I like alot of it, but think it's so inconsistant. With no checkpoints, the levels just drag insanely, though many times you can breeze quickly thru them once they're mentally mapped out. The graphics are gorgeous by the way. The cutscenes are very well done.The Pred never looked better in a game. If you were looking for more free roaming/killing/hunting (the timed Bonus 'Rituals' don't count, as those are basically dash here/dash there before time runs out), then be warned. It's pretty linear so far.
OVERALL: Beautiful looking game. Some levels too easy. Some too hard and too long. And I haven't found a level yet that I'm just dying to replay. Which is sad for a Pred game......but I've replayed Return Of The King and Two Towers mega times....but all this jumping junk just seems to outweigh the combat options so far (Hello creators....Preds don't just jump and stalk for days.....eeeergh!) So dunno once done, how much replay value *this* bugger will have.
So that's it. If you've read this entire manifesto, I hope it's helped.
Predator Concrete Jungle rocks, you guys are oout of your mind!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: June 05, 2006
Author: Amazon User
You guys must be joking. This game rules. I admit the graphics are very cheesy, but hey, graphics aren'y everything! Most of the attacks are pretty funny, but after the first few times they lose that sense. But they are still cool. The weopons are very cool. It has a better "hunting experiance" than my favorite PC game Aliens versus Predator 2: Gold Edition. It is fun, but the predator in first-person was kind of weird. However, Predator Concrete Jungle has a combination of third-person AND first-person is simply awesome. This game is worth the [...] I payed for it. The cloaking field generator and different visual spectrums are beyond those of Aliens versus Predator 2: Gold Edition. THIS GAME IS WORTH BUYING BY FAAARRR!!!!!
If You Ever Wanted To Be A Predator, Here's Your Chance
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: August 19, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Everything that the Predator has done in movies, you can do in this game. And like the movies, there is GORE GALORE. Squeamish, beware! I don't know how young someone should be, to be playing this game, but if you're a parent and you want to know if your kid should play this or not, well a good way to judge is, would you let them go see the movies? Yes there's skinnings and beheadings and all that good stuff ~_^ in the game, and if you're adult like me and that's what you're looking for, it's awesome!
No it's not "free roaming" in the sense that Grand Theft Auto is, so don't expect that; but you certainly ARE allowed to freely ROAM the various levels and choose where to go and who to kill on your various missions. There are unlockables galore (like tons of different predator costumes), different levels of difficulty, a huge assortment of weaponry, etc. and the fun factor is awesome. People seem to be complaining about the graphics but I don't see anything wrong with them...they are sharp and crisp, and nothing is "blocky" (in other words, you don't notice the polygons). On occasion you might fall into a wall (yes, INTO it) or some other slightly glitchy area but nothing where you get stuck. I wasn't overjoyed with the camera angle situation but then again what game like this does have a perfect camera set-up? It's a little annoying but nothing that'll ruin your fun. You can always look around with the HUD-like mode.
If you want a game that gives you the "Yes! I'm a predator!" experience, this is it. It's got everything...even the Alien!! I would suggest (unless you're a major Predator fan and must have a minty copy for your "collection,") trying to find a nice used copy of this game, but it's definitely a keeper.
A complicated "Pred" review
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: June 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I figured I would just put in my 2 cents worth on this one. I am a very big fan of the Predator & Alien series. I was impressed with this game from the start. The Narration is beautifully done. I am not a huge hardcore gamer, I have my collection of PS2 games and this one is a keeper. The graphics are pretty good(the Predator is well detailed, especially in his different array of costumes to choose from.)But the rest of the game is somewhat marred( I did like the nice touch of blood splashing realistically on the camera when you get to flay someone.)I was kinda of hoping the graphics would be a little better in the other environments though.
Game play is neat but lacks reality. The Pred is a powerful beast, but when you get to the later chapters, it seems that the soldiers are impossibly tough(even after taking 5 shots from your plasmacaster.) The bosses are pretty tough but not unbeatable. The chapters range from very easy to ungodly hard. I had to use a cheat code on my Action replay Max just to unlock the beginning of some of these chapters. I still haven't beaten every chapter. The chapter entitled "if it bleeds we can kill it," is an extremely hard level, but for all you Alien fans, they make a cameo appearance. THEY JUST KEEP COMING!!! So plan on doing this level a few times.HINT: use your mines sparingly!!
Dialogue is interesting,but repeats itself constantly. ALOT OF SWEARING! For me, the dialogue was good for a Pred game(Mature rating).Being that I am currently starting preproduction on a independant film, I found some of the dialogue great for certain parts. EXAMPLE: when in a "certain" chapter and confronting a certain boss, She cleverly retorts " say hello to my little FRIENDS."
Overall it is a fairly well done game, but not evened out enough to make it fair to your Predator( reminds me of that D**** AVP movie.) Game play is good in some parts but horrible in others. The controls I thought were good, but could of made it a little more player friendly in first person mode. The camera angles were just plain BAD. They need to work on those for future Pred games. Replay value is moderate, unless you like going around the city and beating up the Jamaican Vodoo Posse all day. It is fun but tires quickly.
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