Below are user reviews of Forever Worlds and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Forever Worlds.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 47)
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Awful! Why didn't I read these reviews before purchasing?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 8 / 8
Date: July 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I honestly don't know why I didn't look at these reviews before I purchased this game. I don't know the technical terms -- (interface?) but simply moving through the game is excruciatingly difficult, and the screen goes to black and you suddenly appear someplace new -- you can't actually see yourself "move." I am a huge fan of Nancy Drew PC games and Syberia I and II. Not only are they fascinating, but it's easy to move through the game -- you don't even think about it. This was a huge struggle, no fun at all, and I was very happy to give up on it.
Save Your Money!!!!!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: July 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is the very worst adventure game I have ever played. SAVE YOUR MONEY! For starters, it does not work on windows 98 unless you run media player first each and everytime. (It took me 5 days to find out how to get it working on my system, no help from the company web site) Second, it is just plain STUPID! The jokes on the game and the free walkthrough are so stupid I had to keep forcing myself to come back and continue to play. The only reason I continued was beacuse I had $20.00 and alot of time wrapped up in this game. If someone offers to give this game to you for free, save yourself the frustration and just refuse the offer. BAD BAD BAD
A Frustrating Game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 6
Date: May 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a very frustrating game. I have a good computer system and have never had the difficulties I encountered playing this game, i.e., very "jerky" maneuvering movements; highly sensitive Navigation Cursor in that you go to another area without wanting to and have to return; "Saved Games" not loading at times; having to reboot due to freezing or blacking out of the scene.
This could be a fun game as the concept and some of the characters are good, particularly the lizards but the frustration is not worth it.
Holy Crap!!!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 6
Date: June 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game sucks worse than any game ever made! I would rather play space invaders on my 80's atari system! I love first person adventure games but damn this was just painful! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! It's stupid! No story that anyone cares about, choppy gameplay and interface, stupid characters, and did I mention the sense of humor? Holy mother of god is the sense of humor bad! Just horribly bad.
And it's also full of bugs. It freezes constantly, jams up your pc, the cursor will stop working for no apparent reason and it's SLOW!!!!! That is if it starts in the first place!!!
Just read this:
The whole system is full of bugs! Do a search for it on google and just read about the problems with it.
The best part of this game was running the uninstall program that came with it.
Mostly what you will get fromn this game is a starting logo, then another starting logo then freeze. I had to cut the power at the wall to restart my pc.
For those of you who are tempted to buy this pathetic pile of dripping snot- you know who you are, you need to know this first-
Game Would Not Save
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: July 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I have two computers and I installed it on each one, after I had problems saving my game on my older computer. For some reason, I cannot save my game at all on the old nor the new computer. I have not reason to play it since I cannot save it. Anyone want to buy it from me?
Don't let the packaging fool you!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 75 / 76
Date: May 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
An old Ross Perot quote pretty much sums up this game: "You're going to hear a giant sucking noise" as you play this game. Whoo, baby, does this game stink! I thought that 'The Crystal Key II' (another recent Dreamcatcher/Adventure Company game) was pretty awful, but I did not know there was a whole other level of bad below that! Holy cow, how does dreck like this manage to get published with such flashy and professional packaging and marketing?
Jeez, where to start? How about with the incredibly bad interface. The game is a standard point-and-click adventure game where you navigate from point to point and then pan around in 360 degree views. Panning requires you to hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse in the direction you want to pan. What is so awful about this interface is that when you have dragged your mouse the entire width of your mousepad, you have only panned about one quarter of way around the view. You then have to lift and reposition your mouse to drag it some more in the direction you are panning! Most games have an option to correct this by letting you set the mouse sensitivity to a speed that you (and your video card) are comfortable with. Is that option available here? NO! Can you pan with your keyboard instead? NO! As a matter of fact there are absolutely NO games options whatsoever! You are stuck with one panning rate, one music volume, one dialog volume (a real shame since the dialog is putrid), get the picture.
Getting an item into your inventory is pretty easy (just click on it), but getting it out is absolutely painful. You first have to click on a screen icon to pull up your inventory list, click on an item to see a larger view of it in the middle of your screen, click on that large image to change your cursor into a representation of that item, and then click on the exit button of the inventory screen. Finally you then have to click on the game spot where you think the item might be useful. Unfortunately, you typically have no clue as to what might work at a specific hot spot, so you end up trying EVERYTHING in your inventory to see if something works (and there is a lot of junk in there sometimes)!
The puzzles of the game are a joke. As a matter of fact, the very first two puzzles you encounter are pretty much the same thing: try to find the correct sequence of clicks to get all the way through the puzzle; if you guess wrong, start over! They don't get much more imaginative beyond that. My game came with a "limited edition" game strategy guide included free. I'm guessing that all of them will come with this guide because, otherwise, nobody will be able to (nor want to) finish this embarrassment.
As a final insult, the developers thought they would try to spice up their incoherent game by adding a lot of humor. Done well, humor can add a very entertaining aspect to an adventure game. The classic Zork games are excellent examples. When done badly, as in this case, it just becomes irritating to the point of distraction. Most of it is just not funny (okay, maybe to a six year old) and does not "fit" in the atmosphere of this game. Jive talking jungle natives? Please.
Again, like Crystal Key II, this looks like the work of an independent game developer who has spent years putting together a workable game using "knives and bearskins". If so, I would have admired the work and enjoyed the game for what it was. Unfortunately, this game was, again, developed by what looks to be a large team (Hexagon). Games like these give the game genre, which I love the most, a huge black eye and are probably the reason why so many people get turned off by adventure games. What a shame, because there are some really good ones out there. Unfortunately, you have to dig through a lot of dung like this to find it. Avoid this game.
Save your money unless they come out with a patch
Rating: 1,
Useful: 22 / 23
Date: August 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game has done nothing but misbehave. First it did not want to load my saved game so I started over again. Second time around it was OK. Then the game blacked out on me at the same point every time, I uninstalled and installed again but the same thing kept happening. The Adventure Company has no on-line help, you have to e-mail them. I could not find a patch either. I am probably going to e-mail them to see what happens but basically I have written it off. I have all the requirements needed according to the box(XP etc.).
The little I played was disappointing and very confusing, the best thing they could do was to give a solution guide along so you can check if you are really just confused or does the game go somewhere?? I never got past the 2nd chapter so who knows?? Graphics are very cartoon like but then I am used to Myst, Syberia and other top of the line games. I could live with that if other features would make up for it, but that is not the case.
Writing that makes you wish you were in Soviet Russia
Rating: 1,
Useful: 21 / 21
Date: April 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Oh man, where do I begin? First of all, I have never written an amazon review. Reason being that I am usually pretty indifferent, or i should say on the level and feel that the customer can choose for him or herself without listening to my opinion which is many time different from theirs anyway. However, this game was so utterly and painfully terrible that I feel it my duty .... no, my crusade, my jihad, my mission and my ka to warn anyone, ANYONE no matter your usual preference of games to avoid this embarressmet at all costs. Do not take this game even if someone offers YOU 20 bucks to take it off their hands. This curse, this abomination may quiet possibly signal the doom of mankind and any further intelligent thinking on the part of mankind. The writing is terrible on such a level that I felt sick listening to the dialog .... which is impossible to turn down other than adjusting you own speaker volume because this game offers absolutely no game options what so ever. I am one of the few people who still love playing adventure games and i state this so no one gets the imppression that i am a first person shooter who's first forray into adventure gaming was this. I play adventure games for story, writing and thinking .... this monstrosity of a game gets a F in every category. I'm serious, do not waste your money on this game, do not waste your time or even 2-3 days of your life on this game .... go outside and feed bread crumbs to ducks or drill an enormous hole straight through your eyeball, just do not play this game. It is a curse that will stay with you. After witnessing this you will never ever buy an adventure again without first reading 30 reviews at least. After playing this game, which i might add I did not have the stomach to complete, I now no longer believe that mankind as a whole is evolving upwards toward some form of perfection. I now believe that we are de-volving at an unparrelled rate and that soon we will be swinging from trees again or living in caves drawing stick figures of deer and bears and such and calling those stick figures works of unriveled artistry. Please, unless you are considering all the pros of tolitarian censorship, then avoid this game as if it were a rampaging rabid grizzley in heat.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 17 / 21
Date: August 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Had a heck of a time trying to run it on XP which only added to the unavoidable realization that this "adventure game" is a complete waste of a person's time and energy. I couldn't tell you much in the way of storyline because my computer would freeze up every 10 sec. I gave up trying to go past the 1st chapter. Who needs this aggravation. Root canal is more pleasant.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: July 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User
My boyfriend and I played this game together. When we finished we sat and looked at each other with "deer-caught-in-the headlights" looks on our faces. The game comes with a walkthrough: it has to because you would never know what was going on without it. The puzzles make no sense, the story makes no sense, the ending, especially the ending MAKES NO SENSE. Then there is the horrible, want-to-poke-your-eyeball-out-with-a-spoon HUMOR. I gave this game 1 star because you can't give no stars.
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